
The Pacifists

Abel Moore <---

Quirk: Warp

Age: 17

Height:6ft 1in

"Abel's quirk is a strange one, initially thought to be a dud due to his inability to use it on command like other children his age, he has shown a number of different abilities. Each more lethal than the last. It is unknown how much he can do with his quirk, but what we do now is that the boy is a dangerous asset. Do not let his trust in the association waver for even a single second, he is invaluable." -End report.

Og Ogryn<---

Quirk: Ogre

Age: 29

Height: 9ft 10in

"A toddler with the body a tank. That's essentially what Og is in a single sentence. His greatly diminished intelligence is due to his quirk restricting his brain's ability to grow or learn greatly, it's literally stuck in it's child stage. He can learn, it's just difficult. Note to anyone giving Og orders, be as specific as possible and dumb everything down until he can understand unless you want to get ripped in half in his fit of confused anger." End report.


Quirk: Faith

Age: 25

Height: 5ft 6in

"The crazy one, if you will. The only reason she hasn't died of an 'accident' yet is because her quirk is the strongest healing quirk that has ever been seen. It's too bad that she wholeheartedly believes that anyone who doesn't believe in her made up religion doesn't deserve to be healed by her. At least she's slightly more cooperative than Ivan, the damn drunkard." End report.

Ivan Volkov<---

Quirk: Trajectory

Age: 37

Height: 5ft 10in

"A leader that makes his men feel welcomed and safe, someone who puts 110 percent into everything he does, role model to role models everywhere! *Sigh* If only I had a quirk that made everything I said come true. Ivan, the grumpy bastard is an awful, selfish, annoying human being that makes me regret ever meeting him. His quirk is simple but powerful, he can see where his bullets or anything he throws will land. That's all I have to say about him really, but I can cuss him out for hours on end if he refuses to follow orders again." End report.

As you can guess if you've played Warhammer Darktide, these four are the Veteran Sharpshooter, Zealot, Ogryn, and Psyker of MHA. Give me suggestions for their code names! I have a few of my own for them but I want to hear what you guys think. Post the names next to their quirks please and thank you.

Shrexy_boicreators' thoughts
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