
Annoying princess.

The princess came to sit next to me by the crackling fire and the rotating sticks of venison (deer meat) and waited with me in silence.

It was early morning and the group I was with, consisting of the people of the academy, the royal princess and two royal knights, would be waking up soon although Tess is already awake just like myself and the princess who thought it would be a great idea to follow me into the forest that was surrounding our campsite.

There was no sounds between the princess and I as we sat leaving only the wind rustling the leaves, the slight crackling of the fire and the singing birds of the morning to be heard.

I stood up and went towards the forest a little.

"Where are you going now? Are you just going to leave the meat here with me or something?" The princess asked as she turned to face me.

I held out my palm in front of me and formed a ball of ice which shattered to form small needles of ice. I then sent those needles formed of ice through the trees and bushes at my targets.

Squealing and screeching sounds could be heard in the forest as I hit the goblins which were heading to where I had set up the fire.

"Why is there screeching? Did you kill someone?" The princess asked me as she tilted her head and began to get up.

"Just stay there. It was only some goblins." I said as I returned to the fire and sat down.



< You have killed 8 goblins >

< You have earned 152 EXP >


"How did you know they were there?" She asked me in confusion.

"I could sense them coming." I replied as I picked up a skewer that was originally hovering over the fire in slow rotation.

I took a bite out of the juicy meat that I had cooked perfectly.

Grabbing another skewer I passed it to the princess. "Eat it."

"Why would I eat this? This isn't befitting of royalty like myself." The princess said in an almost proud tone.

"This is better than what they would catch for you so eat it or don't eat at all." I said as I slightly moved the skewer away from the princess who hastily grabbed it out of my hands.

"Fine I'll eat it." She said as she took a bite.

"Waah! It's good!" She exclaimed as she took another bite.

'Isn't befitting of royalty, huh?' I thought to myself as I feasted on my skewer and I stomped out the fire with the last remaining skewer left in my hand.

After finishing my skewer I just threw it into the bushes which gained a whimper.

'I must've hit an animal by accident.' I thought to myself as I continued on into the forest.

"Wait for me!" The princess called out as she rushed to my side, "why are we going in deeper?"

"Because I can." I replied.

We walked through the forest at a decent pace while the trees numbers soon began to diminish the further in we went. Soon it was us walking over rocks and mounds of dirt.

"The nice scenery is gone." The princess sighed as she walked beside me.

I didn't respond as I continued walking. I didn't have any particular reason to be walking out this far, I did it because I wanted to really.

"Where are we going?" The princess whined.

"You don't have to follow me you know." I said to her.

"Well I can't turn back now." Came the reply along with a deep sigh.

Suddenly a roar was overhead as something quickly entered my [Spacial awareness] and landed in front of me. It was a dragon and it wasn't mother nor my siblings.


That roar translated to: "What are you humans doing here and coming so close to my mountain?!"

"I was on a walk. No need to be angry." I said back to the dragon who looked down at me.

The dragon was around 8'5 from what I could tell so if I'm humanoid form he would be at the night of 6'5.

"Roooarr." He replied.

This translates to: 'I see, still you are getting too close. If it were any other dragon that lived in this mountain you would be dead.'

"Agh! A dragon! Kiera kill it, Protect me!! I'm royalty you know!" The princess squealed as she clung into my arm.

"ROOOAAARRRR!" -> 'Hahaha you think you can kill me?! Come on then, fight.' The dragon almost dared me.

"The dragon wasn't going to harm us though now it seems he is looking for a fight." I said to the princess.

"Well why does it want to fight now?! Stop it!!"

"It's because you told me to kill it. You angered it, not me." I said back to the princess as I removed her from my arm.

"You've got to protect me!" She said with tears in the corner of her eyes,

"When you kill it you have to give me the heart though!"

"And why should I do either of those things?" I asked.

"I am royalty! You can't put me in harms way and get away with it! It's your fault for bringing me with you out here!" She accused me.

"I didn't bring you with me. It's all on you. You followed me, you angered the dragon so it's not my fault so don't just go round blaming people." I said as I shook my head.

"That doesn't matter just kill it!" She screamed at me.

"ROOOOAAAARRRRR?!" -> 'stop bickering, fight me or just die! Unless you were hoping to get away? You think I'll let you get away when you had the intention to kill me?'

"Can you both stop being so loud." I said as I hit the back of the princesses neck making her pass out.

"Roooaaar?" -> 'human why did you do that?'

"I'm not human." I said to the dragon as I released my aura and showed my horns.

"I'm only going to show my dragon horns and not my wings or tail as they will rip my clothes." I said.

"Rooooaaaarr." -> 'so that is how you could understand me. I did not realise you were also a dragon. You are very good at hiding your aura.'

"I'm going to leave now. Sorry for the disturbance and the humans princess. Bye." I said as I picked up the princess and slung her over my shoulder.

"Rooooaaaar." -> 'since you are of the same race I shall let you go but if you or your companions anger me I will not be this lenient.'

"Thank you? Oh you can have this skewer I made." I said as I ran back to camp and threw the dragon my spare skewer. I didn't want to deal with the princess any longer so I went back to camp at full speed.

Approaching the camp I changed the way I carried the princess and walked to the group that were up and packing the tents up.

"Princess!" One of the knights ran up to me and took the princess.

"You dare?!" He said as he held his sword to my neck.

'This is so stupid.'




Race:[Black elemental wyrm]











Mental force/power:[ERROR]



Skills - [Scratch] , [Thrust] , [Inspect] , [Bow mastery] , [Perfect aim] , [Elemental breath] , [Bloodlust] , [Elemental master] , [True dragon] , [Copy] , [Spacial storage] , [Sword mastery] , [Fire blade] , [Transform] , [Chef] , [Scythe mastery: 41%] , [Wind enhancer] , [Inferno] , [Poison manipulation] , [Fire resistance] , [Telepathy]


Passive skills - [Night vision] , [Spacial awareness] , [Steal] , [Regeneration] , [Elemental resistance] , [Polyglot]


Body modifications - [Armoured scales - activated]


Titles - NONE


Blessings - [Blessed by goddess of reincarnation] , [Blessed by goddess of space]

(A/N- my DofE (Duke of Edinburgh) application went through and I was accepted so I'm going to be learning guitar and basketball while doing charity work so chapters might be a little bit of a struggle but I'll try my best to still release daily. Thank you all for the support.)

Chương tiếp theo