

A vast and spacious area expanded from the end of the caves path. Viscous slime covered the walls and dripped onto the floor while strange looking pods slowly expanded and retracted in a rhythmic pattern.

All throughout the empty space, cracks in the floor and walls released a subtle green glow, enough to banish the darkness that haunted this space. Every so often one of the pods burst open to reveal a small six-legged creature.

Soaked in slime and unknown fluids, the newly born Arachnid peeled its eyes open and struggled to move its limbs. It spread its mouth and released a low and monotone screech.

The noise continued to get louder and louder until a spear came crashing down and tore through the Arachnid's lips, piercing its skull and killing it in an instant.

"God these are ******* gross." Emma ripped her spear from the Arachnid's corpse and whipped it to the side, sending whatever blood was on her spear to the side.

Emma approached another pod and, without hesitation, slid her spear into black ball until her soul confirmed the Arachnid's death.

"Who knew abortion was this easy." She brandished her spear again.

Emma pushed deeper into the cave, taking her time to slaughter each and every egg she came across. Some she pierced, others she slashed, when she was bored Emma would lift the pod into the air and throw it against the wall.

She used the blood splatter to decorate her surroundings, she was already close to covering one of the walls in its entirety. She turned down a new corridor and ducked beneath a small gap in the wall, breaking into a separate cave system all together.

She squeezed between a gap and emerged in a ravine. The ceiling was pushed up insanely high and through the ravine she could see multiple different pathways, each leading to another location within the caves.

Up above, a group of Arachnids carefully watched Emma. It had been three days at this point. For three days Emma has aimlessly roamed the caves and mindlessly slaughtered anything that moved in her vicinity.

Arachnids, Prowlers, Huntsman's, they all equally fell before her spear without an opportunity for retaliation. She had become the monster in these caves and the local beasts knew it.

Emma stopped. She let her eyes wander around the ravine. Her head turned and followed the multiple paths around her, she could smell them.

The Arachnid's carried with them a unique smell, a type of foul and malodorous scent that stung the nostrils, especially the newborns. The slight burn that came with their scent originated from the gelatinous secretion found in the creature's pods and Emma's grown far too familiar with it.

She looked up and caught the slight movement of one of the Arachnids.

"There you are!" She shouted just before launching into the air.

Emma's Gift was called Boost and it allowed her to multiply the velocity of objects in motion, which included herself. It took a few weeks of practice, but if Emma activates Boost on herself the moment she jumps, before gravity pulls her body back down, she could essentially super jump.

Emma soared thirty feet in the air and caught the ledge of the corridor the Arachnids were hiding in. Most likely afraid and confused, the Arachnids ran forward and tried to attack Emma's hand, hoping to drop her back into the ravine.

But Emma's other hand was free and with it she pierced the chests of the Arachnid's one after another with her spear, the lot of them tumbling over until they fell over into the ravine themselves.

Emma pulled herself up and looked over the edge. The six Arachnid's lay sprawled on the floor, their limbs twisted and cracked in unnatural ways and blood pooled together beneath them. And then they vanished, returned to the state of essence they were born in.

Emma paused and observed her soul.

"Only sixty-four to go." She mumbled to herself before turning down the corridor the Arachnids emerged from.

She ran for a while and eventually found herself in another open space, although this time the large and ravenous cavern was occupied.

Countless heads turned towards her, but Emma didn't stop. She wound her arm back and activated her Gift.

"Times four!" She yelled and then released the spear.

Like a bullet, the spear tore through the air in an instant. It violently ripped through the eye of an Arachnid and continued soaring until it pierced another three Arachnids.

Emma charged into the swarm of Arachnids, a smile plastered on her face. She slightly multiplied her jump once more and burst above the Arachnids.

She pushed her feet into one of the monster's faces and hopped from head to head across the swarm of bodies until she made it to her spear. She retrieved her weapon and immediately slammed it into the skull of the Arachnid she was standing on.

"I think this is it!" She shouted in joy.

Almost like she was playing golf, Emma hopped from Arachnid to Arachnid and swung beneath her, cracking the heads of many of the Arachnids and slicing their brains to mince meat.

She soon ran out of bodies to hop from and returned to the stone floor, surrounded by Arachnids, the situation looked bleak. Emma tucked her spear beneath her armpit and firmly gripped it.

"God I hate this move." She groaned.

Emma activated Boost and began spinning in a circle. She spun faster and faster until the tip of her spear blurred out of reality and only a streak of silver remained.

The Arachnid's, mostly mindless and dull creatures, continued to approach the raging whirlwind that was Emma. First it was a couple of knicks, not enough to kill any of the Arachnids, but then they collapsed into her.

Bodies separated, limbs flew across the room, and blood painted the ceiling. Emma's spear easily sliced through the bones and muscles of the Arachnids until nothing was left. Cubes of hairy meat littered the floor in addition to decapitated heads and body-less arms.

Emma stopped spinning. She plunged her spear into the stone and collapsed to her knees.

"I'm gonna fu—" Stomach acid filled Emma's mouth as she hurled onto the ground.

"Jesus Chr—" More puke erupted from Emma's bowls.

Emma fell backwards and laid on the blood soaked floor. Her head was still spinning, but it was something she could manage.

In the quiet cave she found herself in, Emma tried her best to pull herself together. She summoned her soul core and gleefully waited for her advancement.

[Soul Saturation: 1000/1000]

[Requirements Fulfilled]

[Soul Core Beginning Evolution]

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