
The Courting Dance

He must have hurried, because it didn't take long for him to bring his horse to the castle.

"Now, my beautiful amethyst, have you calmed yourself? I see you are no longer a bright shade of crimson. Shall we make our way to the ballroom?"

"Will you answer my question, first?" I needed to know what he was hiding, because something about him was off and it would bother me until he did.

"I will answer your question," he stated. She obviously wasn't letting it go. "But not tonight. Tonight is for celebrating. Tomorrow, I promise."

His answer was satisfying enough. I suppose I can wait that long, so I nodded. "I will hold you to it," and began to walk towards the door to the ballroom. "Are you coming?" I asked over my shoulder.

"Oh, I don't doubt that you will," he mumbled under his breath, and came after me to catch up.

We could hear through the doors that the ball was already underway. We nodded at the announcer to signal that we were ready.

"All hail Princess Estelle Joyce Windsor of the Kingdom of Criba, and royal heir to the Criban throne! Escorted by her fiance, Mister Stetson Scott from the lands beyond Criba!"

The crowd parted to let us enter the center of the ballroom. We faced each other and bowed.

"May I have this dance, my beautiful amethyst?" he asked while holding out his palm.

"You may," I responded while giving him my gloved hand.

"Are you a good dancer, my lady? If I interest you in a far outdated dance, will you be able to follow my lead?" he asked with a twinkle of amusement.

I looked at him a bit puzzled, but I nodded. "Sure, let's see this dance of yours."

The crowd had formed a circle around us. He signaled the orchestra to begin. The music started out slow and so did we. It was a form of waltz, one that maybe the current waltzes derived from.

"Prepare yourself, princess, it's about to pick up," he warned in a whisper.

He was right, the music started to go faster, and so did we. Soon, we were no longer doing the waltz but a different dance completely. The people around us murmured nothing but questions. Some about the dance, and some about Stetson.

"Does this dance ever end?" I asked with amusement. Most dances would have been over by now, but we were still going.

"Are you getting tired, princess?" He teased me.

"Maybe just a bit, but I'm okay for a little while longer."

He smiled at me. "Good, because it's about to get even more interesting."

Before I could register what he said, he swung me out away from him while holding my hand. As he brought me back towards him, he grabbed my hips and pulled me closer to him. My hands were on his chest, and our eyes met. For a second I could feel a slight pause, and I saw those flecks in his eyes again. Before I could question him about it, we began a faster and more sensual dance.

"Where did you learn this dance?" I asked him just above a whisper, our eyes never leaving each other.

"It's an ancient courting dance from the land of Vules. When a man thinks he has found his beloved, he will throw a party to be given the chance to perform this dance with her. The women grow up knowing nothing of this dance, other than its existence. It's said that if they do well and can perform the dance with no mistakes, then they are truly meant to be together."

"Interesting, and who teaches the men the dance? I'm sure they weren't born knowing it."

"Their mothers, and if their mother has passed before they have learned it, then the next prominent maternal figure in their life teaches them."

"That's fascinating. And how are we doing so far?"

"That, my little amethyst, I cannot tell you until after it is over."

I gave him a pout and he just smirked.

"Stick that lip out any farther and I might just bite it, princess," he teased.

My eyes widened, and I could feel myself blush. Suddenly, I realized just how warm and comfortable I was in his arms. Was this how it was for every woman who became engaged?


-Stetson POV-

I ran to retrieve Nero, and he used his speed to get us back to the castle in no time. I love to get the princess all worked up, but I didn't want to reveal my true self to her just yet. It wasn't the right time. No, I wanted her to enjoy her birthday before I turned her world upside-down.

I was surprised by her eagerness to participate in the dance I suggested. My plan to become engaged to her had worked better than I thought, and now here I was, participating in the courting dance with her. Maybe…maybe she was the one. Maybe the reason I felt the magical static so strongly was because I was meant to find her so we could be together. After almost 500 years, I may have just found my true beloved. How could it be though? She is so young. Bit she is so perfect.

Before we started the last part of the dance, I swung her out a back into my arms. We made eye contact, and that's when I knew. She was meant to be mine. I paused slightly, forgetting about the dance and trying to make sense of what this meant. In that brief moment I didn't see a young woman, but a power witch. So gorgeous, with eyes of gold and hair as dark as a raven's feathers. I could feel the urge to claim her and mark her as mine. My true self must have started to show, because she gave me a puzzled look that brought me back to our dance.

I sped us up and led us in the sultry last part of our dance. I could see the flush creep up her neck and consume her face at our close proximity. The whispers and gasps of our audience grew, telling me such dances don't exist here in Criba. What a bunch of prudes! This will surely be the talk of the land for ages to come.

At last I finally gave her a dip and kissed her. The crowd gasped in shock at my boldness and public display of affection. The feeling of her soft lips on mine created sparks that I have only ever heard about. I started to feel a warmth in my chest, awakening my cold and lifeless heart. That was it. I couldn't believe it. I came here to help and protect her, only to find out she was the one. My true beloved.

I pulled away in a daze. Staring into her eyes. She was a gem and she was meant to be mine. My little amethyst. She had to have felt it too, because the look of adoration she was giving me was one I will commit to memory. However, the slight appearance of confusion crossed her face.

"That, my darling gem, was the sparks of a true bond. Meaning our dance was perfect. We are truly meant to be," I answered her unasked questions.

Hey all!

It took me a bit to write this chapter. I wanted it to be perfect.

Hope you enjoy!

RoxxyPrincecreators' thoughts
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