
Hard At Work (3)

Camara PoV

"Mhm... that works... though if you could just..."

Both Annie and Cici were staring at me intently as I knelt in front of them, and while this would usually be for the purpose of sexual pleasure they were both completely flaccid and focused, which was what I wanted right now surprisingly enough.

They had me posing for them to help create the statue, and the idea was to have me hit the initial pose alongside Aethisia so that I could get both the experience of posing as well as the eventual experience of carving something after a live model.

Though I suspect they also just wanted to have us do this to keep me from fluttering around watching them closely and to make Aethisia stop her ogling that was getting rather titillating for all of us; her gaze was pretty heavy most of the time anyways, but now that she was allowed to have three different women to slake her thirst, she was getting... difficult.

Even now, as she knelt beside me cradling an empty bottle of wine as a prop, the Deerkin was undressing Annie with her eyes and sporting an erection that threatened to tear through her pants as she gave us a good look at her desires.

We just ignored that for now, and I adjusted myself a little as I used their expressions to determine if I was doing it right, bringing my knee further out and angling my body more to the side as I created more space for detail to be seen.

"Remember, since this is a liquor store we don't need to worry about clothing, and Temenatra has been described as being a rather petite futanari with a larger emphasis on her amazing personality instead of her beauty. And she does usually have some more stories about getting people wasted compared to anything sexy..."

Cici said that and pointedly stared at Aethisia's cock, making my sister smirk as she gave it a twitch to try and get the Bullkin to do something, though no one did anything at all as she instead turned towards her own wife to say something about the trunk.

Rolling my eyes at Aethisia, I glared at her as she reached over and caressed my back before she got back into position, and after another few moments they both turned back to me and beckoned for me to stand up, though Annie said "Stay there Aethisia; don't move at all, please."

The Nymph gave her a smile before placing a hand on my waist as she guided me towards the trunk, and of course that hand just so happened to fall down lower as she used her chisel to show me where we were going to begin carving.

With a hand on my butt and a smirk on her lips, Annie guided me along and began to show me how to carve a statue that was half the size of an actual person - maybe a little smaller - and ensure the proportions looked believable, that it looked good, and that the care needed to create something like this was present.


Astra PoV

Humming to myself as a large stone drying table appeared in the corner, I gave the room another one over before nodding as I realized it was all coming together rather nicely; all that I needed now were the giant vats to ferment the excess grain I had alongside a nice supply of water to make this room rather self sustaining.

Which was also not that hard to do since the vats were just upscaled barrels that I had lining one of the walls, ready to be filled and used to produce a large amount of alcohol, while one of those vats was going to be filled with water and be capable of turning a single vat into many thanks to my System.

Deciding to give it a try now, I started the process using my System and began to ferment some grain, getting it going and pursing my lips as I saw the fifteen minute 'crafting' time for that, and that wasn't even going to include the time needed to malt it and get it into the vats to make alcohol.

So since I had all this time, I got the room tidy, set up some more storage, and then get everything else prepared for mass production of all kinds of alcohol, which took me out into the hall and down towards my wine making room, though before I could reach it someone stopped me in my tracks.

Standing in the hall looking a little down was Shelur, the large Orc fiddling with her hands as she stared at the floor in between the two rooms I was going to be working in, and upon hearing me exit she looked up and blinked a few times before turning to the side.

Scratching the back of her head and refusing to stare at me, Shelur pursed her lips and took a breath before finally turning back to me to say "Astra, I... was a bit rude upstairs, even for what we've done before. I didn't mean to kick you out like that, nor did I mean to be so... to act like I could order you around."

Her voice wasn't as steady as it normally was, and while I wanted to see where she would take this if given the time to run through the script she had seemingly prepared for this, I couldn't help myself as I chuckled and said "Shelur, I've had Rhefia and Sari do much worse than just tell me to piss off."

That made her blink a few more times as she was halted in her tracks, and the silence dragged out for a few seconds as the Orc tried to figure out what to say or do, though again I helped her as I added "Besides, you weren't wrong; I'm supposed to be working today just like everyone else is, and while breaks are fine, I have things that I need to do.

As much as I want to just have sex every waking moment... I can't, not when we get a warning from a Goddess that makes it clear we need to get everything together. I have barely three weeks before I balloon up with five babies fighting for space inside me, and then I have another few weeks after that to enjoy carrying them around before pushing them out and letting them see the world themselves."

Shelur's green eyes dropped to my belly at that, the large Orc nodding slowly as she recalled what had transpired between us barely a week ago; her sperm had swam it's way straight into my eggs and dominated one of them for fertilization, the same way she had dominated me in bed.

Our baby was growing quickly inside me, and that reminder made the Orc purse her lips again as she realized she also had work to do, though that reminder also made her cock become erect again as it strained against her pants.

Both of us knew the other needed little excuse to fuck like crazy, but both of us knew we had real work that needed to be done, which was why I was somewhat surprised by the Orc taking a deep breath before she asked "I need you to blow me, badly... and I'll devour your pussy... So let's take a break, Astra... I need it so, so much..."


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts
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