

"Annnnhh~ I am... Cummmmmminnng~" Derein moaned loudly in pleasure as she released a fountain of cum from her pussy and as soon as she did, Anon turned her pussy towards Arthur's face.


"How do you like it Arthur? I bet you are tasting your wife's cum for the very first time right ? Because you never made her cum... Haha..." Anon spoke as he laughed.

"I... Will Kill You... with my own hands." Arthur spoke as he looked at Anon with a very angry expression.

"Well, Try your best." Anon spoke as he slapped Derein's ass.


"Annnnh~" Derein Moaned and squirted more cum over Arthur's face.


"Your wife is squirting on your face and look... I am not holding her ass now. She is doing it on her own..." Anon whispered into Arthur's ear as he removed his hands from Derein's ass.

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