
Under the lights of the crystal realm, the truth becomes sharp and clear.

Hela walked into her house and the lights were still off.


The day had been really peaceful, just tell a story or two about gods and everyone will be stunned, but goodness… She was so tired.


She hung up her coat neatly and sighed, the ritual of shedding layers of clothing each day was exhausting.


Everything sounded really tiring to her that day.


In slow steps she walked towards the rooms of the house and it was not surprising that the house was empty.


She felt especially curious about Aphrodite, did she really intend to stay in her house for awhile?! This was irritating in so many ways.


She sighed tiredly.


She lightly rubbed her eyebrows and finally remembered to still have gloves on, remove one by one while checking if her guest was still present.


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