

Alisa who was allowed to accompany Alex and the others was now wearing a mask to hide her face. Alex was even walking in such a way as to block the sight of the people looking in Alisa's direction.

Sayaka had suggested they go to a relatively new karaoke place that was serving a special kind of ice cream that she wanted to try. 

Rachel who was walking beside Sayaka looked at Alisa then at Alex and continued to sigh, but after doing that a few more times she shook her head and smiled. Unknown to most so many things happened to Rachel in that single moment. 

Oliver who was standing way at the back of the group looked like a bodyguard because of his stature. 

Of course, as they were walking their group caught the attention of the passerby, since each one of them was above average in looks and physique. There were even some who wanted to approach them but when they saw Oliver they had to take a step back. 

The group finally arrived at their destination and got into their room. Of course, the first thing Sayaka did was buy the ice cream she wanted to try. Then for the first person to sing everyone wanted to hear Alisa sing as she was an idol. 

"Alright then, I'll sing first but everyone needs to sing at least once." 

Everyone happily agreed and when Alisa picked a song to sing they were a little surprised that she didn't sing her own song but a different older song. The song was called Fast Love and it was an old pop song that was popular before any of them were born. 

Despite the style being completely different from the cute style she was used to singing she was able to sing the song masterfully which mesmerized the others. Once she was done singing everyone clapped their hands.

"That was awesome as expected of the country's sweetheart," Sayaka praised Alisa. 

"Heh, seeing how good you are I guess I should start listening to your original songs," Oliver commented with a slight smile on his face. 

"Well you should at least be that good since you're an idol," Rachel chimed in. 

Everyone had spoken their thoughts while Alex said nothing as he was looking around the room trying to see if there were any hidden cameras or bugs in the room. The next one to sing was Rachel, and surprisingly or not so surprisingly she too was a good singer not as good as Alisa but she was quite close. 

"Woah, Rachel have you ever considered becoming an idol? You're really good if you're interested in becoming an idol I can help you make introductions."

Alisa who was the most surprised spoke what she felt. Rachel looked at Alisa with a complicated expression on her face and then sighed. 

"No, there's no need I'm not really interested in becoming an idol I just like singing every now and then," Rachel responded. 

Alisa touched Rachel's hands and with a serious expression on her face spoke what was on her mind. 

"But you're really good much better than the other junior idols. If you change your mind please tell me alright." 

"Okay, I will." Rachel who was a little overwhelmed by Alisa replied. 

"Yay, from here on out let's all continue to have fun, alright Rachel." 

"... Yeah, sure let's have fun Alisa," Rachel responded as the two girls held each other's hands with smiling faces.

"Now this is true camaraderie! As expected of my comrades in arms! To celebrate our first mission completion as well as blooming friendship allow me to sing a song that resonates within my very soul." 

Oliver spoke wiping some tears in his eyes as he shouted in excitement and chose a song to sing. The song Oliver chose was from an old anime about battle and friendship, the song's name was called Blazing Soul. 

Unlike the first two Oliver's singing technique wasn't that good but he made up for it with his burning passion. Sayaka sang after Oliver and what she sang was a normal popular song and she was simply okay not too good and not too bad. 

Finally, it was Alex's turn to sing, and everyone was excited to see what song Alex would want to sing. Alex who had finished scanning the room found nothing peculiar and was now getting ready to pick a song. He who had been on the battlefield all his life had almost no knowledge of current songs, actually, his knowledge about songs was limited to what he heard from the ones mercenaries sang on the battlefield. 

There was one particular song that seemed to be quite popular among the mercenaries and the only song Alex had ever sang.

"O' Warrior Brave and Bold the eve of battle comes. The end of days, the end of life, but the battle never ends. Swords and Shields have broken down, but the roar of battle forever sounds. In Valhalla's halls where we all will stay until the battle ends." 

The song Alex was singing was something from the time of bards singing in taverns, it has several newer versions, but what Alex was singing was among the older versions of the song. It was the song most mercenaries sing as they head into battle. 

Even though the song wasn't that hard to sing, the way Alex sang the song with almost perfect pitch amazed the group of people. Once he was done it took them a few seconds before they reacted by clapping their hands. Oliver happily patted Alex's back. 

"As expected of comrade Alex, a song that truly embodies the path of being a mercenary!" 


The group continued to sing and have fun, while Alisa and Rachel were singing a duet Sayaka was finally able to sit beside Alex to ask a few questions. 

"Hey, hey, how come you two were so good at kendo? Especially you Alex, the way you move was out of this world! The coach of the other team even said you had a master, you called him your sword instructor, right? So that means you didn't learn kendo you actually learned sword techniques... Hey, who was your master? Where is he now?"

Sayaka kept on asking question after question like a machine gun her mouth just wouldn't stop flapping. Alex decided to ignore her since her questioning didn't seem like it was serious.

"Boo! You're such a bore Alex, aside from your looks I wonder why so many girls seem fond of you." Sayaka said while pouting.

"Hey, how about you Oliver will you take that guy called Ken as your Master?" Similar to Alex Oliver did not respond to Sayaka's question. 

"Seriously you two, what's wrong with you? A cute girl such as myself is asking you questions, usually, other guys would answer and even give me information that I didn't ask for. Hmph, fine, don't answer I'll just have fun teasing the girls instead." 

Sayaka finally shifted her attention from Alex and Oliver to Alisa and Rachel. Despite her cool-looking appearance, and her demeanor that she showed before, it turns out Sayaka was much more childish. 

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