
Ep.22 Gang Fight

As mike saw the time was 8pm he started to close up shop when he heard dozens of motorcycles outside and let out a sigh and said to himself

'Please don't be those bikers again'

Just then Mike heard a man using a megaphone say

"Owner of the bookshop, come outside so we can talk"

Mike peered through the window and saw nearly 30 bikes identical to the ones earlier this morning with the man with a White leather jacket holding the megaphone in the middle of them before Mike heard the man in the white jacket say

"We know your in there, come on out!"

Mike did some small stretches and walked out and said

"What do you scumbags want"

The bikers looked furious before the leader on the bikers who was wearing the white jacket laughed and said

"Seems the wild cub has some bark how amusing, you have a debt to pay for hurting my crew"

Mike took a thinking pose for a few seconds before he said

"You mean those babies who couldn't even fight one dude? If that's your crew then I'm afraid you can't fight me and win"

The biker leader was furious and pulled out a gun and said as he aimed it at Mike

"First you harm my crew then you insult me?! You deserve death"

However before the biker could fire his gun Mike suddenly disappeared and was found right next to the biker leader holding the gun in his hand and said

"Don't say I didn't warn you when I said you couldn't win"

The biker leader took out a knife and tried to stab Mike only for Mike to disappear again causing the biker leader the stab his own men in the shoulder before Mike winced a little and said

"Oh that's gotta hurt"

The biker leader got off of his bike and said as the other bikers followed their leaders lead before they took out all shorts of weapons And started to spread out around Mike

"You got some balls to insult me like that"

Mike let out a sigh of annoyance and said as his eyes turned a dark purple

"You guys are so annoying, let's just get this over with"

The biker leader waved his hand and all of the other bikes started running at Mike with their weapons at the ready however since Mike still had the effects of the [Lesser Strength Boost] and [Speed boost] activated, none of the bikers came close to hitting Mike before the leader said as veins started bulging from his forehead

"Get him you fools!"

Mike kept effortlessly dodging the bikers attacks before Mike said before he vanished from a burst of smoke

"My turn"

The bikers started looking around for Mike before some screaming was heard and the smoke settled to reveal Raiu biting into the neck of the biker leader who had Mike directly behind him and said as his body froze up like he was a statue

"You coward! I'll make you pay for this!"

Mike looked at the jacket and said

"That's one cool looking jacket you got there"

The biker leader yelled as Mike was looking at his jacket

"Don't you even dare! Don't you touch my jacket!"

Mike smiled and dodged to the side just in time when one of the bikers swung at Mike with a bat but instead hit the biker leader on the head causing him to feint

Mike took the bikers jacket and said as he put it on and held a fireball in his hand

"A perfect fit, we'll let's finish this up"

However the bikers just started running away after dropping their weapons while leaving the biker leader behind unconscious on the sidewalk

Shortly after Mike called a towing company saying

"Umm hi there are some bikes here that some guys left behind, can you tow them? As I fear it will slow some business down

Mike then heard a woman on the other end say

"We sure can, how many bikes are there?"

Mike counted the bikes leaving out the one he had the keys for and said

"There are a total of 31 motorcycles that were left here"

The women sounded surprised before she said

"T-Thank you, we'll see what we can do"

Mike smiled and hung up before he got on the bike and noticed a white lizard logo on the chest like the ones the other bikers had on their jackets and tore it off before placing it on the biker leader's hand and said not even know if he could be heard

"Next time don't come back to cause trouble with me or I won't let you off so easy"

Once Mike started walking over to the bike he had the keys for he saw Cecil leaving the cafe and said as he grabbed two of the helmets from the other bikes

"Hey Cecil, I'm heading out to get something to eat would you like to join me?"

Cecil looked back into the shop before she turned to Mike and nodded before putting on the helmet and getting on the bike before she hugged Mike closely and said

"I-I'm ready"

Mike smiled and said as he started driving off

"Hold on tight"

After a short ride downtown Mike saw a dinner called 'Uncle Pete's pizzeria' and said as he pulled in to the parking lot

"You okay with having pizza?"

Cecil nodded as she got off the bike and went to enter the diner with Mike following close behind her before he noticed a black limousine with the Majestic Beasts Guild logo on it and said to Cecil

"I have to take care of something, I'll be right back"

Cecil nodded and entered the diner before Mike took out his phone and called scarlet and said once it was answered

"Have your guys leave"

Almost immediately after Mike heard tires screeching and saw the limo driving away before he hanged up and entered the dinner and sat down across from Cecil before they ordered a pizza and talked for the night before Mike took Cecil home and went to bed for the next day

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