
Let's make our own thing

Once the group was done posting all the videos they simply watched as the views and the comments grew. Alisa also received numerous calls first from her parents, then from her manager, and then from her work acquaintances. 

Even though she was already famous and this kind of attention wasn't new for her, somehow this felt different. She looked around and saw Oliver and Kei happily watching the views go up, Emily was happily replying to the comments on the video on her various social media accounts.

Then there was Alex. Silent, calm, and ever the observer, he didn't seem to share the same outward excitement. But Alisa could sense the quiet satisfaction in his eyes as he watched the others. He wasn't one for grand gestures, but Alisa knew that he felt the same quiet joy of a job well done.


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:

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