
A Deadly Alliance…

The monster in the dark listened to the story of his underling intently.

Even though he was an abomination now, he was still in possession of a scary amount of his intellect.

Enough of it to recognize when something smelled fishy.

And this story about a being by the lake was just that.

"Trap… Shut the door now." he ordered. 

At his behest, the three strongest looking abominations closed the doors and left the rest of the army outside. 

Shuffling could be heard within the darkness as the abomination king started to look for something among the piles of garbage.

His thick, mottled green hands finally landed on something that didn't fit in with the surroundings.

A futuristic looking silver rectangle, with a keypad and a blue reflective lens.

The abomination king punched in a set of numbers and waited for what felt like a long time.

Eventually, a trill sound rang out and a hologram popped up.

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