
[Event] [Activity Clubs] [8] Air-Bike Race


'Please Cleenah, don't talk about what happened.'

I cut off Cleenah.

I knew she was worried about my reaction to Simon; she even tried to stop me, but I don't know why I couldn't stay silent.


I didn't feel a single remorse about my words earlier.


I should stop thinking about what happened with Simon; I am tired enough already.

I had just registered, so the next one was the last club I had to join.

Jayden and the others should be on their way or already there.


All the worst characters were gathered in the last club, and it will without doubt drain all my energy.



It's here…

The sound of vibrating engines echoed.

I could hear the erupting crowd from where I was.

"Kyaaa! Prince Alfred!"

"Lord John is so dreamy…"

"Scary, you mean? I prefer Ronald."

"I-I think I will join this club!"

"For why?"

"I like bikes-"

"Yeah, and I am the Queen of the Kingdom."

Entering the small tunnel, I heard the screams of girls and boys;

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