
Message: IV

"You're again going through that pathetically boring game of yours?" she heard disgusted voice behind her, but she didn't put the controller down, still looking at the screen. She scoffed.

"And you're here again, even though I already told you to leave the keys and go the fuck away." She raised her eyebrow. Hearing a scoff, she paused the game and looked back at the woman that was standing at the end of the stairs. "What was that?"

"I still don't get how you can believe someone else, not your own wife." She stated with a grimace and Aria shrugged, crossing her arms on her chest.

"Well, I still don't get why the fuck you think you can just try to cheat on a cop counting on them not to get to know about it." She stated in the tone indicating she was bored. "I guess we're just both disappointed. Not that I care anymore, though."

"Ari, for hell's sake..."

"Do. Not." She snarled, frowning menacingly and the woman stepped back, feeling the railing getting stuck to the line of her shoulderblades. "You had your chance. I gave you one when I asked you about it. You chose a lie. So now I am choosing to stay alone. And since this whole house is mine, take your stuff and get the fuck out."

"Ari, I beg you..."

"You call me that once more and you'd begging your dentist to charge you with a discount for the prosthesis." She snarled, catching the bag that was laying on the floor, and then transporting it to the main door. She opened it, throwing the item outside. "Chop-chop, Mendez, or I swear you'd fly like that bag."

"You'd regret this." Mendez squinted her eyes, but Aria was already thinking about something else. She took the bottle of beer that was standing on the cupboard by the door, and she chugged half of it. "The whole precinct..."

"Whole precinct doesn't give a fuck about some lowlife that I am. I made them famous for a moment, you probably heard. And you no longer have any power over my life, nor colleagues."

"I wonder if Bardel would..."

"Impressive how fast and good are you in jumping into assumptions." Aria scoffed, shaking her head. "He's no longer my colleague. Have a good life."


"Sorry. I have priorities. And you're no longer on the list whatsoever. Ta!"

And she slammed the door, locking it, completely deaf at the shouts from outside. She pulled out her phone and called her friend.

"Mia? Yeah. I need it."

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