

After the group celebrated the very first true successful mission as the Mercenary Club they all headed back home except for Alex and Alisa who needed to go to a fan meeting. Two vans arrived one had the bodyguards which were the three B-rank mercs and the other had Alisa's manager Grey. 

Of course, both Alisa and Alex rode the van with the manager. The group was now heading towards a restaurant that the fans reserved to meet with Alisa. The restaurant in question was the restaurant Alisa once said to be her favorite restaurant before she started acting.

The group arrived at the fan meeting venue and as expected it was full of people. Alex looked around as he took out his radio. 

"Everyone, change to radio frequency two." The people who were holding radios followed Alex's command. "Howard and Edward will accompany me to protect Alisa, Roland will stay with the vans in case we need to do a quick getaway." 


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:

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