

After getting approval from the president, the group was now following the Public Relations officer of the student council to their new room as advised by the Vice-President. When they reached the room, it turned out to be the old storage room outside of the school building.

"Oh, this is like the time I played the part of a manager of a losing baseball team and we're at our last chance."

Alisa then stood in front of Alex and the others and her demeanor suddenly changed, from her happy-go-lucky self to someone having a very passionate aura. 

"You guys we can't give up like this! Didn't we have the dream of winning the finals, didn't we promise that we'll do our best until we reach that dream?! Didn't we promise to always move forward so please let's not stop here..." 

Alisa fell to the ground tears falling down her cheeks as she bowed her head in front of Alex and the others who were still in shock by her sudden change. 

"I don't know what finals you're talking about, but I promise you that I will never stop walking forward, isn't that right Alex, Rachel?" Oliver spoke with determination as he looked at Alex and Rachel.

"Hmph, even though I don't know what's happening I too never stop walking forward," Rachel responded still confused as to what was happening.

"As long as with you guys moving forward, staying still it doesn't really matter to me, as long as you guys are there," Alex spoke with his usual emotionless tone of voice.

Alisa who was on the floor looking like she was begging suddenly started laughing as she stood up and wiped the tears from her eyes. 

"You guys I was just acting out the part from my previous drama. Still, you guys had pretty good responses how about you guys become extras in my next drama?"

"You truly are a good actress, comrade Alisa. I was actually tricked by your acting skills." Oliver clapped his hands while praising Alisa. 

"... Fine, I can't deny that you're a good actor." Rachel reluctantly praised Alisa. 

Alex who was looking at Alisa was still surprised by what he saw. The changes in her expression were nothing new as most actors can do that but the change in her very aura and the way she held herself completely changed as if she was really someone else was incredible. 

'I guess I underestimated actors, they could become good spies.' 

"How about you Alex what do you think?"

Hearing Oliver's voice Alex's train of thought stopped and he came back to reality and saw that his companions were all looking at him. 

"Hmm, you're acting is good enough for you to become a spy." 

The very second Alex said his comment the group became quiet, after several seconds of silence the the group burst out in excitement. 

"HAHAHA!!! As expected of my brother-in-arms, that's right Miss Alisa does have the qualities of a spy." 

"That sounds interesting maybe I'll try out a spy role for my next work." 

"Okay, how about we stop talking about this and let's look at the place will be staying at." 

"Oh right, we were supposed to be looking at this shed." 

Oliver opened the door, and a bunch of dust spread out. Inside the old storage room were spider webs, old tennis rackets, broken balls, and a bunch of broken miscellaneous things. Rachel who entered the storage room thought that the inside looked much worse than she expected.

Alex, on the other hand, was scanning the inside for potential bomb threats, and structural hazards. He quickly killed all of the spiders he saw, since he had no time to check if they were able to harm Rachel and Alisa. 

"Okay, then my comrades let's borrow some brooms and clean this place up," Oliver said with an excited voice.

The four immediately went to get the materials they needed to clean up. When the four returned, Oliver was surprised to see Alex, Alisa, and Rachel surrounded by a ton of people who held brooms and mops.

"Where did all these people come from?"

"Well I told them we created a new Circle and the room we were given was the dirty old storage room outside, so a bunch of our classmates in the going home club volunteered to help." Rachel was smiling at everyone present, which warmed the hearts of those who came.

'She scammed them.'

Oliver quickly figured out what had happened. Seeing as most of the people who came were boys Rachel must've enticed them to help. There were also some girls who were attracted by Alex. Oliver seeing the scene of a bunch of people cleaning the inside of the old storage room just to help them, made him feel that the circle the four of them created would be successful one way or another.

Oliver noticed that Alisa was not there and started looking around for her but then he heard the sound of heavy footsteps. Then he looked outside the shed and saw a larger group of people surrounding Alisa like a princess and her group of knights. 

"I brought more people to help."

Seeing so many people who could not fit in the shed wanting to clean it a smile appeared on Oliver's face. 

"Alright then let's get to cleaning!"



Once the cleaning was done, some of the boys even brought three chairs and an extra table they got from the new storage room and placed them inside. Alisa, Oliver, and Rachel happily thanked the kind helpers, Alex on the other hand simply bowed his head.

Alex once again looked inside the room as well as outside and double-checked everything. He actually found two wiretaps hidden outside of the room, near the open window. One of the boys who helped clean must've placed it there.

'This is a recorder that is connected via wifi... Who could want to use such an obvious wiretap? This is the work of an amateur. Still, since they decided to wiretap this place their target must be one of us. It can't be me cause if they knew who I am they would have used better equipment. The same reasoning could be applied to Oliver. Rachel has been in this school longer than I have and when transferred here I haven't seen anyone use bugs over here... I see their target must be Alisa, well she is a famous actress. I wonder should I eliminate the threat?'

When Alex was still thinking about what to do a student came into the shed while breathing heavily. 

"Alex, Oliver there are some guys in the front gate looking for you."

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