
Chapter 31: Their Empire. (Part 3)

The door opened without a knock and in burst Marley. For a moment I was convinced it was her but that was impossible. She looked exactly the same right down to the same garbs. It was scarily convincing.

"Marley you made it," I stood up and greeted her.

"Sorry it took so long for me to get here," she huffed annoyed. "This place is huge."

"Don't worry about it, now come here and give me a hug," I reached towards her and opened my arms. Taylor was able to hold onto her poker face as I embraced the girl. She didn't hold back and gave me a warm reply. I confirmed it then, the ever so slight flow of mana. Whoever this was she was a skilled spy.

"It's been a while," she let go and smiled brightly.

"How was your trip?" I asked.

"Boring mostly. The Empire is nice but there was nothing to do on the way over," she laughed. "Also the food sucked. Next time take me with you." Her light complaints and comments were incredibly accurate. If anything it was only that initial hug that was out of character for her. The actual Marley would have been a little awkward but this one was natural.

"You remember Jane right?" I gestured to where Caius stood against the wall.

"Of course I do," she lied perfectly. "How have you been?"

"Same old same old," Caius grinned. "So Rain, what are we going to do from here?"

Fake Marley interjected, "We're waiting for Lara and Ronalt right?"

"Depends, are we secure?" I ignored her and looked to the others.

"I've made this space my own," Caius nodded.

"Okay then," I stepped away from the confused fake Marley as Taylor stepped forward. What was she planning? I was going to have Caius jump her but it seemed she had her own ploys.

She held her hand lightly, "Marley, it has been a long time and once more I must ask you. It may be sudden but, will you marry me?"

I choked on nothing, not being able to hold back my surprise. Was she crazy? I mean I know she was playing around but I didn't expect that at all.

"Eh?" the fake Marley was stunned. Her composure had been torn apart. "B-but I thought you loved Rain…."

"It's true I love him, but the nights we shared together I can't forget them," she drew Marley closer. "Rain and I talked about it. If it's you… we can all be together."

"I-I...," her eyes began to swim not sure how to react. Well on that part the actual Marley would be incredibly confused as well. "I-if you'll have me."

"And I'm done," Taylor stepped back and winked "Thanks for being a good sport but I've promised myself to only one man."

"Wait, you-," the fake Marley tried to step forward only to fall, her hands and feet bound by a dark rope. "When did you?"

"Even the best spy can lose focus when distracted," Taylor simply smiled. "Caius if you'd be so kind."

He narrowed his gaze but did as asked dispelling the disguise. The fake Marley's face morphed, becoming older and sharper in comparison to the seemingly innocent girl. Still they were quite similar and aside from that, her body, hair colour and height were practically spot on.

"So who are you?" I asked with a false smile. "Empire, Imperium, hired help?"

The tied women glared at me but said nothing.

Caius answered for her, "She's Imperium. Her mana reeks of it."

"What do you want to do with her?" Earnest asked.

"Well I just wanted to see what the Empire were playing at when they said they had Marley. I guess we could ask her a few questions," I squatted beside her. "Care to answer?"

"All hail the Imperium," she spat in my face.

I stood back up, "We don't have time for this. Caius you know what to do."

"Of course," he picked up the Imperium women by the back of the head. Dark tendrils of mana spread from his fingers into her skull as her mouth and eyes shot open silently screaming. Seconds later he dropped her to the floor where she laid unconscious.

"What did you do?" Earnest asked more curious than anything.

"A simple search," I answered as Caius sorted out what he had obtained. "It's not a magic you should use much but don't worry, she's still alive. In a few weeks she'll be fine… or at least for their standards."

Caius picked at the black tendrils in his hands letting them pass through his head, "She didn't know much, a slave to the Imperium if anything. However I have confirmed your friend's location. As for the Hero she is being prepared to face us."

"And that's our cue to keep going," I checked the time by looking outside. The sky was already darkening. "Caius, Earnest, we're going in quietly but quickly. Though if we get in a fight, no need to hold back. Taylor watch our backs. Are you ready?"

"I've been waiting," Earnest grinned and clicked his sword so it sat loosely in its sheath.

"Lead the way," I opened the door. Earnest made a small bow and ran form the room, his steps silent. We followed quickly bypassing the servants in the corridor. With a quick and perfect swing, Earnest rendered the two knights unconscious and we ran towards the dungeon already knowing the way. The palace staff we passed by fell to the floor as Caius moped up the remains. The longer we stayed undetected the better.

Our speed didn't slow as we reached the gardens and Earnest jumped straight to the row of knights guarding the building housing Ronalt. He broke them apart, few of them being able to react in time to draw their weapons.

As the last body fell, he stood guard by the wide entrance, "Go."

"Remember Earnest, run if you see her," I yelled back as we passed him.

He laughed, "I know."

I rushed down the stairs with Caius. He blew away the knights who had come up to investigate and pushed ahead casually. While I had problems with his personality and current lifestyle choices, I had to admit I did miss when I was that powerful. It was effort and experience built up to their maximal values from repeated deaths and the reward was worth it as I could see clearly in front of me. A simple wave and he knocked men twice his size away, if he was cut within seconds it would heal. Adding the fact I couldn't die, if it wasn't for the Hero, I really might have conquered the world. Now however I was glad I was put in my place. While I was Caius I was never truly happy and even now I could see his mind churning, wondering what would come. A hope to a better life fuelled from the memories of my own.

We reached the bottom uninjured. Taylor was somewhere else now, sneaking where she could keep an eye on us and making sure Marley and Ardent were ready for their turn. I moved forward alone and to the barred off cell where Ronalt clung to life. We had arrived later this time and it was clear that during that period he hadn't been cared for. His body was pale and greying. The thick black metal spikes piercing his body vibrated with an ominous hum. The light in his eyes however hadn't faded.

I drew a vial from my pocket. Made from some of the most rare and expensive ingredients it was known as the Goddess' Mix able to revitalize a person instantly. If we wanted to make it out of here alive, Ronalt would need it.

"Try not to scream," I gripped the metal spikes and wrenched them from his back. The sound was horrendous and blood immediately flowed from the wound as Ronalt groaned in pain and shock. I quickly pulled the next one out and turned him over to shove the gold liquid into his mouth. "Don't spit it out, it's expensive."

He coughed as the vial came to an end. Moments later his eyes lit up and colour returned to his skin. A shock ran through his body causing him to arch and convulse.

He shot up, "Urgh that felt horrible."

"Good that means it's working," I tapped him on the back and helped him up. "Sorry it took so long to save you."

"No, I'm glad you came at all," he shook his head. "Rain, they took Lara."

"I know," I responded wryly. "First we need to get out of here. How do you feel?"

"I haven't been better in days," he flexed his muscles. "I feel almost 100%."

"Great because I don't have many of those. More importantly can you fight?" I pushed a sword into his hands. "We're not in the best position."

"Are we escaping?"

"Yes, for now at least," I pulled him outside. "Lara is being controlled by the Empire and she's out to kill us. Trust me when I say she can and easily. This isn't the place to face her."

"I understand," he nodded solemnly. "Coming here to save me was a great risk to- Demon Lord!"

"Whoa!" I grabbed on to him as he dragged me a far distance trying to strike at Caius. "Hold on! Don't, he's a friend."

"I see you haven't explained yet," Caius looked at the two of us indifferently.

"Rain, what is he talking about?" Ronalt broke free from me still glaring at the blue haired demon.

I paused for a moment thinking what the best way to describe it was, "Sparing details, he's teaming up with us to stop Lara."

"Can we trust him?" Ronalt hesitantly pulled back his sword.

"Yes," I replied seriously.

"Then I'll trust you," his glare on Caius didn't let up.

Caius began to walk towards the stairs, "If you're done, I believe we have an escape to undergo. I'd prefer not to fight the Hero here."

"Get ready Ronalt, we're running," I drew my own sword in preparation and headed up the stairs.

We cleared the dungeon and came to the open Garden. A few more guards had come since and a dull alarm was being rung in the background. Earnest sat on the edge of a statue overseeing the scenery of unconscious bodies.

He stood as he noticed us, "Ronalt, looks like you're well."

"Thanks to Rain," he nodded in reply.

I called out to the open air, "Taylor where are we heading?"

She appeared next to us and gestured for us to follow, "This way." As we ran she continued, "They've noticed us and are preparing to send Lara. We're going to try avoid her." We cut through the Palace interior jumping through corridors and windows as Taylor showed her acrobatic prowess. For Ronalt especially it was a strain as the large man forced himself through the smaller gaps. As difficult as it was, the most we ran into was the surprised Palace worker. The fact that Taylor had been able to get this route in such short notice reminded me just how good of a thief she was.

"Watch the drop we're almost there!" Taylor yelled encouragingly and jumped out a readily opened window. I followed her blindly as the ground beneath lowered several stories. Ronalt and Earnest landed sturdily absorbing the force while Caius glided down. As I prepared to feel the brunt of the fall, Taylor turned and caught me, lowering me to the ground in a swift motion.

"Appreciated," I nodded to her and she winked in reply.

The problem now however was the open lawn of finely cut grass. Aside from flower beds and the occasional piece of art there was nowhere to take cover and it wasn't too long till we heard it.

"Over there!" a voice yelled and we sped forwards as the sound of marching knights chased after us.

Taylor skidded around the corner and we quickly followed. In a small nook hidden from sight was Ardent, Marley and our carriage.

"Please tell me you're done," I huffed tiredly.

"Final touches," Ardent replied while hastily trying to finish the circuit he was drawing.

"Caius stand guard, Ronalt, Earnest back him up," I ordered them and went to the circuit. My back turned I heard the sound of an explosion followed by the screams of men. The clink of armour falling to the ground soon followed. I ignored it all. "Ardent what do you need?"

"1 minute," he replied sternly.

"Let's halve that," I cut into my arm and used my blood to write in the unfinished parts.

Ardent didn't stop but looked at me, "You'll take the brunt as well."

"I know," I continued to work and inlaid the mana needed, my heart throbbing with a tense pain. For me the seconds passed quickly but for the other standing nearby, it was a strain to say the least.

"Come on!" Marley yelled in panic.

"Done," I finished my section at the same time as Ardent.

"Good because she's here," Taylor landed beside me from her over watching position.

"Ardent charge it!" I lit up the few bags of powder on my waist and threw it past where Caius, Ronalt and Earnest were fending the guards. An explosion resounded sending thick white smoke ahead of them. "Let's go!" They retreated quickly.

That's when we felt it. A power stronger than the others. It was cold like ice but burnt with an unnatural heat. A spear of light shot through the cloud of smoke. Ronalt turned to deflect it from his body, his sword shattering on impact barely able to turn its path as it dug into his leg instead of his heart. Earnest grabbed him as he fell, dragging him the last few steps towards where the circuit began to shine. Caius stood at its edge, his hand extended as suddenly the smoke was blown away revealing Lara. Like last I had seen her, her eyes and expression were emotionless as if replaced by a machine. Her steps were hollow and without a single doubt she fired her magic to kill us. A torrent of fire lapped around us, licking at the edges of the barrier Caius held. He frowned as cracks began to stretch across the air. Just as it shattered Ardent clapped his hands releasing a boom of power. The world twisted.

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