
Chapter 50 - Intrigue In Gulltown

124 AC

The thirteenth day of the fourth moon

Addam Pov

As my eyes fluttered open, I could feel excruciating pain throughout my body, and my head was throbbing relentlessly. As I glanced at my arms and body, I noticed they were tightly wrapped in bandages, a clear reminder of the brutal defeat I had suffered.

"I lost," I said softly, the words carrying the weight of disappointment and self-blame.

In that moment, the dream of becoming a squire to the esteemed White Knights felt distant and shattered. My heart sank, knowing that I had let down not only myself but also my family who had placed their hopes in me.

"Addam," I heard my mother's concerned voice, snapping me out of my reverie.

"You're awake," she said, her eyes visibly red from what must have been tears of worry. She rushed to embrace me gently, a mix of relief and concern evident in her touch.

"Brother!" my younger sibling, Alyn, exclaimed as he entered the room, quickly following in my mother's footsteps. He too enveloped me in a tight hug, a mixture of joy at my awakening and concern for my well-being evident in his embrace.

After a few tender moments, we all parted, and my mother's tone shifted, giving way to a mixture of relief, anger, and concern.

"What is wrong with you, boy?" she exclaimed, her voice filled with a blend of frustration and maternal worry. "Who in the world goes into a melee without even wearing proper armor?" Her concern was understandable, given that squires were expected to be cautious and prepared.

"You gave me a heart attack," she continued, her emotions running high. "If you weren't as bruised as you are now, I would have bruised your arse myself!"

Hearing her scold me only made the ache in my heart worse, replaying the painful memory of the melee and my failure to succeed. I didn't respond to her scolding, but instead, I cast my eyes downward, feeling utterly defeated.

However, my mother's anger soon softened as she saw the remorse and sadness in my eyes. She took a deep breath, trying to temper her emotions, and spoke in a gentler tone, "Addam, we just want you to be safe and successful. Becoming a squire was your dream, and we believe in you. But you must learn from your mistakes and improve."

Alyn chimed in, "Yeah, big brother, you're strong and skilled, but you need to think before you act."

Their words resonated deep within me, igniting a sense of determination despite the pain and disappointment. I knew they were right; I couldn't let a single failure define me or my future aspirations. I had to train harder, be more cautious, and learn from my mistakes.

With a newfound resolve, I looked up at my mother and brother, determination in my eyes. "You're right. I messed up, but I won't let this setback stop me. I'll train harder, be more cautious, and prove myself worthy of being a squire," I declared earnestly.

My mother's stern expression softened, and she smiled warmly. "That's my boy. We believe in you, Addam."

"And so do I," came a deep and authoritative voice, resonating through the room. When I turned my gaze towards the entrance, I was utterly shocked and awestruck.

"White Knight," I gasped softly, barely able to believe my eyes.

The man before me, clad in gleaming armor adorned with the emblem of the White Knights, smiled warmly. "You can call me Ulf, you know," he said, his voice carrying a sense of approachability that surprised me.

Immediately, my eyes brightened with excitement. "You are my hero," I said, unable to contain my admiration. "I know every word of your song as well. Do you want me to sing it for you?" I offered, my eagerness overriding the pain coursing through my body.

Ulf's face registered a mix of surprise and amusement. "Wait, I have a song?" he asked, genuinely perplexed.

"Oh, of course! I mean, the one about your heroic feats and valor in the face of darkness," I clarified, my cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "The bards sing it all across the land!"

A chuckle escaped Ulf's lips as he shook his head good-naturedly. "Ah, I see," he replied, his humility evident despite his prestigious position.

My heart swelled with joy at his response, and I mustered the strength to sit up a little straighter. "You've inspired me to become a know, you know. I want to follow in your footsteps and protect the innocent, just like you do," I confessed earnestly.

"But anyways, I am not here for that, Addam," Ulf said, his tone earnest and focused. "You see, I was looking for a squire, and that was why the squires' melee took place. I was waiting for one worthy of that honor."

"I would like to congratulate the winner then," I said, a tinge of sadness in my voice.

"Wait a minute, do you not know who your opponent was?" Ulf asked, his expression filled with concern.

"No, I do not," I replied, thinking back to the boy with the brown hair. "Although the idiot did call himself a valyrian," I added, remembering a light-hearted jest I made during the melee.

Ulf's face turned aghast, and my mother's reaction mirrored his shock.

"That was Prince Jacaerys, you idiot," my mother scolded.

My heart sank as I realized the gravity of my words. "And because of that, she wanted your tongue, and if it were not for Ser Ulf here, you would have lost it by now," my mother continued, her anger evident.

"What?" I asked, feeling deeply worried.

"But do not worry, Marilda. It is resolved, and no harm will befall Addam," Ulf interjected, placing his hand on my mother's, which surprisingly turned her face red.

"After all, young Addam here is my squire, and I would sacrifice myself before letting any harm befall him," Ulf declared, looking at me with kind eyes.

"What?" I exclaimed, immediately regretting it as my ribs started hurting.

"But I lost," I said, feeling a mix of disappointment and confusion.

"You lost, that is true," Ulf acknowledged, "but I was not looking for the strongest squire. I was looking for someone who had a heart true and pure, whose loyalty would never waver, someone with honor, and that is why I chose you, Addam."

His words touched my heart, and I felt a surge of emotion welling up inside me. "Because you remind me of myself when I was a child," Ulf continued, revealing a side of himself I had never seen before.

My heart jumped at the unexpected revelation, and tears formed in my eyes. "Thank you, Ser Ulf," I managed to say, trying to control my emotions.

I went over and hugged him, tears and snot running down my nose, which must have surely ruined his immaculate clothes, but he didn't seem to mind as he simply patted my back in a reassuring manner.

In that moment, I felt a deep sense of gratitude and pride. I may not have been the strongest or most skilled, but Ulf saw something in me that he deemed worthy of being his squire. It wasn't just about my performance in the melee; it was about the qualities he believed I possessed as a person.

From that day forward, my determination to be the best squire I could be grew even stronger. With Ulf as my mentor and guide, I knew I was in the hands of a true hero and knight, one who saw potential in me and was willing to invest in my growth.

As my training continued, I vowed to uphold the honor and values of the White Knights, and to one day be as noble and respected as Ulf himself. With each passing day, I strove to prove that his faith in me was not misplaced, and that I was indeed worthy of being his squire and the opportunity to serve under the White Knight's banner.

124 AC

The thirteeth day of the ninth moon

As the ship cut through the waves, the vast expanse of the sea stretched out before us, its azure waters glistening under the warm sun. We had been sailing for days, and the anticipation of finally reaching Gulltown was palpable among the crew and passengers alike.

As Ser Ulf leaned over the railing, looking utterly miserable, Ser Hugh, Ser Halron, and Mushroom approached, their playful banter pausing momentarily as they noticed his distress.

"Ulf, my friend, are you sure you haven't turned green yet?" Ser Hugh jested, nudging the queasy knight with a friendly elbow.

"Seems like the seas have a bone to pick with you," Mushroom added with a mischievous grin. "But fear not! I can always conjure up a potion to calm your stomach!"

Ser Ulf managed a weak smile, appreciating their attempts to lighten the mood. "I think it's my fate to be eternally seasick," he muttered.

"Come on, Ulf, let's see that sea-leg of yours!" Ser Halron teased, pretending to stumble in a comical imitation of a novice sailor. The dwarf jester joined in, mimicking Halron's exaggerated swaying, causing the entire group to burst into laughter.

However, as they laughed, Ser Ulf's queasiness seemed to intensify. "Oh, gods, why did I ever agree to this voyage?" he groaned, clutching his stomach.

"Perhaps the sea is just madly in love with you," Mushroom quipped, wiggling his eyebrows playfully.

"You know, Ulf, they say that feeding the fish is good luck!" Ser Hugh chimed in, holding his giant hammer aloft.

"That's enough, you lot," Ser Ulf mumbled, though his voice was tinged with amusement. "You can go to the Seven Hells for all I care!"

The others erupted into laughter at Ulf's half-hearted scolding, their amusement growing as he clutched the railing for support.

Just then, my mother, Marilda, who also happened to be the captain of the ship, approached the group with a sly grin on her face. "Oh, Ulf, it seems the sea has taken a liking to you!" she said, feigning concern.

"Very funny, Marilda," Ulf groaned, giving her a weak glare.

"Now, now, Ulf, no need to be grumpy," Marilda replied, her grin widening. "Come, I'll take you to your cabin. A little rest might do you some good."

As she guided Ser Ulf away, the others couldn't help but laugh even louder. "Looks like Marilda is having her fun," Ser Hugh chuckled.

"What fun is Mother having, Ser Hugh?" I innocently inquired, surprising them all as they realized I had been standing beside them the entire time.

Ser Hugh fidgeted with his fingers, attempting to find the right words. "Well, you see, Addam, she's just... uh, taking care of Ser Ulf," he stammered, glancing at Ser Harlon for help.

"Yes, by stroking away the sea sickness from Ulf, I am sure," Mushroom interjected with a sly grin, making a suggestive gesture with his hand. The double entendre in Mushroom's words went right over my head, but the others burst into laughter, their cheeks reddening slightly.

"Oh, Mushroom, you are too good," Ser Hugh managed to say between fits of laughter. He tried to wipe away the tears that had formed from his amusement.

Perplexed by their reactions, I joined in with a hearty laugh, not knowing what exactly was so funny. "I'm glad you all find it amusing," I said, still trying to catch the joke.

Ser Harlon, trying to maintain his composure, finally explained, "It's just Mushroom's way of making a joke, Addam. You know how he is with his wit."

"Indeed," Mushroom chimed in, giving a mock bow. "I am a master of jests, my young squire!"

Ser Hugh patted my shoulder with a hearty laugh. "Don't worry, lad. You'll understand these things in time."

"Understand what?" I asked, still feeling a bit confused.

"Oh, nothing, nothing," Ser Harlon replied quickly, exchanging amused glances with the others.

"Anyway," Mushroom interjected, changing the subject, "shall we find some entertainment for our young squire here? Perhaps a tale of knights and dragons?"

"I would love to hear all the stories, Mushroom, but could you tell me the story of the White Knight again?" I asked eagerly, my eyes shining with excitement.

"By the Seven, the boy is obsessed with Ulf," Ser Hugh remarked, shaking his head in amusement.

Mushroom chuckled, delighted by my enthusiasm. "Of course, young squire! The tale of the White Knight is one that deserves to be retold."

As the ship sailed steadily on, Mushroom began his captivating narration once more, recounting the legendary story of Ser Ulf, the valiant knight whose valor and noble deeds had earned him the esteemed title of the White Knight.

He described Ulf's journey from a humble background to becoming a knight of great renown. The story weaved a tapestry of courage, sacrifice, and unwavering dedication to justice and honor. I hung on to every word, my imagination conjuring images of Ulf facing formidable foes, defending the innocent, and embodying the very essence of chivalry.

Ser Hugh and Ser Harlon, though they had heard the tale countless times before, listened with smiles on their faces, happy to indulge me in my fascination with their fellow knight. Even Ser Ulf, who had been resting in his cabin, seemed to perk up as the story reached his valiant exploits.

As the sun began to dip below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the sea, I found myself immersed in Mushroom's tale, lost in a world of knights and dragons, castles and quests. Time seemed to slip away, and before I knew it, evening had arrived, and my stomach grumbled with hunger.

Mother's voice calling us to her cabin for dinner snapped me back to reality, and I bid farewell to Mushroom's storytelling with a grateful smile. "Thank you, Mushroom, for sharing the epic tale of the White Knight. It was truly captivating."

"My pleasure, young squire," Mushroom replied with a wink. "There are more stories to be told whenever you desire."

We made our way to Mother's cabin, where she had prepared a delicious feast for us all. The camaraderie among Ser Hugh, Ser Halron, Mushroom, and myself was palpable, the shared moments of laughter and storytelling creating a strong bond between us.

As we dined together, I couldn't help but notice the genuine affection and respect they all held for Ser Ulf. It was clear that Ulf was not just an esteemed knight but also a cherished friend and comrade to these brave souls.

Throughout dinner, we regaled each other with tales of our own adventures and escapades, each story seemingly more fantastical and awe-inspiring than the last. The camaraderie and lighthearted banter brought a sense of warmth and unity to our little group.

After dinner finished, we all gathered around the table, ready to discuss our plans in Gulltown. Ser Ulf took charge, reminding us of the utmost importance of our mission and the need to keep its true purpose a secret from anyone outside our group. Everyone nodded in agreement, fully understanding the gravity of the task ahead.

"The Vale," Ser Ulf began, "is a black ally, with Lady Jeyne Arryn being the cousin of Princess Rhaenyra. I have no doubt that if war were to break out, she would stand by her cousin's side."

"But," Mushroom interjected with a playful grin, "there's always a 'but'."

Ser Ulf chuckled and continued, "Indeed, Mushroom. The same cannot be said about the other Arryns. There are two who may not support Lady Jeyne's cause: Ser Arnold Arryn, her cousin, and Isembard Arryn, the head of the house in Gulltown."

Curiosity piqued, Ser Hugh asked, "Why would they not support their own family in a time of crisis?"

Ulf glanced at Mother, and she took up the tale. "Two years ago, while Lady Jeyne was in King's Landing for Prince Aegon and Princess Helaena's wedding, Ser Arnold attempted to rebel and take over the Eyrie. His forces were defeated by Ser Corwyn Corbray and his Valyrian steel sword, Lady Forlorn."

"But why is this Ser Arnold still alive? Shouldn't he have been executed for rebelling?" Ser Hugh asked with a hint of incredulity.

"In all her wisdom, Lady Jeyne chose to show mercy to her cousin, and thus he is still alive, undoubtedly plotting," Ser Ulf replied, his tone tinged with a mix of annoyance and concern.

"And this Isembard Arryn of Gulltown," Ser Halron inquired, "what is his part in all of this?"

Mother continued, "My traders from Gulltown have reported that he's been meeting regularly with Ser Arnold and his son, Eldric. What's more, Isembard is recruiting sellswords, indicating they may be planning another rebellion."

The news stunned us all, and I couldn't help but feel the weight of the impending crisis.

"We cannot allow their coup to succeed," Ulf declared. "If they overthrow Lady Jeyne, any support for the Blacks in the Vale would crumble, as the lords would prefer a man on the Iron Throne."

Silence settled upon us, each one contemplating the gravity of the situation.

"I have a plan," Ulf said firmly. "I will join the mercenaries Isembard is hiring and gather information on their plan of attack."

Mother burst into laughter, surprising us all. "Your sickness has addled your brain, Ulf. They'll recognize you instantly with your distinctive white hair. You were at the tourney of the Prince and Princesses' wedding."

Undeterred, Ulf asked, "What can I do then?"

Mushroom, with a glint of mischief in his eyes, chimed in, "You can either go bald, or..." before he could continue, Ulf interrupted, looking distraught at the idea of going bald.

"Or, as I was saying before I was rudely interrupted," Mushroom resumed, "we can color your hair. That should help you blend in seamlessly."

Everyone nodded in agreement, and Ulf, a mixture of relief and trepidation on his face, reluctantly accepted the plan. We spent the rest of the evening discussing the details of our mission and preparing for the tasks that lay ahead.

With the weight of our impending mission on our shoulders, we knew that our journey to Gulltown would be fraught with danger and uncertainty. Yet, as we sat around the table, united in our purpose, I couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie and determination among us.

As the night wore on, the ship continued its journey, carrying us towards Gulltown and whatever adventures awaited us there. I knew that I was fortunate to be in the company of such remarkable individuals, and I felt a sense of excitement for the future.

The next day the distant outline of Gulltown's port came into view, gradually growing larger on the horizon.

Seagulls soared gracefully above us, their calls mingling with the chatter and excitement of the passengers. Some of us stood at the ship's railings, eager to catch the first glimpse of the city's bustling harbor and vibrant markets. Others found solace in the peacefulness of the open sea, lost in their thoughts as they gazed into the endless horizon.

The ship's crew moved with practiced efficiency, adjusting the sails and guiding the vessel towards the awaiting docks. The anticipation built, and a sense of relief washed over me as I realized that our long journey was finally drawing to a close.

As we drew nearer to the port, the sounds of the city grew louder – the distant hum of traders hawking their goods, the rhythmic clanging of blacksmiths' hammers, and the excited chatter of passersby. The scent of saltwater and fresh seafood mingled with the aromas of exotic spices and ripe fruits, carried on the sea breeze.

Gulltown's cliffs and terraced buildings came into clearer focus, an impressive sight as the city's architecture seemed to blend harmoniously with the surrounding natural beauty. The city stood tall and proud, a testament to the ingenuity and resilience of its people.

As the ship docked, a feeling of excitement and adventure filled the air. Passengers began to gather their belongings, eager to explore the vibrant city and all it had to offer. Merchants, sailors, and travelers alike disembarked, each with their own purpose and destination in mind. It was a city known for its bustling markets, renowned craftsmen, and esteemed guilds.

My excitement was palpable. The prospect of exploring a new city filled me with anticipation, and I could hardly wait to set foot on the unfamiliar streets. As the group discussed their plans for gathering information and infiltrating the circles of intrigue, I found my mind drifting to thoughts of adventure and curiosity.

"Addam, you must be patient," Ser Hugh advised, noticing my restlessness. "We have important business to attend to first. Gulltown will still be here once our mission is complete."

Ser Harlon nodded in agreement. "He's right, lad. There's a time for exploring, but now we need to focus on the task at hand."

I tried to suppress my eagerness, knowing that their words were wise. However, as the others continued discussing their strategies, I couldn't help but steal glances towards the city beyond the dock. It beckoned to me with its promise of new sights, sounds, and experiences.

Just then, as I looked around, I spotted Ser Ulf walking towards us. However, something was amiss. As he drew nearer, I couldn't help but burst into laughter, causing everyone to turn and look at me quizzically.

"What's so funny, Addam?" Ser Harlon asked.

I struggled to contain my amusement as I pointed towards Ser Ulf. "Look at his hair! It's... it's pink!"

The others turned to see Ser Ulf with a puzzled expression. As he realized what I was laughing at, he couldn't help but join in, chuckling at the absurdity of the situation.

"My apologies, Ser Ulf," I managed to say between laughs, "but your hair looks rather... vibrant."

Ser Ulf ran a hand through his now pink hair, a bemused smile on his face. "Seems like your mother, Marilda, decided to have a little fun with my appearance. She thought it would be a good disguise to blend in with the locals, but I'm not sure pink was the best choice."

Ser Hugh burst into laughter, slapping Ulf on the back in camaraderie. "You do stand out, that's for certain!"

Mother, who had joined the group, couldn't help but smirk. "It's not every day you see a seasoned knight with pink hair. I thought it would be a good way to make sure no one recognizes you."

"Well, you've certainly succeeded in that," Ser Harlon chimed in, his face still alight with amusement.

Despite my initial impatience to explore the city, I couldn't help but find joy in the lighthearted moment. The sight of the formidable Ser Ulf, the renowned White Knight, with pink hair, was an unexpected twist in our serious mission.

"Alright, enough teasing," Mother said, trying to stifle her laughter. "We have work to do. Once we've settled in, we can focus on gathering information and planning our next steps."

As we made our way into the city, I found myself glancing back at Ser Ulf, his pink hair a constant reminder of the unexpected humor and camaraderie that could be found amidst the serious nature of our mission. And as we set forth on our tasks, I knew that this journey to Gulltown would be filled with surprises, challenges, and laughter, all woven together in a tapestry of unforgettable experiences.

Do let me know how you like Ulf's new hair color. I have half a mind to change the title to the Pink Knight . Let me now your thoughts on the above chapter as well.

Last_Quincycreators' thoughts
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