

ARABBIT was the only one who had placed an order; others had only commented and condemned her shop for pricing her products higher, but she didn't take them seriously.

ARABBIT had already paid, and all that remained was for her to complete the order. Fortunately, everything had already been planned, so all she had to do was call Alice and tell her to get ready for the order.

In fact, she gave Alice the login information so that she could monitor and manage the business page.

She will check the page from time to time but will not be in charge of it.

Alice was overjoyed to receive this honor; she had worked hard to get to where she is now. Alice attended a prestigious university in Belmore, which was a great honor for her and her family.

A reputable company recruited her after graduating with honors, where she worked for several years. Because she didn't have a backer, she was frequently bullied, and her credits were taken by those who could.

After standing up for herself, Alice provoked someone she shouldn't have. In the end, she was bullied, framed, and fired from her job with her tail tucked between her legs.

Because she was working for a reputable company and was fired for misconduct, Alice found it extremely difficult to find a good job that matched her qualifications.

Alice was forced to do various odd jobs, but she never gave up. She needed money and needed to support her family, so she wasn't going to give up just because things were different.

Her life abruptly changed when her younger brother called to tell her that the cursed farm had been purchased and reopened. The famous farm appeared to have received a blessing and was flourishing.

The owner was looking for villagers and invited her to come and try her luck. Alice was initially skeptical, but she decided to give it a shot. When she got the job, it wasn't as a supervisor, but she began working in the poultry department.

And when the factory was finished, and the machines were installed, she decided to try her luck, and she was one of the fortunate ones. Her knowledge and abilities won Sarah over.

Alice had dabbled with selling things online on her own, so this job was a breeze, and since it involved selling products she had worked hard on for months, she was eager to accept the position.

After Sarah delegated the job to Alice, she was free to devote her time to other tasks, such as completing the system missions.

Sarah worked out, ate breakfast, and then went to check on the factory, greenhouse, and vegetable garden.

Alice also delivered the package to ARABBIT and signed a contract with the delivery company because they will be doing this in the future.

Sarah didn't forget to apply or to put O'Neal's name on the list of admitted students at Belmore. In other words, O'Neal will be joining the rest of the students at a school in less than two weeks, and there is still a lot to be done.

O'Neal, on the other hand, was worried because, despite the fact that Sarah had brought him home, she had never touched him or attempted to be intimate with him. He was worried that his secret had turned her off, and he was terrified.

He didn't want to be left out by her; he wanted her by his side. She was his light and glory, and he would do anything to have her with him.

'Is it because I'm dirty that she won't touch me? Does she treat me like a child?'

While he was preoccupied with this, Sarah was busy preparing herself. She had been a vegetarian for three years and was desperate for some meat.

It was torturous for her to be in that club for two months and still refuse to have sexual relations with anyone. She didn't want to get too used to it because she was afraid of becoming addicted to it and hurting her lover in the process.

Jackie called her while she was getting ready for a special night and began praising the premium cream to the heavens.

She didn't forget to tell her about how she shared the link with her other friends and how they will be purchasing from her soon.

Sarah was happy to hear this and spoke with Jackie briefly before hanging up.

Sarah browsed the system shop, and since she was preparing for a special night with O'Neal, she decided to spend her few lust points on a few items that would make the young man crazy.

She was very satisfied when she was finished, and a sly grin appeared on her face as she looked at the items she had purchased.

Sarah later joined O'Neal for supper, and they had a quiet meal together.

Sarah wasn't in the mood to watch TV after supper and simply told O'Neal to come to the fourth floor later.

Sarah walked away from the stunned O'Neal, who later processed what he had just heard.

'Ahh, young men these days,' Frank shook his head at the shy O'Neal, 'Heh, heh, I can already imagine how excited he will be tonight.'

After giving the order some thought, O'Neal quickly made his way up to the third floor and began preparing.

'She's really going to... ahhhhhh!'

Sarah was relaxing in the tub on the fourth floor, which was filled with warm water, herbs, and scented bath salts.

She got out of the tub after a much-needed relaxing bath and dried her body with a dry towel before slipping on the red lingerie she had purchased from the system earlier.

She didn't even apply the beauty cream to her skin. What is the point of doing that when the bodies will soon be sweating?

Sarah began to light the scented candles in order to create a romantic atmosphere that would set the mood. After all, the first night should be special, and she wanted it to be one to remember.

There will be others in the future, so she wanted to make O'Neal feel special and secure in his position before that happens.

No matter who comes after him, O'Neal will always be the boy she chose from the start, and no one can change that.

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