
Chapter 8

The documents consist of all of Risha's report cards and birth certificate, as well as several other important documents. One of the documents is a photo of Risha taken during today's class in the classroom. Along with the documents, there is a letter that reads: 'Make sure to check your surroundings from today on. You never know when I might come for you, my little bird.' The letter is a bit unsettling, leaving Risha feeling nervous and unsure about what it could mean.

Risha decided to hunt that man before that man hunt her .Risha mom and Risha were shocked by the contents of the package they received, which included all of Risha's important documents and a photo taken during a recent class at school. The accompanying letter, which read 'Make sure to check your surroundings from today on. You never know when I might come for you, my little bird,' left them feeling uneasy and threatened. Determined to find the person responsible before they could harm her.

Risha decided to take a few days off from school in order to search for clues and see if the person would send any more packages or letters. She hoped that by staying at home and keeping an eye out for any suspicious activity, she might be able to gather more information about the person who was threatening her. Risha's mom also tried to report the letter to the police, but they dismissed it as a case of a boy with a crush on Risha. However, both Risha and her mom knew that this was not a simple matter and couldn't be ignored.

As Risha examined the boxes and the letters more closely, she noticed that the paper and wax seals were of high quality. They were not the type of paper that could be easily purchased at any ordinary stationary store. This led her to believe that the person who sent the packages had access to more specialized or exclusive materials. She decided to visit a few different stationary stores in the hopes of finding a match for the paper and wax seals, hoping that this might provide a clue as to the identity of the person who had threatened her.

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