
Fate of the Bullied...

Lenny watched from the back as the big, burly men came into the cave.

The one in front had a big grin on his face as he stepped forward.

He had a full black beard.

He was menacing to look at, especially with the scars on his body.

Aside from him, Lenny easily found the class numbers on the bodies of the other gladiators.

He walked forward and stopped right in front of the elderly man.

"Old man Buckle, we had a deal." He looked at the old man with eyes that seemed as if he was going to eat him soon.

Old Buckle did not move. Instead, he stared right back into the eyes of the gladiator and said, "Yes, we had a deal. And you broke that deal."

"I broke the deal." Crusher raised a brow and said, "I sent an associate of mine to come get my tribute. That was seven days ago."

"Your associate!?" Old man Buckle turned to Lenny and said, "The same associate that now has one of my children?"

Crusher looked in Lenny's direction.

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