
Amazon Part 1

I don't own anything here except story idea.

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Peter pov.

I don't know how much time pass. I slowly open my eyes. And I found myself in some kind of prison. I don't know where am i and how i get here. Is it some kind of dream or something if not I'm 100% sure i was in plane going for Amazon trip.

This doesn't feel like dream though.

Me :- HEY!!

Me :- Anybody here??

Me :- Anyone.

I don't hear anything. So I'm assuming I'm here alone. Now what should i do should i break this prison and run or should wait for other come and ask what is going on and why I'm being locke in this prison.

After I decided to wait let's not provoke anyone. Who knows what happens here. Marvel universe filled with quite strange things.

After long no one comes out i decide to take a nape. Good thing is this prison outdoor and so this filled with full of sunlight. This area seem to some kind of island. So with pure atmosphere and lot of solar radiation. This situation doesn't sound bad.

While thinking to this i decided to sleep.

Unknown Place

Many people gathered at one place. Everyone are women.

Woman 1 : Is that invader awoke yet??

Woman 2 : Yes, Little bit while ago he seem to awoke and trying to call Anyone who's near him. I think he's trying to figure out the situation he's in. After getting no response from anyone he decided to take nape.

Woman 3 : Well, that's strange. If people find themselves this kind of situation they start to get panick and starting to make lot of noise.

Woman 4 : There is two possibilities for this either he has confident in himself that he will safe no matter what outcome is and don't want to provoke anybody here Or He is fool and accept his fate.

Woman 1 : let's observe him for now. We will meet him in the tomorrow's afternoon.

All women except woman 1 : yes, my queen.

Woman 1 : Before he wake up put some food in his prison without him noticing.

Woman 3 : Okay.

After all women left and only two women left in room.

Woman 2 : what do you think mother how he come here and what he want from here.

Woman 1 : I don't know Diana. But it's look like he is not here intentionally.

Woman 2 : So what should we do about him. He is man.

Woman 1 : Let's decided after hearing his excuse of him for being here.

Woman 2 : okay, mother.

Peter pov.

I awoke after sometime and find some fruits in my cell. Think he or she or they just observing me for now. Let's play along for now.

I picked up some fruits and smell it. I don't know if there is any poison in this fruits. After confirming it is safe i started eat fruits and trying to hear if i can find anyone from my abnormal hearing.

From looks of outside, I look like I'm meditating. I concentrate on my ears and starting to hear any voice i find useful to find what kind of situation I'm in.

I hear something it looks they are quite far from here. From their voice everyone seems like females.

Unknown woman 1 : what he is doing.

Unknown woman 2 : seems like meditating.

Unknown woman 1 : he checked fruits before eating, what kind people he expect us to be.

Unknown woman 3 : so you are saying you will eat anything if you are at an unknown palce locked in prison and don't even know what you are dealing with.

Unknown woman 1 : that's different.

Unknown woman 3 : How?

Unknown woman 1 : .....

Unknown woman 3 : That's what i thought.

Unknown woman 2 : quite fighting you two do what you told observe him if he doing anything. And report to the queen.

I stopped listening them. Looks like I was right they observing me. And did they say queen. Am i in some kind of Kingdom or something.

I just enjoy some scenery of ocean and beach decided to go sleep again.

Time skip to morning

I awoke. And I am still in same prison i was yesterday. Look like it wasn't dream.

Well, whatever.

Me :- System, login please.

[Login successful]

[Login reward : Joichiro Yukihara's cooking experience]

[Joichiro Yukihara is father of prognostic of Shokugeki no soma. With very high experience in cooking field.]

Me :- just what i needed.

Suddenly, I hear some foot step coming towards me. When thay come infront me. Although I didn't show but my mind is screaming inside that what the hell is happening here. 

Cause the one who standing infront me with other women is Princess Diana of all female Amazonian race. And from look of it I'm at island of Amazonian island which is protected by goodness Antenna and filled with only female warriors. But how this place supposed to be in Dc universe.

Me :- system, what the hell happening here. Is this universe is combined universe of dc and marvel?? Is Superman also exists here ?? Is any other characters from dc also exists in this universe?? Let put dc other side are any other people from different dimension who doesn't belong neither marvel or dc also exists here.

[No, it's not combined universe of dc and marvel or any other universe. No, there is no Superman exists here. And yes maybe there are some other people from dc universe exists hear. Yes, there also chance that people from other universes are also exists in this universe]

Me :- Man, My situation becomes lot more complicated.

Suddenly One woman spoke and I snapped out from my thoughts.

Woman : Hello, Stranger my name is Hippolyta. I'm queen of this island.

Me :- Hello, it's pleasure to meeting you.

I return her greeting.

Hippolyta : You sound quite relaxed in some unknown situation.

Me : Trust me that's only appearance. I'm literally screaming inside.

Hippolyta : Still, keeping your emotions in check in this kind of situation is quite commendable.

Me : I'll take that as compliment.

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So how it's guys please give me review on this one if there is any grammar mistakes plz ignore it. If there is any problem or suggestions plz give via comments.

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