

"I have a way in." she almost kicked the door that slammed the wall when she walked into the office.

"Jesus, Aria, I told you to knock." Chyler groaned, but her partner just shrugged, looking at her.

"The door did it for me, Macaroni."


"We're not talking about this right now."

"Yes, no, that's not really great moment, indeed."

"Can anyone tell me what the hell is going on, and why are you devastating my office?" Raquette stood up, glaring at the detectives. Aria looked back, and then slammed the door after Chyler. She patted the wall, dusting it off from something that wasn't even there.

"Not a scratch, you need to chill sometimes." She snorted. "Anyway, as I said. I have a way in."

"What is this about now?" he raised his eyebrow, but sat back down, probably thinking about what Callaghan just said.

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