

Seth would have loved to rest, but well when you wipe out hundreds of men along with some really valuable men, having a moment of peace from their superior is the last thing you'll get.

Right now, Seth was once again marching with his people to the wall, their promised land, like some religious legend, he moved at the front, ready to protect his people from whatever enemy might come for them.

Seth was tempted to tell Xulu to have the people make a run for the wall, but looking back at the massive crowd behind him, one whose population he had lost count of and was currently still increasing, Seth knew that doing as he felt would only lead to hundreds death by a stampede.

"Well, the walls of the dome should also keep them from trying to run when they eventually get surrounded by the enemy".

A shake of his head from left to right, and Seth's muscles began tensing as the image of over a thousand men rushing towards him reflected In his eyes.

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