
Pardon my Intrusion

The meeting quickly concluded and the avatars and NPCs left to complete their tasks leaving Kevin and Jessica truly alone for the first time. As soon as the last person left the room Jessica used her magic to close and lock the entrance. She then ran through a laundry list of anti-surveillance magic spells which would make it impossible for anyone to spy on them. The briefing room already had anti-surveillance but the extra precaution she felt was warranted. She was silent for a few minutes as she stood at the podium looking blankly at the door in the distance.

As soon as Jessica felt like no one could see her anymore she keeled over. Kevin ran the few steps to her side and caught her before she even hit the ground. Her body was shaking and her nerves were shot. Kevin noticed early on in the meeting that her legs were shaking but still she stood strong and put on a better performance than he knew he would have done. Jessica felt like she wanted to scream but something in her would not allow her to concede. Jessica could feel something like a memory of Lilitu's dauntless determination as if it were her own.

"That went well." Kevin's voice was soft and hung in the air.

"As well as it could go." Jessica responded. "They know what they're doing and we sound convincing."

"We? No, That was all you, baby." Kevin said with a smile. "All I did was sit back and look pretty."

"Well you would make a good tree topper for christmas." Jessica says with a playful smile.

"I am pretty sure that is racist to angels." Kevin joked.

"You will have to run that by the HR department to report me." Jessica said as she readied herself to stand on her own but instead let Kevin continue to hold her. "And I am pretty sure demons are angels too."

Kevin opened his mouth to say something then stopped himself to consider. He was pretty sure that demons were still considered angels in the classification of their celestial races. Technically they were just cursed angels thanks to the sin they absorbed from the Butcher of Gods.

"Huh… I think you're right." Kevin said.

"Anyway, we have to come up with a plan for us as well." Jessica said, having regained her composure.

"I have an idea about that." Kevin responded. "I will fly around a little bit and see if anything looks off. There are roads out in the grassland which means there are people somewhere."

"It would be dangerous for you to go out by yourself!" Jessica said sternly.

"Yes but I am the fastest out of everyone, including you." Kevin stated with a little pride behind his words. "Hell, I am the fastest player in the game, which is a fact, you remember what the devs said about our builds. If things get dicey I have the highest chance of getting away."

"I still don't think that's the best strategy! I could come with…"

Kevin took off his armored gauntlet, they vanished into his incorporeal inventory deep within his wellspring of magic. His hands were strong and not his own since he was Harahel yet to him they felt no different. He leaned into Jessica, who he was still supporting, her mouth still open trying to form words but nothing came. He drew closer to her and with one hand holding her and the other moving a strand of hair from her face. For the first time since coming to this world, for a split second they saw each other behind the eyes of the avatars they inhabited.

Up until this moment both of them had their secret reservations that the other might not actually be their avatar. There was no way to know or anyway to check. Wherever they were now or whomever summoned them had the power to fill the gaps in personality, jobs, game mechanics and lore from Deicide, who was to say it couldn't replicate players. Sure Jessica and Kevin sounded the and acted the same to each other but that could have been part of the ruse. However, despite how brief the moment was they had confirmation that they truly were not alone in this crazy world.

A flood of emotions swelled in both of them too quick and too many to name. However, passion took center stage as they closed the small gap between their lips. Jessica threw her arms behind Kevin's neck as more of their armor vanished, tucked away in their individual inventories like the gauntlet earlier. Items and clothing continued to vanish until all that remained were their thin undergarments as their tongues continued to play passionately in eachothers mouths.

The feel of each other's bodies were different but still felt familiar because of the remnant memories Kevin and Jessica inherited of Harahel and Lilitu respectively. Even though Kevin and Jessica could never do something like this in the game they both had detailed knowledge of the other's most erogenous zones which were different from their human bodies and even more sensitive. Somewhere along the wave of passion they found their way to the ground which was blanketed in Kevin's soft feather wings as Jessica straddled on top of him.

Doom, Doom, Doom!

A bang at the door of the briefing room shook both of them back to reality. The rumbling of the door echoed around the chamber almost menacingly. Jessica and Kevin shot up looking like two teens that were caught doing something they shouldn't. In an instant the two stood up as Kevin's armor and Jessica's robes reappeared on their bodies. Jessica fixed her hair before she dispelled all of the enchantments she performed on the room before using [Grasp of Hell] Awakened her telekinesis skill to unlock and open the door.

Cullen rushed inside as soon as the door opened. The clanking of his armor as he ran up to the podium radiated around the amphitheater like space. When he stopped he bowed and caught his breath.

"Please pardon my intrusion. We have been trying to reach both of you." Cullin stated.

"What is it?" Jessica asked.

"Homes in the outermost perimeter to the west have been ransacked." Cullen said as he removed his helmet. "Several bodies, almost exclusively men, have been discovered. Signs of struggle suggest that women and children may have been taken. The bodies we discovered have lacerations indicative of a sword or cutting weapon so we have ruled out animal attack."

Anger welled up inside of both Jessica and Kevin which caught both of them off guard. More than anything else they wanted to kill whoever had the gaul to attack their guild. They could feel the emotions originate from the same fragmented memories of the avatars whose bodies they controlled. It felt surreal to have such raw emotions overtake them from what was essentially a broken alien mind infused into their own thoughts. The manifestation of that anger bubbled up through their magic. For Jessica her rage manifested in a dark purple corona around her body which gave off concentrated dread. The room drew darker around her and the shadows seemed to warp and twist bowing to her power. For Kevin this bright orange-red halo appeared behind him burning with bloodlust and enveloping him in a soft flame.

Cullen fell to his knees in both terror and awe at the two unholy monoliths before him. He felt Kevin and Jessica's gaze cut daggers into his very soul however he knew he was the target of their anger. To him seeing the masters he served so concerned and outraged at the deaths of people they did not know only strengthened his loyalty to them. However, had they been callus his loyalty still would not have faltered.

"Master Hyperion, and Lady Svaralfer are leading a detachment to hunt down the bandits as we speak." Cullen continued.

"Kill them all." Kevin said flatly. "Bring the bodies of our fallen back for their families."

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