

A/N: I have started writing another Fan-fic, this one is a One Piece fan-fic called Sword Saint In The One Piece (D&D) if you are interested, please take a look.

If you want to donate or read up to 35 chapters ahead, you can visit my p-a-t-r-e-on/kurowashi

If you see grammar errors, please let me know so I can fix them and I'm always open to constructive criticism.

I would like it if you guys left some reviews.

Thank you for your good words and support.



290 AC


I had been standing in front of the King's tent for at least half an hour, and they were having a heated conversation inside. Thanks to Nin, I knew what they were talking about. Royce was against the idea of putting me as the leader of this plan since I was 16 name days old.

He kept talking about how someone more experienced must go with us, and three men won't be enough. He was right on that part. If we were normal men, even if we were able to climb in there, it would be impossible for them to do any significant damage before dying. But I am not ordinary, and this plan will work; I know I can reach the Great Keep's gate. Robert said,

"Enough; call Ser Drasil in."

After giving the King a bow, I stood straight in front of him. He said,

"I have heard your plan; how the hell did you know there was an entry point there?"

I was expecting this question, so after telling Lord Stark and before coming here, I openly used my warging to fly around with my ravens and scouted around the Great Keep to explain how I came by this info. I told this explanation to King.

"Are you sure you can do the climbing?"

"I did climb the tower, and this would be a little bit harder because of the strong winds around the cliff base."

"Let's say you managed to climb, but how will the other two do it? Are they good climbers too?"

"No, my King. They are not good climbers. I am going to pull a rope with me while climbing. I will hammer hooks at certain intervals and fix the rope there. Of course, since we don't have 60 meters of rope, I have to fix every joint to the cliff. We should choose a time when the waves and winds are strong. This will make the climb difficult, but in this way, the waves crashing against the shore and the howling of the wind will mask our noise."

Lord Royce said,

"My King, I still think three people wouldn't be able to accomplish anything. We should send more people."

"My Lord, even 50 wouldn't be able to accomplish anything if they go in to fight. We are not going there to fight; what I am going to do is sneak in. If we are fighting, it means we failed. We are going to act as Ironborns. It would be perfect if we could reach the gate mechanism. If we cannot, we will start a fire. For the glory of the North, we will gladly sacrifice our lives."

I really want to punch this guy's face in. Will you please shut up already? Robert took a big gulp from his wine and said,

"We are not going to lose anything. If this brave man of the North wants to do this, we cannot stand in their way. Ned, you are fortunate this time around. I really like this boy; he will become someone important if he lives through this war. HAHAHA!"


We had to wait for the ropes to be ready for the week and were on our way. In a medieval world, everything took a lot of time. We didn't have 60 meters of rope, so they had to take down the ropes from the galleys, and it took a lot of work and time.

With the cover of the night, our small boat docked at the base of Kitchen Island. There were small rocky clearings around the base because of all the waves. We put all the ropes and hooks down here and waited for the boat to go away.

I started using Formotegon ( mold earth ) and Primaferus ( primal savagery) to climb, but I didn't take the rope with me; all I took were the hooks. I didn't even take the hammer because I didn't need it. I was creating a stair here. The rope was for Harlik and Kegan's safety. If I slip and fall, I can just turn into an eagle, but the twins would die. As I reached 8 meters, I stopped

-Poe, Erebus; please bring me a rope.-

Two of them turned to their full size and grabbed a rope and hook. While they were coming close to me, I created deeper holes and put my feet in there, and anchored myself. So I wouldn't lose my balance because of the wind they create while flapping. Erebus's swing span was 4 meters, and the wind he created was not weak.

I secured the hook to the cliff with magic and tied one end of the rope tightly to the hook. After that, I continued climbing and did the same thing every 5 to 8 meters until I reached the base of the castle wall, when I tried to use Formotegon (mold earth) on the wall. It didn't work; damn it, these walls were warded too. I could create a small hole, and my magic was a little effective. The gate was burned a little when I used Crimson Fireball, but I would need 10 or 20 of them to break the gate. The same here; it would cost at least ten times the mana, and I didn't have that much. I have to use a hammer.

-Erebus, I need the hammer at the bottom. Can you bring it?-

Using the hammer was really hard. It had taken me 1 hour to lay 50 meters of rope, but the last 10 meters had taken 3 hours because of all the hammering. One of the reasons it took as long as it did. I was trying not to make rhythmic sounds so it wouldn't pull unwanted attention. After 3 hours of work, we were almost ready.

"Promodynes ( locate animals ) human."

I cast the spell, but nothing happened, and I realized one of the runes that I didn't know the meaning of must be blocking scouting spells. I got inside the trash shoot, and it was disgusting. The shoot was 3 meters long, and I had to claw my way through it by wedging my claws between the stones; I reached the end and cast the same spell again, but this time it worked. So, it only wards from outside.

There wasn't anyone in this part of the kitchen, and I tied the rope to a beam. Then I told Poe to signal the twins. She went down and signaled them. After they got here, the second part of my plan started.

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