
Chapter 47

B: Seth looked at Isaac. "Hunters have many enemies, but usually not in The Institute. Isaac don't worry about all of that right now. You two were still newly engaged when you went missing. You had yet to plan anything out. I know Jess she will stand by you no matter what. She left The Institute shortly after you went missing and looked for you every day. She really loves you and cares a lot about you. I doubt this small mishap will change any of that. Happy endings don't really happen in our line of work. She knew what she was getting into. I think she is more upset that you don't remember who you are. Don't blame yourself for forgetting. It's not your fault. You were taken and brainwashed...literally. She has lost weight, but that is on her. She gets too focused on things and she won't really eat or rest till it is solved. It is one of the things I hate about her. And of course, I will tell you everything you want to know. Just ask and I will tell you." Seth said as he watched Isaac punch his palm. "You know you could take your anger out on the training dumby. You did that a lot when you got upset about something." Seth chuckled and leaned against the wall. He had picked up a small throwing knife and was twirling it in his hands. He looked up at Isaac and smirked. "You want to try something stupid?" He asked with the smirk still on his face.


Jess looked at Luke. She had seen him a few times after Isaac disappeared but never talked to him. He was a handsome man, as were most hunters. She had just finished explaining to Blaine what had happened when he walked in. Hearing it all come from him hurt even worse that telling him. She fought back tears as she sat drinking the water Blaine had gotten her. She was starting to feel the weakness from the lack of food. When was the last time I ate? She asked herself in her head. Then she realized it had been almost a week. She would need to eat and soon. "Blaine, do you think I could get something to eat?" She asked before Luke asked her about the past encounters. She stopped dead from getting up from the chair. "YES! There was a vamp named Andy...she was like the queen of vamps or something. I remember her taking me and Isaac and that's really all." She turned to Blaine. "Blaine, you remember that?" She said and Blaine nodded. "You two were missing for almost four days. We looked everywhere but we never found a sign of you two. Then you guys showed up." He said confused. "What does this have to do with Isaac's memory loss?" Blaine asked with confusion on his face. Jess also wore confusion. She could not really keep up with everything, since she was weak and starting to get dizzy.

I: Isaac slowly nodded as he listened to Seth about Jess. "Seems I have a lot more to learn about her. I just hate the fact that I am so alone." He then looked at Seth strangely. "What do you have in mind? You...want me to attack you? I have to warn you, I don't remember where I was all this time, but my fighting skills are significantly above par. I hope you are ready for that."


Luke listened to both Blaine and Jess, and when the discovery was made, he had to pretend not to know the name. But it was not helpful when Jess began to look sick. "Andy. Yes, I know the name. Alright I will handle it. Jess, you need food, and you need to rest. Blaine, why don't you put an AHB on Andy so she can be brought in for an explanation. I will get Jess some food. Jess, come with me."

Luke winked to Blaine, showing the man he would keep an eye on her and be sure she was able to make it safely home. Luke placed his arm around Jess and helped her walk to the cafeteria, and he sat her down then went to give her some healthy food to eat. He brought the food to the table and he handed it to her so she could eat.

Luke watched Jess as she ate, and he held a small smile as he observed her. "So. You know what this is then." Luke asked as he flipped his notebook to a picture of the rune on Isaacs chest. "Tell me Jess. How much do you love Isaac? Is it true that you left him to go to Paris for four years? Would it also be true that afterward when you returned and he proposed marriage by giving you an engagement ring, you declined to wear it making him return that offer? Is it also true that when Andy supposedly had you in her custody, that you professed love for Isaac but when you discovered she had kissed him you refused to have a relationship with him? I'm just curious as to how much you love him. As you know, Isaac was going to take lead position as our top hunter before he disappeared. Can we be absolutely certain you had nothing to do with his disappearance? Especially since he was planning on removing your brother from his position for lack of dedication to the art of hunting? Explain your whereabouts the day Isaac went missing please. For the record."

Luke began to scribble notes as he interrogated her.

B: Seth smirked. "How about we test something more dangerous. Your throwing skills. Of course, we will use the walls, not a human. At least not yet." He chuckled. "And as for my sister, yes you have a lot to learn. She is complex and very annoying...at least to me." He chuckled. Though he was not joking. There was a lot about his sister that Isaac would have to relearn if he did not regain his memory.


Jess looked at Luke. He was hiding something, but currently she was too weak to even think about questioning him. When he said food, she nodded. When Luke put his arm around her, she recoiled but knew she was in no shape for walking. She leaned into him and walked into the cafeteria. Once she had the food, she began eating it slowly. Scared she would throw it up if she ate too quickly. When he showed her the rune she nodded. "Everyone knows it. Or at least everyone who has a partner they plan to marry does." She said looked confused but wiped it off her face quickly. When he started questioning her, she glared at him. "Are you saying that I don't love Isaac?" She growled, but then she composed herself. "I love Isaac with all I am. Yes, I left for Paris for several reasons. The main one being that The Paris Institute offered to help me with some personal things and to extend my training. The reason I declined to wear the ring was because I didn't want to ruin it. I wore it on my days off. I never declined the proposal. Yes, I professed my love for him and then rejected him because he kissed Andy out of rage. We had a fight and he kissed her out of anger. And then I later found out the reason he truly kissed her was to do with her vamp powers. Yes, you can be certain I had nothing to do with it. I spent MONTHS looking for him. I left The Institute because of it. Seth and Blaine both helped me LOOK in that time. And Isaac wouldn't have removed my brother because he is improving due to his bonding with his NEW TEAM. Only Blaine has the position to remove a hunter from duty, and he has evaluated my brother. The day he went missing I was in the library with Blaine and my brother working on the next hunt that my brother's team and I would be going on. It was a raid on a few rogue wolves, and yes, my brother's team was there. So, there are five people to account for my whereabouts. Shortly after we finished planning, we ate, geared up and left. When I returned Isaac was missing. Blaine had sent a hunter to his personal loft and they found the loft had been ransacked. It looked like a fight had gone on. There was blood on the kitchen floor. I went with my brother to clean the mess up and search the surrounding area with his team. We found evidence of Isaac, but we lost the trail, due to the rain that night." She said with a hint of anger. She was being questioned about her loyalty to Isaac. Luke had also accused her of taking Isaac because he was becoming the head hunter. She had celebrated with him, when he found out.

I: Isaac slowly nodded to Seth and accepted one of the throwing knives. As for combat, he did fight his way to where he was now, so throwing a knife should be more muscle memory, right? Isaac hoped so, he didn't want to be totally useless, and defenseless. Isaac took a deep breath and turned to the wall. "Fine, I guess you can start by telling me why I loved your sister so much? I want to remember that, more than anything. I never imagined myself a guy to settle and marry, because it never works out." Isaac tossed the knife toward the wall with minimum strength and plenty of precision. The knife released a 'throng' sound and seeped into the wall at the section he had thrown it. He grabbed another knife and tossed it with more force.


He listened to every word she said, taking a few notes down here and there. But then towards the end of her story he innocently lifted up his hands in a defensive manner. "No need to get angry with me. I already know where you were at the time, Blaine told me the exact same story with a few of his own details, so I know it is true. I had to do this investigation by the book and that means before we rule out our own people, we must verify their stories make sense and are consistent. Please calm down, I can tell you are angry." He gently reached over to touch her hand. "I have personal ties to your fiancé' Jess. He was one of my classmates for a very long time, and I am amazed he does not remember me either. That is why I am taking a personal look at this case, he needs my help."

He then smiled. "He needs our help. But we first must start by taking care of you. Are you sure you're well? You don't look so good." He sighed and stood and came to stand behind her and he leaned down to whisper in her ear more privately. "If you need to step away for a few days Jess, I have a place I can bring both you and Isaac to help ease this situation till it passes over. Trust me, you will like the place. It gives us a sense of peace from the wild things, and from what I see, you need the R&R. So? What do you say?"

B: Seth smiled when he agreed but he looked confused when he asked his question. "Well, I guess it would be because you two are so similar. She is very stubborn and is driven to do everything she can to be better...well at least that's how she is now. And before you meet her, she was different. You helped her become who she is now. Though I will say it is a bit annoying to have your sister want to leave then she comes back 100 times better than you are." He chuckled. "But I guess the reason you guys love each other is because no matter what happens you both know that you will always have each other's back." He said and smiled. "Damn, I guess muscle memory is great. Those are some great throws." Seth said and chucked a few knives himself. Hitting the wall where he had pointed the knife.


Jess calmed down with some deep breathing. "Then why did it seem like you were blaming me?" She asked calmly. Her years in Paris had paid off for her. When he touched her hand she instinctively drew back. She had finished her food and was still starving, so she got up and got more food. When he explained he was a classmate of Isaac she looked at him. "Well good. I don't want anyone on this case who isn't invested in it. People outside may give up."

When he began asking about her health she shrugged. "I am sure I will be fine. I just need food and to be near Isaac." When he stood behind her and whispered, she almost turned around and punched him, but she controlled herself. "If we do leave the Institute, we will be returned to our loft. There are memories and he feels safe there." She said simply. She was not trying to be rude, but she felt like she had been, but she didn't care. Isaac was her fiancé and her responsibility.

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