
Chapter 99

Mettaton was in a panic. His human child and his staff had disappeared completely. He had searched for them for the past hour, but he couldn't find them anywhere.

Meanwhile, Frisk was at the hotel with Papyrus and Undyne listening to Alphys explain her modifications to Frisk's phone.

"And that's all he has to do?" Undyne asked while Papyrus held Frisk on his shoulders. "You really think it'll work?"

"Yes," Alphys said as confidently as she could muster. "Just press one button and Frisk's phone will broadcast Mettaton's abuse all over the Underground."

"And the phone has a tracker in case things go south, right?" Undyne asked.

"Uh…yes…" Alphys said beginning to show more of her anxiety.

"Hey, Undyne," Frisk interjected as he jumped off Papyrus's back. "You asked her that already. Calm down. Alphys knows what she's doing. She's got me out of this before…"

"I know," Undyne said rubbing her temples. "I…I just really want this to work out the first time. You can't reset anymore, punk. And so, you could die. I don't want to lose you, punk."

"Oh, Undyne, you really need to stop worrying," Papyrus said giving his friend a side hug. "I mean, seriously, stop worrying. I've never seen you worry before. It's weird…"

"Uh, Papyrus, I'm not sure that's helping," Frisk interrupted.

"No, no, Frisk, he's right," Undyne admitted. "I usually never worry about anything, but since Frisk came along, I've been a bag of nerves. I need to do something about it!"

Frisk and Alphys smiled until Undyne said, "I'm going to find Mettaton and beat him up so that I will stop worrying. Violence will solve everything!"

"What?" Papyrus asked. "But the plan…"

"Oh, yeah," Undyne remembered. "When can we start the show? I'm ready to be a kickass security guard already!"

"As soon as everyone finishes their make-up," Frisk said gesturing to his face.

Frisk was wearing black lipstick, black eye-liner, and black eye-shadow on his face. He was wearing no shirt but a black leather and metal-spiked choker around his neck and his black jeans and boots from before.

"Argh!" Undyne yelled stomping the ground. "Why must these men put on make-up? No one will see you! Hurry up and get the show going. I wanna beat up some monsters!"

"Undyne, putting on metal make-up takes time…" Frisk said trying to pacify her.

"I know," Papyrus suggested. "Why don't we help?"

Panic flashed across Frisk's face as he began vehemently shaking his head.

Papyrus quickly understood the message and tried to take it back, "Actually, let's just leave them alone…"

But it was too late.

"That's a great idea, Papyrus!" Undyne yelled as she ran towards the dressing rooms backstage. "I'll show those punks how to put-on make-up!"

Frisk and Papyrus looked at each other in absolute horror.

"That can't be good," Alphys said.

"I don't know Undyne too well, but I think you guys should do something," Napstablook finally said looking up from his work setting up the sound equipment on-stage.

"You're probably right," Papyrus said putting Frisk back on his shoulders and taking off. "Undyne, wait!"

"Run faster, Papyrus!" Frisk yelled.

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