
Chapter 17: The Vytal Festival

Opening the door Mitch and Ania entered into the gym as she immediately placed a hand over her nose "Ugh I can smell the sweat and testosterone in here" groaning she glanced around at all the muscle bound jocks busy lifting massive dumb bells who glanced in her general direction grinning as she glared back causing them to quickly look away.

"Well I'm hitting the bench press you can go do err whatever it is females do to train" Mitch said walking away "Hey don't leave me here alone with these testosterone filled muscle heads" she yelled as he waved a hand in the air ignoring her outbursts "Humph fine have it your way" pouting she headed off towards the treadmill hoping she'd fine peace and quiet there.

Laying down on the bench he started lifting up the weights before he saw blonde hair hanging over his face and a cleavage as Yang grinned down at him. "Yo watcha lifting there" leaning far forward to check the weight her chest was close to Mitch's face as he lost his concentration dropping the bar onto his chest as he let out a wheeze and attempted to push it up before Yang helped him.

"Probably shouldn't put to much weight on" she said giggling as Mitch grumbled "I'm fine I just got distracted" his eyes went down as Yang followed before laughing "You're more innocent than you let on it's cute" "Perhaps I'll go vent some steam on the boxing bag" he said walking away taking a huge swing into the giant bag as it flopped back and forth before Yang held it in place "Whoa there don't go breaking it now".

"So I saw your fight with Tom he was pretty impressive although you didn't do so badly considering you haven't been trained at all" she said as Mitch laughed "I don't really care if I win or lose as long as I have a enjoyable fight". "You really are an odd one to be here" Yang giggled "I suppose I'm not like anyone here really who wants to learn and get better although I'm slowly starting to enjoy this place" "Making any friends?" "Ehh there are people trying but I'm not really that bothered" "….sheesh"

As Sky, Alan and Tom started walking towards their next class a huge burly black skinned guy with blonde cornrows stepped out suddenly leaning against the wall blocking their way. "Mmmm I do like me a white girl with some curves" he said staring Sky up and down who stared right back at the guy and scoffed "Please I don't like vulgar and muscle bound idiots such as yourself". Pushing his hand out the way the three of them went to pass as another guy darted in front suddenly nearly knocking them all over.

"Now, now my man Wesley here was just trying to have a civil conversation and you blow him off like that how rude" he said glaring up at them his appearance incredibly shocking and intimidating. He wasn't as bulky as his comrade more of an athletic and toned body with jet black hair slicked back and piercing yellow eyes. There was a scar across his right cheek and a skull tattoo on his throat while he wore a short black shirt with baggy blue jeans. "He was being rather rude to her" Tom said stepping forward as the man grinned "You're Tom the dude who fought in our combat class I have to say you're fighting wasn't that impressive" "Ha you tell them Patrick" Wesley said as Alan now stepped forward "Look can we just get to class there's no point in having a confrontation here since fights are forbidden" "Trust a coward White Tiger to back and walk away" Dano's voice came from the ceiling as he dropped down while Alan grit his teeth eager to reach for his tonfa's but Tom placed a hand on his shaking his head.

"Perhaps you can comment on my fighting technique when we actually have a confrontation together" Tom said pushing past Patrick who slammed his fist against the wall and whirled around holding his giant claymore up "Oh when we fight I'll squash you like the bug you are and enjoy every minute of it". Not even bothering to turn around and justify his comment the three continued walking on as Patrick burst into laughter "Ah his cockiness pisses me off I can't wait to crush him and his pathetic team".

"Man that team is filled with nothing but dick heads" Sky said making a disgusted face as Alan for once agreed with her "They're just a bunch of huge brutes who think they can push everyone around" "Brute force doesn't necessitate strength just look at my fight with Mitch if you think smart you can overcome those simple minded fools" "I'd understand that insult better if you didn't word it so technically" Sky sighed but still smiled staring at Tom.

Walking in Tom and Alan spotted both Mitch and Ania sitting together at the back right hand corner and went to go and join them but Sky insisted they sit next to her for a change "Sure why not" Alan said taking a seat as Tom looked across at his two team mates "But won't they get lonely or annoyed that we aren't sitting with them" "Ha I highly doubt that" Alan pointed up as he noticed Mitch with his head slumped on the desk and Ania laying back in her chair with both feet kicked up "I honestly think they'll be fine".

"Hey look Alan and Tom are sitting elsewhere" Ania suddenly noticed as Mitch rolled his face up from the desk "Huh well fancy that maybe I'll be able to sleep during a lesson for once" "Not with me sitting next to you baka pay attention!" she whacked him over the head as Mitch sat up grumbling as Professor Glynda walked into the room.

"Alright so today I'll be teaching all you students about your aura and then we'll be having a duel contest to show how to effectively use your aura during a fight".

"Oh I so hope she picks me for the demonstration" Mitch whispered as Ania laughed "Please she said use your aura effectively, with the way you battle I bet you exhaust nearly all of it within the first couple of minutes" "Hey nothing wrong with being fast" upon hearing that comment Ania raised an eyebrow as Mitch placed his head back on the table "I'm just going to keep quiet now".

"Now your aura is the manifestation of ones soul and can be used for a wide range of abilities, the specific ability and it's strength depends is determined by just who the user is and the level of skill that they possess. The strength of your aura obviously is different from person to person some may have an incredible amount and some may have none also others can utilise theirs to the maximum while some can't even have the simplest grasp of how to manipulate it. While in combat your use of aura is essential because if you exhaust to much of it quickly and don't win you'll be left weakened and helpless against your foe".

After her explanation was done she summoned Jaune and Cardin to come up for a practice. Cardin was a huge bulky man with burnt orange hair and indigo eyes he wore a huge armoured chest plate and wielded a massive thick mace.

"I don't think Jaune will win this fight" Tom said staring down at the comparison between the two men. Jaune only came up to Cardin's chest and wasn't nearly as bulky or muscular plus he had an unkempt look with messy blonde hair and dark blue eyes, Tom noticed at least he wore some form of armour with a white chest plate and grey shoulder armour while he wielded a long sword with a silver shield.

"Awww come on don't be so quick to judge Tom he might surprise you kind of like Mitch did" Ruby said from the seat below as she looked up while Tom considered the probability but thought Jaune didn't seem to lake the natural talent Mitch had for combat "I could be wrong though I have been wrong before…" he quietly said to himself.

A few minutes later Tom had realised he was completely right as Jaune was getting completely dominated by Cardin although he got an A on effort and trying as he refused to give up. Charging forward he swung his blade down as a monster blow from Cardin caused his sword arm to slam into the ground as he fell forward "This is where you lose" he said as Jaune attempted to stand up again. "Grrrr" Cardin growled as he kneed Jaune viciously in the stomach causing him to drop onto the ground before walking over and lifting his mace high into the air for the final blow "Alright that's enough it's obvious Cardin wins". Lowering his mace he grunted and walked off as Jaune slowly got to his feet "Jaune I would've thought by now you'd have a better grasp on your aura levels you really should learn to pay more attention to it so you can form a new strategy to fight".

Disheartened he slunk back towards his seat as she turned to face the entire class "Alright before we go I have to announce about the upcoming Vytal Festival which is a tournament where rival schools can compete in a combat tournament so if you wish to give your group a shot come and see me to sign on up". "DUDE WE ARE SO ENTERING THAT ALAN!" Mitch roared leaping up from his seat and roaring across half of the room as everyone turned to stare at him "SIT DOWN BAKA" Ania yelled pushing his head down as the bell rang for the end of class.

"Man seriously how does your team even function" Sky said standing up to leave after Alan had run off to sign his team up for the Festival "You've got two anti social people and you a socially awkward person" throwing both hands into the air. Tom simply shrugged his shoulders "We have an overly social person so it evens us out".

She looked over towards Mitch who was now busy having a nap on his desk after that outburst while Ania was busy staring out the window daydreaming and Alan was busy talking to other team members as she rolled her eyes "Yeah… so organised" "Well when the situation calls for it we become an organised team I guess" he said chuckling.

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