

Yujun woke up and found the car he was in packed outside a shopping mall "Luck did I get kidnapped" he asked in an excited tone "no, the ML went to buy clothes for you" Luck said "I think I had a dream about Ji-Yeong and Jiwon's kiss it felt oddly real, Yeong has a beautiful house" he said "awwn it was romantic I can't believe Yeong chose Bora instead" Yujun said out loud pretending he was fascinated by the kissing but his scrunched up face said otherwise"Luck, when does the next arc begin" Yujun asked "two months" Luck said "okay don't forget my plan; relax and focus on the acting" Yujun said.

A week passed and the news that had caused Jiwon to lose his fame was almost subsiding but a few people were not happy with the news subsiding "darn it I can't believe the news quickly subsided" a feminine voice said "it is as if heavens have decided to work against me but there is no problem, I shall take matters into my hand" the voice said as she went outside the house. She enterd her car and decided to make a phone call "hey step-sis how you doing" a gruffy male voice said "I ned a favor from

Yujun was sitting in his room with his eyes staring at his phone "aww the rumour seems to have subsided, I was expecting a month of bad image, I wonder how Bora must be feeling" Yujun said in a sad tone as if he really felt sad. Yujun went outside his new room and saw Ji-Yeong sitting on his sofa his eyes fixed on the TV "Yeong I am going outside" Yujun said not waiting for Yeong to answer. Yujun walked outside with fresh breeze "seriosly I wish, I could be my self for once" he thought befoe putting on a face mask and face cap, Yujun walked till he reached a park. Yujun saw children having fun on the swings, slides his eyes watched the children feeling tranquil for the first time in a long while "mister, do you want to play on the swing" a young child said bringing Yujun back to reality, he looked ddown and saw a boy with a dirty blonde hair and dark eyes is a strikingly attractive combination, highlighting the contrast between the light locks and the intense gaze. The dirty blonde hair is a shade of blonde that is slightly darker and more muted than regular blonde hair, while the dark eyes give a sharp and mesmerizing contrast, making the child stand out. ask him "host, I feel a weird energy from this kid" Luck said "what do you mean Luck which type of energy" Yujun said as he kept staring at the blonde boy in front of "Mister, did you hear me?" the blonde boy asked again "no" Yujun answered the boy "mister, why are you covering your nose and mouth, do you have cough" the boy asked "no" Yujun said "what is your name" Yujun asked "Haru" the boy said showing a cheeky smile "Haru, lets go" a woman guiding other children said "bye mister" Haru the blonde boy said.

Yujun walked into Yeong's house and met Yeong setting dinner table "Jiwon dinner is ready" Yeong said "okay, Yeong I'll eat soon I need to do something" Yujun said and went to his room "Luck, did you scan him" Yujun asked "yes, he is clean but the enrgy and vibe feels so wrong. He does not have the world's core but he seems strange" Luck said "keep an eye on him, I don't want anything ruining my little relaxation" Yujun said before going down to meet Yeong.

"hey step-sis long time no see, I missed you so much" a masculine voice said as the mle who made the statement walked towards the other person before placing a kiss on the other person lips, the female pushed the guy back before spitting away "I came here for business not to meet up with your weird kinks" the person said "aww sis isn't happy to see me" the male said smiling. The male in question was call Danwoo he had a tall and generic build, he had dark hair, and look like every typical thug you see on the street. He looked at the female with lust clearly seen in his eyes "okay sis what business do you for me" he said "I need you to kidnap someone for me" the female said "woah, Bora what did the person do to deserve your hate" the male said "just kidnap him I'm not going to kill himm all I'm going to do is ruin his career" Bora said in a bored tone "okay, but Bora you know the price" the male asked "how much do you want" Bora said "not that I want something else" the male said as he looked at bora with lust, Bora sighed as she started removing her clothes piece by piece…. (go and imagine the rest)

Harin knocked on the door ready to pick Jiwon for the photo shoot that was soon to begin, the door opened and showed Ji-Yeong who looked like he just woke up "hey Harin what you doing here?" Yeong asked "do you know what time it is?" Harin asked eyeing Yeong "6 or maybe 7" Yeong said yawning, Harin sighed and shookmhis head "30minutes before your photoshoot besides where is Jiwon" Harin asked as he made his way into yeongs home fascinated by the interior design "he is still sleeping" Yeong said, Harin face turned pale he had to speak with Jiwon and also take hm to the photo shoot location "Where is his room" Harin asked and Yeong took him there.

Yujun stared at the ceiling to lazy to stand up "this world is boring luck after this world I don't want to transmigrate again" Yujun said, with his dull eyes looking at the door instead "I miss eing in charge I wanna finish this world fast, I wish things could just fast forward" Yujun said. The door opened showing Harin and Yeong "please get dressed we have a place to be" Harin said and Yujun did just that.

Luck felt something was weird and didn't know what to say "host, look at him that blonde" Luck said looking at the boy "mister,we meet again how are you doing" the boy said with a cheek smile. Yujun sighed "what do you want" Yujun said looking at the strange child "I want my mommy" Haru said with a a sad face "okay where is she" Yujun said grabbing the boy's hand "Jiwon come here and leave that child your photo shoot is about to begin" Harin said signalling one of the staff to take the child "I'll come back lemme take him to his mom" Jiwon said and took the boy outside "you know where your mom is" Yujun asked "yes I can take you there but I need to cross the road" Haru said, 'fishy' Yujun said as he carried the boy and crossed the road. The boy kept on directing Yujun and he followed him quietly, the further he went the leess people he saw "host lets drop the boy here and go away havent you notice he is leading us to a trap" Luck said agitated, he knew that the place he was going was probably a danger zone "here" Haru said "we are in an alley" Yujun said {soul reaper acquired} {Transformation begins} the little boy began to change "host run away" we are in grave danger" Luck said in a panicky tone, Yujun smiled befor running "bye blonde it was fun while it lasted" Yujun said as he ran as fast as he could *boom* the car in front of him exploded, he flinched by that "host I don't think we are gonna make it" Luck said watching its host run.

Haru fully transformed with a tech armor, he saw the trespasser runing and its system by his side, he stared at them waiting for his armor to load completely. Once done Haru changed his right armor hand to a gun and targetted the trespasser "we just wanted to help you" the system said but Haru didn't listen he kept on blasting, he decided to change tactic and weapon which slowed him down a bit as he waited for his weapon to transform. He decided to sneak up on them "host what were you doing you almost had us killed" Luck said "you said you fellt bad energy so I decided to check if it was true" its host said. Luck decided to wait for its host before the running continue he suddenly felt something was wrong, it saw red light pointed at its host "host watch out" Luck said as it made a weak shield , Luck's shield came crashing down the bullet hit Yujun's arm "oof" out of nowhere a blast comes and envelopes both Luck and his host [system error… system reboot… system reboot failed…] a voice said as two unconcious bodies were kicked out of the world and landed into Yujun's neutral space "pathetic *sigh* I let you go for one mission and you end up failing *tsk*" the voice said as it took Luck and dissapeared.

I know this was shitty but please bear with me turns out the reason I went on unnecesary break is because I didn't know what to right but I promise I'll be better in the next world just think of it as an introduction I'll make sure to do things better also i might not post next week as I'll be thinking of what to write please don't leave I promise when I return I'll have a better mind and a clear storyline love y'all bye.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!


Joy_Agbomeikhecreators' thoughts
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