
Madness of desperate hearts.

Hela rolled her eyes, she was already mentally regretting what she was doing...

It was obvious that she couldn't search an entire country looking for people she didn't even know who they were.

She needed someone to take her there and Aphrodite seemed the only one capable of that.

Well, that was actually a bit humiliating, but she had already shed her pride the moment she let Aphrodite climb into her lap.

"Please… Just answer my question."

Aphrodite wrapped her arms around Hela's neck and teasedly touched her pretty face with the tip of her nose.

Kissing her would be too bold and cause problems.

Just play around with the food a bit before finally eating it.

"Where is your sense of humor?! Sincerely..."

Aphrodite had no problem keeping up with Hela, she just wasn't willing to fight or do any kind of savagery.

Anyone who wants to kill themselves, they definitely have nothing to do with it.

And she will continue to have no matter what happens.

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