
Force Like a Sword, Pinnacle Martial Arts Path

Biên tập viên: EndlessFantasy Translation

This scene made everyone's pupils shrink.

A foot crossed the coastline.

Suddenly, a deep voice came from the dark night. "The Dragon City orders the Northern King to stop the battle immediately and withdraw his troops back to Ludwig!"

The third Dragon City decree was brought here.

They were still ordering Braydon Neal to stop fighting and retreat to Ludwig!

The people in the dark did not dare to show himself.

He was afraid of death!

He was afraid that Braydon would kill him with a sword with a placid smile on his face.

If he died in the hands of the Northern King, his death would be in vain.

Dragon City would not punish the Northern King for him.

Therefore, this person was very smart. He was only responsible for passing on the order and decisively slipped away after that.

Him passing on the order made the 12 regimental commanders of Banko heave a sigh of relief.

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