
Chapter 118 A Vision Of Death And Destructive

Wednesday, who didn't know I was there, had a slightly surprised face as she looked at me biting into the fudge.

"Very tasty," I said, continuing to speak in Russian.

The ginger-haired lady who had brought the students to the fudge factory came into the shop as she saw the tourists leaving with wide eyes, wondering what was happening and saw me and Wednesday.

I noticed I, as well, simply looked back at Wednesday and took another sample, genuinely enjoying the taste of the fudge, although I found it to be a bit big in size.

The lady who I had expected to simply leave rather walked towards me and caught my attention.

"Hello, student of Nevermore. Were you perhaps assigned to working for this fine establishment today?" the lady asked.

"No, unfortunately, I am not assigned here," I said. In reality, I didn't even know where I had been assigned to as I never really collected the envelope that assigned all of the students due to my late attendance.

The lady simply smiled and nodded and walked back out of the shop, leaving me feeling that she was a bit disappointed at my response, but I didn't linger as I turned towards Wednesday.

"So, having fun?" I asked with a cheeky little smile on my face with a slight bit of teasing hidden in my tone.

She looked towards me with a small smile back and answered, "Yes, I was before you came." My expression plummeted slightly as I got a little bit salty at her reaction, but I didn't let it bother me too much.

"Wanna go out and explore... Maybe even check out that town hall with Crackstone's personal belongings?" I said, referring to what she would have done previously.

"Indeed, I am still a bit curious as to what the personal belongings of Crackstone are. I still find it so absurd that the town and the school's principal have kept up this lie in some false hope of peace," she replied.

"Yeah, people jump at the prospect of peace, even if it's only a false mirage," I said as Wednesday kept down her tray of fudge, and we started walking out.

She reached the door and glanced around to look for the ginger-haired lady, but she was nowhere to be seen, so she walked out of the store followed by me.

As I stepped out, Bianca appeared in front of me.

"Hey, James. How have you been? I heard about what happened to La. Is your family doing fine?" she said as she got closer to me.

I was about to respond, but Wednesday came up beside me and took my arm.

"Yes, his family is fine. Now we have somewhere to be," Wednesday said as she and Bianca had a little eye-glaring competition. Eventually, the winner, however, was Wednesday as she never blinks, so Bianca let out a sigh and walked inside the store with her tray.

I looked towards Wednesday, who was still holding onto my hand, and spoke.

"Was that jealousy?" I asked in a teasing manner as I looked at her, and I saw a slight blush appear on her polished face as I felt her grip loosen.

With a smile, I held her hands as I spoke again. "I definitely like this side of you," I said, causing the very slight blush to grow further as she held my hand. Suddenly, her head flung up into the air, and she seemed dazed.

I understood what this meant and waited quietly as I began feeling nervous the longer her looking into either my future or past happened, nervously wondering what she was going to see.

A few seconds later, she fell down on the floor as she gasped for air, and I felt her grip on my hands tighten as a tear escaped her eyes.

Wide-eyed, I bent down and removed the tear that escaped from her eyes as I spoke.

"Are you okay?" I said, worried for her, as I picked her up in my arms, causing her to go wide-eyed as I walked towards the exit.

From my peripheral vision, I saw her realizing what was happening and tucking her head inside my body to hide her embarrassment, but I didn't bother and made a speedy walk to the car, where I put her inside and sat back into the car.

With the doors shut and window chromatic features on so that no one can see what was going on inside, I turned to Wednesday as I spoke first carefully.

"Wednesday... What did you see?" I asked, and she looked at me with an expression I could not understand as she began speaking slowly.

"I saw death and destruction, buildings set on fire, whole skyscrapers falling down from the skies, crashing onto the streets with people screaming and running around. Some of them were trying to escape while some were trying to save other people..."

She said as she stopped, and I waited for her to continue. She locked her gaze into mine as she continued.

"Worst of all, I saw you bleeding profusely, battling multiple giant machines. Some were on the ground, some were helping you. You were surrounded as you fought, explosions going all around you, and especially a giant Red robotic monster with purple eyes slashing towards your head with a massive sword from behind you."

She said as she looked towards me again as her tears began to fall freely, and she choked on her words.

I brought her in for a hug as I held her tightly in my grasp within my arms as I felt my shirt getting wet.

"Nothing like that is going to happen, I'll make sure of it, Wednesday," I said. I could not focus on the fact that Wednesday was crying, but I just couldn't. My mind was racing, thinking about what her vision meant. Giant machines? Just what could that possibly mean?

I died in her vision...

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