
Requesting Friendly Help

"Edwin what are you doing, the city isn't under attack, yet you have it on the highest level of security, what is going on?" a relatively tall black-haired man dressed in black leather armor which covered only his upper body asked Edwin. 

"This doesn't concern you, return to your place by the Princess Gastrol," Edwin said, looking up at the man who had hurriedly walked up in front of him as he moved to his office.

"I come on orders of the princess, is this what you will want me to tell her," Gastrol asked his eyes narrowing at Edwin.

Hearing Castrol's words, annoyance built up within Edwin, for all he knew Gastrol could be lying, but on the off chance he was speaking the truth, it would be a serious offense if were to just ignore the princess's questions.

"We'll talk in my office," Edwin said as he continued in his strides, Gastrol nodding his head and moving with him.

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