
Teens vs Mazino!

Vin Jin could be seen outside at the festival which was currently closing up, everyone was cleaning up their station.

Vin Jin was currently arguing with Daniel, Zach, and Vasco about who did the best.

"My rap song was definitely better." Vin butted heads with Vasco.

"It was clearly Daniel." Vasco defended Daniel, bumping heads back with Vin.

"Why don't we relax guys." Daniel stated while sweating nervously.

"Stay out of thi-" Vin was about to tell Danel to stay out of it, but something caught his eye.

In the corner of his eyes, he could see Mary leaving the school with a slightly red face and a bright smile.

Right behind her was a guy wearing a fancy dress shirt with a mask, sunglasses, and a hat.

Vin kept looking between the two as they walked in opposite directions until it suddenly clicked!

'Boyfriend!? Since when does she date!?' Vin narrowed his eyes at the lean-bodied man walking toward the exit.

"What are you looking at?" Zack questioned finally speaking, he didn't really care for the competition to involve himself in such an argument.

"It seems I have a target for my frustration." Vin muttered while walking off.

The guys just stared at him weirdly but continued talking regardless.

"Aye you!" Vin exclaimed once he caught up to the man.

The man slowly turned around, looking at Vin, waiting to hear what he was gonna say.

"Mary doesn't date! So you must have done something, let me give you a little beating because I'm a bit mad for getting owned by a damn rookie!" Vin started to crack his neck and knuckles.

The man just impassively stared at him without saying anything.

"Oho, so your gonna take the beating like a man, good man." Vin smirked before lunging straight at the man.

The man just calmly put his hands in his pockets, not even trying to dodge.

Vin ran up to the man, and quickly put his right leg behind the man's left leg.

Vin hastily attempted to sweep the man's left foot but the man wouldn't budge.

'What the fuck!? Don't tell me he's a pro!?' Vin questioned inwardly, but now that he looked closer, he noticed the man looked familiar.

But by this time, people started to surround the two in the fight even Daniel, Vasco, and Zach appeared in the crowd.

"Is that Vin?"

"Is he fighting a grown-up?"

"Does that grown-man have a death wish?"

"I heard that Vin was a monster back in his younger days."

"Same, that man must wanna die."

Murmurs could be heard by the crowd as some people pulled out their phones to record.

"Fuck!" Vin ignored the murmurs and put more strength into his right leg but it was for naught, the man didn't even look like he was trying.

"Ah Vin, hot-tempered as usual. I thought I told you to control that shit or one day you'll pay dearly." The man muttered shaking his head helplessly.

"That voice!?-" Vin's eye's widened as he heard the familiar voice.

"Yes, it's deary me, the one and only Park Mazino." Mazino took off his mask and hat but kept on his sunglasses since he was already garnering attention.

"A foreigner!?"

"Wow, he's so handsome!"

"What's a foreigner doing here!?"

"Looks like Vin recognizes him!"

The crowd started to whisper among themselves as some of them saw a foreigner as dark as him for the first time.

Mazino just ignored them and smirked at the gobsmacked Vin.

"Hyeong! What are you doin- No wait first let's talk about this!" Vin slowly backed up with a nervous smile.

"I need a warm-up anyways, let's see if you improved, come at me!" Mazino ignored Vin's words and taunted him to come.

"Hyeong-nim, theirs no need for violence! I'll apologize right now!" Vin waved his hands in front of him while continuing to back up as Mazino kept walking closer.

The crowd was surprised again about the prideful and troublemaker Vin Jin being so scared of a single man.

"Wow! He made Vin apologize just by a look!"

"Look at Vin Jin, he said he would apologize!"

"He called him Hyeong earlier too, they must be familiar with each other!"

"Yeah, it's like a big brother forcing the little one to apologize."

'Tch, idiots! Wouldn't say any of that shit to my face! If you knew who this man was, yall wouldn't be so talkative.' Vin frowned, he didn't like being bitched like this but what could he do.

He remembers clearly Mazino being a cold-blooded person who would kill anyone who crosses him regardless if they were an adult or not, his strength was like the sky and Vin's was the Earth's core.

'Mary always says he's a nice guy but this guy is fucking dangerous! I still can't forget that day he nearly killed all those men for even trying to hit on Mary!' Vin shuddered at the old memory.

"What about a deal?" Mazino's voice broke Vin out of his thoughts.

"Hmm?" Vin calmed down and looked curiously at Mazino.

"If you can beat me, I'll get you to be signed to a famous record label, you know SK Labels right?" Mazino questioned with a smile.

"SK Labels!? Wait what's in it for you!?" Vin usually wouldn't have believed such a claim but if it was Mazino, it was definitely possible.

"As I said, I need a bit of a warm-up, I'm a bit rusty you could say." Mazino chuckled.

Vin inquisitively looked at Mazino before grinning.

"Of course yes! Who the fuck wouldn't take such a deal!" Vin's fearful atmosphere instantly changed to one of a predator, getting into his Judo fighting stance.

"Whenever you're ready and hurry up, I have kids to tak-." Mazino was cut off as Vin suddenly lunged at him, going for a tackle.

Mazino just shook his head in disappointment.


With a flick of his foot, he quickly snapped at Vin's left leg.

"Shit!" Vin fell on his left knee, with a strained face.

"Is that all you got punk." Mazino muttered with disappointment.

"O-of course not." Vin slowly got up, staggering a little but he eventually regained his balance.

"I'm ready." Vin added while putting his arms back up.

"Okay, I'll attack this time." Mazino started slightly jumping up and down.

Until suddenly he was in front of Vin.




Mazino sent a flurry of punches to Vin's body before ending it by punching his face.


"Argh!" Vin coughed out saliva while staggering back.



His nose started to drip blood.

"Oh my god."

"Did you see those punches?"

"No, it was like they were too fast to the blind eye."

"Okay relax, they weren't that fast."

"I'm not kidding!"

The crowd was shocked to see Vin Jin losing so badly without even giving a challenge.

Vin Jin wasn't in it for the record label anymore, now he needed his pride back, so he lunged at Mazino again.

This time he went for Mazino's center body.

Mazino shook his head again.

Until suddenly Vin dropped down to tackle his legs.

"Not enough." Mazino muttered before sending a quick snap kick to Vin's face who was already lowered.


"Did you forget my martial arts? Tsk-" Before Mazino could finish his sentence, he felt something grasp his left leg.

Looking down, he noticed Vin purposely took his kick in order to take his leg.

"I got you now bastard!" Vin grinned with a mangled nose before attempting to pick up Mazino.

Until he realized, he wasn't budging again.

"You really are stupid." Mazino muttered.

Mazino slowly raised up his leg and brought it crashing down on the school wall near them.



Mazino continued to kick Vin into the wall until he let go.

Once Vin let go, he fell on his ass, he grasped the back of his head which seemed to keep bleeding.

"Take off those glasses and you might make me actually use at least one martial art technique." Mazino gazed at Vin boredly.

Vin just ignored Mazino's words and slowly got up staggering.

"*Sigh* Your not even a warm-up." Mazino walked up to Vin about to give him the K.O blow until three certain teens appeared in front of him.

"That's enough! Please don't fight anymore." Daniel exclaimed while checking up on Vin who kept trying to swat him away.

"I agree, if you go any further foreigner, regardless of the foreign women, I'll beat you up." Vasco stated while stepping up in front of Daniel and Vin in his fighting stance.

"Jeez, I don't get why we're helping this deuce bag but I guess it can't be helped." Zack muttered stepping beside Vasco in his boxing stance.

"Enough! I don't need any more fucking shame than this! Back off!" Vin exclaimed while he begrudgingly accepted Daniel's help to get him up.

The 4 of them stood side by side, facing Mazino.

"*Sigh* What should I do? The kids are probably wai-" Mazino stopped his words, catching Jay and Joy out of the corner of his eye coming through the crowd, entering the middle between them.

"Stop fighting please!" Joy exclaimed worriedly.

Jay nodded, he looked toward the 4 teens and shook his head, indicating they should move on.

"We can't just let him go, he is a villain who badly hurt another villain, he needs to be punished." Vasco stated while glaring at Mazino.

Jay looked at Mazino, hoping he would back off.

"As much as I would love to, these kids need a reality check, especially that Vasco kid." Mazino smirked.

Jay shook his head disappointingly, he was about to step onto the 4's side until Mazino nodded toward a certain direction.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Mazino muttered while watching Eli clasp onto Jay's shoulder, stopping him from stepping forward any further.

Jay was surprised at the sudden strength being pressed down onto his shoulder, he knew couldn't escape unless he fought back but he wasn't confident in beating the individual who seemed to have an iron steel grip.

"Just relax, I won't hurt them too badly." Mazino smirked as he watched the 3 in their stances.

Jay grabbed Joy and reluctantly stayed still by the side but he would interfere if he believed it was going too far.

Daniel was the only one who seemed reluctant about fighting, standing there with a conflicted expression until suddenly his eyes showed determination and he copied Zack's form.

"Isn't that what I taught you before? Well, whatever." Zack looked at Daniel weirdly.

"Fine! I'll only accept your guys help this once." Vin muttered disdainfully, he had to admit it was impossible to beat Mazino by himself.

Maybe the 4 of them could win against such a monster.

Vin smirked.

"4 vs 1, can they win!?"

"Of course, they can win, their the biggest monsters of our school!"

"It's a bit unfair isn't it?"

"Nah, that foreigner is a beast but it seems like he'll lose, he's against those 4 monsters."

An even bigger crowd started to surround them.

"Come on, I don't have all day." Mazino muttered.

As soon as he finished his words, all 4 charged at him.

Zack lunged and sent a right hook at his face while Vin charged toward his center body.

Daniel and Vasco were going around to each of his sides, in order to tackle him down.

'We got him!' Daniel exclaimed inwardly.

As soon as Zack and Vin were inches away with Daniel and Vasco a few feet away, Mazino suddenly smirks and effortlessly jumps up.

With his right leg, he did a vertical kick to block Zack's punch while kicking downward with his left leg which sent Vin into the ground.

Using Vin's head and Zack's punch, he launched himself into a backflip.

Daniel and Vasco clashed heads, slipping right under Mazino.



Daniel and Vasco rubbed their heads in pain.

"That hurt." Daniel muttered while rubbing his bruised forehead.

While Zack was rubbing his fist because it felt like he punched steel.

"This guy has rock-hard muscles, what type of training does he do." Zach scoffed.

Vin slowly got up from his face being stuffed into the ground.

"What the fuck is this guy!?" Vin frowned.

"His flexibility should be fucking impossible for a man." Zack added in amazement.

"It seems like this villain will be tough." Vasco simply said before getting back into stance.

"Amazing." Daniel looked at Mazino in admiration.

"Round 2?" Mazino effortlessly landed back on the ground with a back flip, he had a nonchalant smile on his face, as he watched their reactions.


Let me know what I can improve on!

Are the fight scenes bad? Or good?

I also plan on increasing the pace a bit after this, since it seems a bit to slow.

Also, check out my Tensura FanFic!

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