
Showdown reactions -285


The Hulk was far from a mindless brute, sure, he wasn't the smartest person out there. but he wasn't stupid.


Nor was he ignorant of what was going out while Banner was in control. Just like Bruce was able to see what the Hulk was doing, so what the Hulk able to see what Bruce saw, hear what he heard.


He was somewhat aware of what the Foundation was, though he didn't care all that much. All that mattered was that the Hulk had made friends, and that Lena liked the Hulk. Not like that Betty, who only liked Banner, no. Hulk knew that Lena liked Hulk more then Banner, even if Banner didn't agree.


So when finally, the Foundation needed the Hulk, Hulk was happy to help, to show off his strength, surely Lena would be impressed. So it was with that in mind that the Hulk roared and slammed a fist into the ugly lizard face.


The Hulk's fist collided with SCP-682's face, sending the massive lizard staggering back. The impact shook the ground, and the shockwave from the blow caused nearby windows to shatter. Hulk's raw power was on full display, and his roar echoed across the battlefield, a challenge to SCP-682.


The reptile recovered quickly, its eyes blazing with anger and hatred. SCP-682's tail lashed out in retaliation, moving with surprising speed for such a massive creature. Hulk, however, was ready. He dodged the incoming attack, leaping into the air with incredible agility for someone his size. As the tail smashed into the ground where Hulk had just been standing, he landed directly in front of SCP-682 and delivered a crushing uppercut to the creature's jaw.


SCP-682 let out an enraged howl as it staggered backward, but the Hulk didn't give it a moment to recover. He rushed forward, grabbing the reptile's tail with both hands and using his immense strength to lift it off the ground. With a growl of effort, Hulk swung SCP-682 around like a ragdoll, slamming the creature into the concrete with enough force to leave a crater.


But SCP-682 was far from beaten. As it was slammed into the ground, it twisted its body and lashed out with its claws, slashing across Hulk's torso. The blow left deep gouges in Hulk's skin, but the green giant barely flinched. Instead, it only seemed to make him angrier.


"You can't hurt Hulk!" the green titan roared, his voice shaking the air around him. He lifted SCP-682 once more and tossed it into the side of a building, causing a section of the structure to collapse under the lizard's weight.


SCP-682 quickly recovered, scrambling back onto its feet, its body now coated in dust and debris. Its regenerative abilities were already kicking in, healing the damage from Hulk's previous attacks. The creature snarled, its eyes locked on the Hulk, filled with malice.


"I hate all life," SCP-682 hissed, its voice dripping with venom. "But humans are the worst of all. You think your strength will save you? I will destroy everything you protect."


With that, SCP-682 lunged at the Hulk, jaws wide open, intending to sink its teeth into him. But the Hulk wasn't going to let that happen. With lightning-fast reflexes, he grabbed the lizard's jaws with both hands, holding them open as SCP-682 tried to snap them shut. The two titans strained against each other, muscles bulging as they fought for dominance.


"Hulk will smash ugly lizard!" Hulk roared, pushing back against SCP-682's force.


The two creatures were locked in a stalemate, neither willing to give an inch. SCP-682's claws raked against the ground as it struggled to overpower the Hulk, but Hulk's strength was legendary. With a final roar of effort, Hulk twisted SCP-682's head to the side, breaking the deadlock. Then, with a surge of power, he slammed the reptile's head into the ground.


SCP-682 roared in frustration and pain, but it was relentless. It quickly rose again, tail whipping around to catch Hulk in the side. This time, the blow landed, sending Hulk crashing through a nearby building.


But the Hulk wasn't down for long. Within seconds, he burst out of the rubble, his rage even greater than before. He charged at SCP-682 once more, fists raised, ready to deliver another devastating blow.


The battle between these two unstoppable forces was far from over.




While the number of people watching the showdown between the Hulk and SCP-682 wasn't nearly as large as those who were able to watch the first few minutes of the SCP object's fight against Captain America and the others, the importance of these few people was far greater.


No longer were normal people on the internet; now, thanks to the Foundation's effort to evacuate the area's population, it was mostly people who could watch from different spy satellites or drones.


So it was heads of state, members of the military, and people like Nick Fury, Tony Stark, and Alexander Ricci.


As the world's leaders watched the battle between Hulk and SCP-682 unfold, their shock was palpable. This was something they had never encountered, something beyond their usual intelligence reports on global threats. These two beings were unlike anything they had seen before, and they had no immediate answers.


In Washington, President Barack Obama turned to his defense advisors. "I need to know what we're dealing with. What is that creature? And how is a man—if you can even call him that—fighting it head-on without any military backup? We need information, now."


His advisors scrambled, pulling up whatever they could on the mysterious giant green figure—something that had been sighted only rarely, and never in the full view of world leaders. One of his intelligence officers hesitated before speaking.


"We believe the green being is Bruce Banner, a scientist that worked for the army, and got accidentally enhanced under general Ross, though we not very little about him. Ross have attempt to find and capture him every since the accident."


Obama's brow furrowed. "I want more information about this Banner, and find out what that monster he is fighting is, and get me, Nick Fury; I feel he knows something about stuff like this."

"Right away, Mr. President," his intelligence officer replied.


Over in Moscow, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin was similarly perplexed. "What in God's name are we watching?" he asked coldly, his eyes never leaving the screen as the two titans clashed in Tokyo's streets. His military commanders, uncharacteristically unsure, exchanged glances.


 "We have no identification on either of the combatants," one of them admitted. "This green creature, it's shown up in scattered reports, but nothing definitive. As for the monster…" The officer hesitated. "There's simply nothing in our intelligence to explain its origin."


Putin's expression hardened. "We are dealing with forces beyond our comprehension," he murmured. "Get me someone who knows more. Contact every channel we have. I want answers."


In London, Prime Minister Gordon Brown was growing increasingly frustrated. "We're watching two monsters, for lack of a better word, destroy one of the largest cities in the world, and we don't know anything about them?" he demanded of his intelligence officers. "No MI6 reports? Nothing from our allies?"


The response was grim. "We've pulled some data from past sightings of the green creature, but nothing substantial, Prime Minister. We have no records of the other entity, no way to explain what it is or how it's withstanding all of this damage."


In Beijing, President Hu Jintao's advisors were similarly perplexed. "President, we have no data on either being," one of his aides reported, looking uneasy. "The green one has been seen in the West, but its origins remain unclear. The large lizard… this is something completely unprecedented. There's no record of anything like this in our files."


The leaders were left in the dark, scrambling for information as they watched Hulk and SCP-682 engage in a world-shaking brawl. The Foundation's secrecy meant that no information on SCP-682 was readily available to the global powers, and the true nature of the Hulk was still shrouded in mystery.


As Tony Stark sat in his workshop, watching the live footage of the massive battle unfolding between Hulk and SCP-682, his initial reaction was a mixture of intrigue and disbelief. "What the hell am I looking at, JARVIS?" he muttered, eyes fixated on the screen showing the green giant trading blows with a monstrous reptilian creature that seemed straight out of a nightmare.


JARVIS, always quick on the uptake, responded calmly. "Sir, I am currently scanning all available databases for information. The green figure appears to match descriptions from several classified government reports of a being referred to as 'The Hulk.' However, details are sparse."


Tony's brow furrowed, and he leaned closer to the screen. "The Hulk? I've heard some whispers, but this? This is next level. How's he even able to fight that thing?"


"The Hulk's strength is believed to increase with his anger, making him capable of extraordinary feats of power. It appears he's engaging an anomalous entity—unknown to us—designated SCP-682 in certain restricted files."


Tony raised an eyebrow, surprised by JARVIS's ability to dig up something on the other creature. "SCP? Never heard of it."


"There are no official records in public databases," JARVIS explained. "However, I've accessed a few encrypted classified documents. It seems that this 'SCP-682' is referred to as 'The Hard-to-Destroy Reptile,' known for its near-immortality and deep hatred for all life."


Stark leaned back in his chair, taking it all in. "So, we've got a giant green guy who gets stronger the angrier he gets, and a reptile with a death wish for everything living. Great. Who's handling this? SHIELD? The military?"


"Unknown, sir. There appears to be minimal governmental involvement on the surface, though it's likely a covert operation is at play. SHIELD seems like a likely culprit, given the nature of the things they deal with."


Tony tapped his fingers on the desk, his mind working fast. He was already thinking of contingencies, wondering if he should intervene personally. But more than anything, he wanted to know more about the Hulk. "JARVIS, keep pulling everything you can on the Hulk and this SCP-682. I want to know exactly what we're dealing with. We might need to get involved if things get any worse."


"Yes, sir," JARVIS responded.


Tony's eyes stayed glued to the screen, watching in awe as the Hulk and SCP-682 exchanged thunderous blows. The world was changing fast, and it looked like things were about to get a lot more complicated than he'd ever imagined.




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