
After The Incident In Edenis Raphiel

"Princess, the Heads of the Houses are back! But something happened!"

"Something happened?" Celeste asked, a bit apprehensive.

August nodded with a frustrated look. "Y-Yes… Lady Melfina…"

"...!" Celeste widened her eyes and quickly exited the room.

I followed after her with a serious gaze.

Celeste's face was filled with worry as she hurried down the corridor. The further we advanced, the more knights and maids of the palace we saw whispering among themselves. Upon seeing Celeste, they quickly bowed, but she paid no heed to them.

What does it mean, 'Something happened'?

Did something go wrong during their meeting in Edenis Raphiel?

Did they argue with the representatives from Edenis Raphiel, and did a fight break out?

I knew that Sancta Vedelia and Edenis Raphiel had always hated each other, each side trying to prove their superiority, but this seemed a bit exaggerated…

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