
*Threesome in the wild* (1)

Just as Long Meihui and Xia Tian were locked in a passionate and fervent embrace, Long Meihui's gaze darted nervously around the area, a flicker of panic lighting up her eyes.

"H-how about we change locations? This open grass field feels too exposed," she whispered, attempting to steady her breath, her flushed face betraying her excitement.

Before Xia Tian could respond, her ttention was abruptly diverted. "Hm? Where did the little girl disappear to now?" She exclaimed, her voice filled with surprise.

Long Meihui was taken aback by the sudden switch in focus.

"She was kidnapped while you were distracted scratching my clothes," Xia Tian said calmly, his awareness of someone approaching and covertly snatching Xia Rouyan evident in his words.

"What!? Kidnapped? But how?" Long Meihui stammered, unable to comprehend the situation unfolding before her.

What kind of man was Xia Tian exactly?

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