

After Stetson left me a tad bewildered, I recomposed myself. I checked the linework Bina did on my hands, to make sure my marks were still hidden, and I left for the parlor. The dye paste she used had dyed my skin very well, and luckily I didn't have to wear gloves.

As soon as I closed the door to my room and turned around, I came face to face with James' piercing blue eyes. He stood tall and muscular. His long, black hair was neatly braided, and his beard was combed.

"Sir Canter, good noontime. Have you had lunch yet?"

"No, your Highness, but I felt I must let you know about something. Also, please, you may call me James."

"Well, James, then I insist you tag along with me to come eat with the girls. What I am about to tell them, is also something you should know." He nodded and began to walk with me. "So what is it you feel I need to know?"

"It's about Stetson, your Highness. There is something about him that doesn't seem quite right. He also asked me to have the servants pack your things to travel to Vules tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?" I said in shock. "I knew we were leaving, but I didn't know it was so soon."

I could tell my statement took him by surprise. "So you already know about the trip?"

"Yes, and as far as Stetson goes, you will find out what I know during our luncheon," I said with a smile.

This seemed to satisfy his worries, because we walked the rest of the way in silence.

"Hello, ladies! Are we ready to gab like old ladies with nothing better to do?" I said upon entering the parlor. "I hope you don't mind if we have extra company?" I said motioning to James.

They were already seated and nodded at my questions. James sat away from the table, but still looked to be a part of the group. Sabina looked to be in an exceptional mood, whereas Dee looked a bit disgruntled. I shot her a questioning look, and Bina piped up.

"Don't mind her. She received a scolding from father this morning for not actively trying to find a suitor last night. Instead, of doing as she was told, she stuffed her face and avoided the dance floor."

"Shame, shame, Haidee Lee!" I jested while poking at her sides, making her giggle and squirm in her seat.

"I told you all I didn't want to!"

"Well, I suppose that does leave you free to travel to Vules with Stetson and me," I said nonchalantly.

"VULES!?!" the both shouted in surprise.

"Yes! He said he is taking me there to help educate me. Apparently there's a head meister there that can teach me all I need to know about the lands of the supernatural. It's also because-" I paused, looking over my shoulders to make sure the room was empty and the door was closed. It was open, so I got up from my seat to close it. I hurried back and leaned in to whisper. They all followed suit, extremely curious as to what I had to say. "It's also because he's a vampire."

"WHAT!?!" the both shouted. Dee almost fell back in her chair and Bina stood suddenly and actually knocked her chair on the floor. James' eyes widened in surprise. He stood as if he were about to leave and alert everyone.

"SHHHH! You'll alert the servants! And James, you better sit back down. Remember your oath." He sat back down, and I gave them all a minute to recompose themselves and process what I had just revealed to them. I could see that Dee was about to unload her usual ton of questions, but I held my hand up making her pause in her tracks. "I know, it sounds insane, but it's true. And he knows I'm a witch too."

All their eyes were wide and mouths agape. Now it was Sabina's turn for me to stop from asking questions. James also appeared to have questions of his own, but was able to wait until the end to ask.

I continued, "Okay, so let me start from the beginning…," and I started by telling them everything from the figure in the window to the ring, and from the conversation we shared with my father to our interaction this morning. I also told them all about the courting dance, and what it meant.

After I was done, no one said anything. They were all processing what I had just confessed. I turned to James, "Is there anything you would like to ask? I know this may be a lot to take in, and I completely understand if you were to wish to rescind your oath to me. You made it without knowing my true identity. All I ask is that you keep your oath of secrecy."

"No, your Highness. I will stand by my oath, and these revelations have made me want to protect you even more. As far as I know, you are the only witch in existence, and I have traveled all around the continent. The elves and fae slaughtered all of them right after The Great Hunt." He stood and kneeled beside me. Bowing his head he swore to me, "I will follow and protect you until I take my last breath, princess."

"Thank you, James. I will not take your protection for granted," I assured him. "Now please, grab a chair and join us. It seems you are now a permanent part of our group."

The girls and I smiled at him, and he proceeded to grab a chair.

"So, now that we are all on the same page as far as I am concerned, and Dee doesn't have any juicy gossip, how did your night go, Bina? I'm pretty sure I saw you dancing with Mr. Arbour." I said while wiggling my eyebrows at her.

"Who said I didn't have any gossip?" Dee quipped with an offended tone.

"Because we all know you were too busy trying to escape everyone in fear of being asked to dance!" Sabina called her out. "Now let me talk about myself for once, and you better not make fun Dee, I swear, I will tell father how rude you were to Mr. Scott at dinner last night, and then you will get another scolding!"

"Hey, that reminds me! It makes so much sense why he had that flask!" Dee exclaimed!

"What?" Sabina looked at her questioningly, "Oh, right!...EEEWWWWW!!!! And you wanted to drink some!"

James and I looked at them confused.

"Mr. Scott had this flask on him. I asked him why, and he gave some lame excuse that his stomach couldn't handle the drinks here in Criba. So, I asked if I could try what he had, and he went on how it wouldn't be proper for a lady and I probably wouldn't like it. Only now I realize he was absolutely right because it had to have been blood!!! It also explains why he didn't eat anything but a little meat. GROSS!!" Dee shivered after explaining.

I burst out laughing, and James cracked a small smile. Once I regained my composure, I turned back to Sabina. "Okay, now that Dee is wallowing is regret, I think it's safe for you to share"

"Yeah," she glared at Dee, "I hope I won't get interrupted this time. Anyways, after you became engaged to Mr. Scott, Lennox escorted me to the ballroom and asked me to dance with him. It was so dreamy. He was such a gentleman. He brought me wine and a tart. Danced with me some more. And then at the end of the night, we were on the balcony, and he asked if he could court me! How exciting is that! I'm engaged, just like you Elle!" she said with excitement!

"It's awesome!" I cheered with her, clapping my hands.

Her face however became solemn. "But I suppose that means I can't travel to Vules with you. In order for him to court me, I would have to stay here in Criba."

We both frowned at the thought. Even Dee was upset that she would have to be separated from her sister for an extended period of time.

"Hey, maybe we could take that wiccan compact we found in the library! I mean once you figure out how to use it, Elle, we could call upon Bina and check in with her! Plus, if we ever need any information that we can't seem to find beyond the kingdom, she can search for it in the library for us!" Dee exclaimed.

"That's actually a really good idea! Let's go!" I stood up and rushed for the door. The girls followed closely behind me. James stood a bit unsure of what was happening. "You too, James. You can't protect me if you're not with me!"

He nodded in agreement and began to tag along.

Hello all!

I hope you liked the chapter! What do you think of a brute like James joining the girls' group?

Enjoy reading!

RoxxyPrincecreators' thoughts
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