
Mist & Shadow

"Absolutely fucking not." Luna denied. 

Malachi would be lying if he said he wasn't expecting that reaction, but just this once he was hoping to be wrong about something. 

"I promised the girls that I wouldn't let you do anything strenuous today." Luna reminded. "Your body is still banged up."

Bianca and Aisha looked at Mal a bit closer and realized that he did indeed look a little skinnier than before. 

"It won't be anything major, love." Malachi said with a smile. "I just want to try out a few new party tricks."

Luna always did soften up a bit whenever Mal called her anything other than her name, and her firm resolution began to crack. 

"I-I said no! Don't be hardheaded!"

Like a shark that smelled blood, Malachi knew that Luna was on the verge of giving in, and he moved in for the kill.

With soundless steps, Malachi made his way towards Luna and slipped his arms around her waist. 

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