
Chapter 205

After returning to the FOB, leaving the breach, and discussing the matter with Nezu, Izuku, fitted with a GPS tracker, flew the more than 7,500km between Wamdu's breach and Japan in just under an hour and a half. He could have gotten there even faster, but as he surpassed Mach 5, he went from icing over to heating up, requiring him to ascend progressively higher until he could see the earth's curvature. 

Fortunately, as his suit was made from the same materials as Toshinori's, Izuku didn't have to worry too much about catching fire or freezing. The main reason he ascended was because he couldn't see with a literal cone of flames obscuring his vision, so it was impossible to navigate. He didn't have an intuitive sense of where things were located, so without a GPS or ascending to the point where he could make out the outline of continents, he had no idea where he was going...




Touching down directly on top of UA, Izuku plopped onto his ass and lay with his arms and legs sprawled. It was a blessing that he still had access to Float, but like most emission-type Quirks, it took a tremendous amount of stamina to keep active. It was no wonder Nana was in such remarkable shape while she was alive as the Quirk effectively required the user to flex their entire body, with greater speeds requiring stronger muscles.

"You need to exercise more," said a familiar voice, causing Izuku to open his eyes and meet the gaze of the chocolate-skinned bunny girl that was standing over him in casual winter clothes, sucking on a lollipop.

Instead of pointing out that he could benchpress a 200,000kg locomotive if he wanted to, Izuku adopted a smile and surprised Rumi by drawing her consciousness into his 'dreamscape.' She was surprised at first, but after nearly a full day of making out, having sex inside, and simply lazing about, she blinked back to awareness in reality, placing her hand on her stomach as she remarked, "Oh, wow...I still feel horny, but it's a lot less severe than it was before. That's going to be useful."

Raising himself using Float, Izuku responded, "Yeah. It can't do much about 'physiological' cravings, but it's useful for appeasing the mental component of a person's instincts. It's fortunate that I have a Perk like Eidetic Memory because I'm going to be getting a lot of use out of that space in the future..."

"That's for sure," said Rumi, half-turning as if she was preparing to leap from the roof. Before she could, Izuku wrapped his arms around her and held her silently. He and Rumi had plenty of time to chat about what had transpired in the Pacific, but while the dreamscape perfectly reproduced physical sensations, he didn't want her to go without embracing her real body and gently cradling her belly.

"You're such a sentimental dork..." muttered Rumi, disentangling herself from Izuku's arms after several minutes. Then, before casually stepping backward off the roof, she said, "Now, run home and deal with that mom of yours. She lost of freakin' mind when she heard you were in a coma and nearly kicked the bucket."

Without waiting for Izuku's response, Rumi plunged from the room with her hands in the front pockets of her jacket. Falling from such a height would kill or seriously injure a Quirkless person, but Rumi touched down silently and without damaging the concrete below. Her thighs bulged to nearly twice their usual size for a brief moment, but the more significant phenomenon was that the inertia from her sudden stop and the force of her landing was functionally neutralized by her Thunderous Thighs Perk, almost as if to mock the existence of physical laws.

Looking up to meet Izuku's gaze, Rumi grinned and made a peace sign before bolting off toward the staff housing. Had he been on the ground, it would have looked like she vanished into thin air, but because he had an overhead perspective, Izuku was able to follow Rumi's movements as she crossed hundreds of meters within seconds. Then, as he imagined Inko was beside herself with worry, Izuku promptly vanished from the view of Kaina, who had been observing him from several kilometers away through her scope...




[November 19th, 2149]

Though he would usually wait for Inko to rouse him with a blowjob when they slept together, Izuku opened his eyes at the same time as the green-haired beauty and just 'vibed' for several minutes. They had naturally had sex after he returned and got her to stop stressing out, but afterward, the two of them spent more than three months together in the dreamscape, a period spanning only six and a half hours in reality.

"It doesn't feel like we've woken up.." muttered Inko, a bit disconcerted by the fact there were no notable differences between the room Izuku had created for them in the dreamscape and the one they had awoken in. Well, there was one, but Inko felt a feeling of incongruence as, within the dreamscape, she hadn't been pregnant and had no obligations outside of simply coexisting with Izuku. It was like heaven, and now they were back in a reality where he could die at any moment...

"But this is where we belong..." muttered Izuku, gently caressing Inko's stomach as his morning wood nestled between her ass cheeks. He also felt like the dreamscape was a paradise, but as tempting as it was to stay inside, he knew it wasn't truly living. Life might suck at times, but if you never experienced challenges or uncertainties, it was frighteningly easy to lose your sense of purpose...




After making love to Inko and entrusting her to Nemuri, Izuku made his way to Nezu's office, his eyes widening when he entered a secretive side chamber and found the rodent-like man running on an oversized hamster wheel, his body covered in dozens of electrodes as machines monitored and quantified his results in real-time.

"Sorry for meeting you like this. I only get so much time to exercise each day, but I didn't want to have you wait," said Nezu, smiling relaxedly as he maintained a 'jogging' pace of 45km/h. His Level had increased to 88, so while most of his parameters were heavily outweighed by his Intelligence and Luck, his Agility had increased to 64. More notably, at least to Izuku, he had many of the same Skills as Rebecca, indicating he had deliberately honed them by entering Labyrinth-type breaches...


Name: [Subject 301]

Title: World's Greatest Wingman(Intelligence+300)

Quirk: High Spec

Bond Level: 83

Current Level: 88

Effective Level: 240


Strength: 23

Agility: 64

Vitality: 204

Intelligence: 1,383

Dexterity: 103

Luck: 630

Free Attributes: 0


[Parallel-Processing], [Keen Senses], [Mana Detection]


[Read], [Falsify], [Stealth], [Auto-Mapping], [Sense Trap], [Sense Treasure], [Resource Detection], [Monster Magnet]


"It's not a problem," replied Izuku, smiling as he added, "If anything, I'm relieved to see Sensei so enthusiastic. It gives me hope that the situation isn't 'completely' fucked..."


Following his light-hearted chuckle, Nezu hopped off his treadmill, taking a long swig from a sports bottle before adopting a serious expression and stating, "To be completely honest, I haven't been. My sub-par Bond Level should have made it clear I didn't fully trust you, but now that things have reached this point, I plan to be as forthcoming with you as my intrinsically skeptical nature permits."

Instead of asking what Nezu hadn't been honest about, Izuku responded with an affirming nod, his expression equally serious as he waited to hear what the former had to say. Fortunately, Nezu didn't beat around the bush any longer, revealing, "The Hero Public Safety Commission has had an Agent keeping tabs on the Meta-Liberation Army and tracking the League of Villains for some time. However, as the MLA has the backing of a major political party and several affluent figures, the Central Government and the leaders of the HPSC have been reluctant to take action against them. After all, it's not 'illegal' to believe a certain way, and the MLA hasn't taken any overt action to overthrow the government."

Closing his eyes and taking a steadying breath through his nose, Izuku resisted the urge to demand where the MLA and League were located so he could storm them himself. He also didn't 'disagree' with Nezu when he said people were allowed to think whatever they wanted. The only reason he felt otherwise was because he knew what the MLA was like behind the scenes. But the fact remained that a crime wasn't a crime until planned or perpetrated. Even Sir Nighteye needed substantive proof of the crimes he witnessed to acquire a warrant, so Nezu couldn't simply ask the HPSC to take action because they 'might' instigate a global conflict.

Waiting until Izuku had organized his thoughts and opened his eyes to meet his gaze, Nezu revealed, "Originally, the HPSC was planning to take action around the end of March. Now, though it isn't exactly in the holiday spirit, they're planning to conduct their raid on the 26th of December."

"The 26th of December...?" Izuku parroted, his expression one of utter disbelief as he needlessly pointed out, "That's more than a month from now..."

"I'm well aware," replied Nezu, placing his hands behind his back and smiling as he explained, "But the thing about our mutual enemy is that he has a flair for the dramatic. Once he learns of the HPSC's plan to conduct a raid on the MLA, he will begin to think about how he can use it to better his position or announce his return. Thus, by moving up the schedule and allowing the information to leak to the MLA's spies, we drastically reduce the probability of a second attack by the female Nomu. That gives us the next month to prepare and assail their location in advance."

Before Izuku could say anything, Nezu held up his hand in a silencing gesture, proclaiming, "Worry not. If nothing else, we will have roughly a day's advance notice before a second attack occurs. Sir Nighteye and the personnel of Might Tower are dedicating all their resources to gathering information and ensuring we're prepared for the attack times. You should use the time between now and then to increase your strength, familiarize yourself with the Quirks of your forebears, and get your affairs in order. In those pursuits, you have my full and total support."

Exhaling a tired sigh, Izuku smiled wryly and remarked, "I should have expected that Sensei had everything planned out. I mean, I did, but you never cease to amaze..."

"On that note, here, take this," said Nezu, moving over to a nearby table to grab what looked like a manilla folder and journal, handing them to Izuku as he explained, "The journal records everything Toshinori-kun personally uncovered about the past wielders of One-for-All. The folder includes the information I was able to collect. I thought about sending it via encrypted email, but after encountering our hacker friend, I concluded it was best to give you the data directly."

Comprehending that Nezu was referring to La Brava, Izuku smiled and wryly remarked, "Now you're making me paranoid..." while simultaneously thinking how blessed he was to have received Wamdus's 'blessing.' Using it too much could have adverse effects, but he was reasonably confident in his mental fortitude. He just needed to avoid staying inside for months at a time. Unless, of course, he felt it was necessary...that, or one of his women, such as Nemuri, requested it of him. But as that was 'mostly' for science, to help her comprehend the sequelae of prolonged exposure to the dreamscape, Izuku considered it an exception...




(A/N: Izuku's face when he finds out Nezu keeps Aizen as a pet (O o O)...)

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