
What to come

"Ethan, lower your weapon right this moment. And tell your companions to do the same."

"I don't know what you already have heard about him. But, Alan is my mentor and benefactor. You can trust him. So, do as I say for now"

Arsh responded with a voice full of authority. He never considered the possibility of Alan being a well-known figure before, to the point the whole world knew of him, and mostly was afraid of him.

Arsh eyed his mentor from the side of his eye. Arsh was aware of the story associated with him. As to how he ended up on the northern continent. But, he himself never knew, what his mentor was thinking most of the time.

Was he really the strong charismatic man he presented himself as? Or he can also be. A cold calculating killer, a trickster, with plenty of skills for manipulation.

Even if the second option seemed more feasible, considering Alan's personality. Arsh debunked it entirely. He just didn't want to bear the weight of betrayal. Not by the first person he genuinely cares about.

Murdering all of the adventurers. Even if that will be the most easy way, without any loose threads. It was not really in consideration, due to his plans. He still needed them for now.

'I still need that damn ax guy'

Arsh knew that without a proper guide. That can navigate through the densest forest in the world. They won't be able to get out in one complete piece. He needed Joey's ability and attributes for that.

"I will follow you through. But, I have a condition too"

Ethan pitched in, trying to sound strong. But, his trembling voice gave away his real state of mind. He was still very much afraid of Alan.

"I want answers to my questions"

'Damn it Fucker! Don't make it harder for me, than it already is'

Arsh cursed inwardly. He can almost see what was about to come from his side.

"Do you really think that you are in any position to ask something of me? Ahh, Fatty"

Alan chuckled, followed by a sinister smile on his face, directed at the spearholder. Ethan shivered, taking a step back.

"God! Fucking! Dammit!. Can you all, shut your fucking mouth for a minute. I am doing the talking. So, shut the hell up and listen"

Arsh flipped out on every single one of them. It was getting annoying to the point. It felt like he was trying to stop two kids from fighting.

He sheathed his daggers back into his pockets, moving toward the brown-bearded man. Ethan involuntarily took a step back again, looking at the approaching figure.

Arsh let out a sigh, he didn't really want to straddle them. But, it was the only clear solution to stop their bickering. It worked too.

"As I already said, you guys don't have to worry about him. He is not a cold-blooded murderer…..Even though he kind of is. But, at least not in the way, he is shown by the churches''

That doesn't sound very reassuring coming from him. And he was aware of that. But, to Arsh's surprise, this time all of them were listening intently. Instead of averting their eyes, or sweating in the back corner.

"Help us in getting out of the forest. Then, we can just go our separate ways. What do you say?"

Arsh bailed them out with an obvious bait, to lure them to his side. He needed all of them for now. It was essential for his plans and growth.

"Ohh! Also, you just have to prove your loyalty, somehow. We don't want you guys snitching this guy's location to the churches. As soon as you step out of the forest. Right?"

Arsh walked up to the giant brown-bearded man. Stretching his right hand toward him.


He offered them a deal that was completely unfavorable for them. But, they had no way of knowing how that was. Instead for them, it may look like a good negotiation.


Ethan took the hand and shook it. To him it was a good deal, offering them guaranteed survival. Ethan retracted his hand, before adding once again.

"I don't want to team up with a murderer, at any given cost. But, if there is no other way for my companions to survive. I'll just have to live with it"

Alan snorted in the back, making a disgusted face at them. He clearly didn't like the teaming up thing. But, he didn't reject it all together either. He was most likely aware of what Arsh was planning for.

"I don't care either way. I already told you, kid. I don't like pointless killing. So, do whatever the hell you want for now. I won't interfere"

Alan said in a dark tone. He then sighed to himself, moving back to the entrance of the cave. Leaving the others alone in the middle. After a few moments of silence, an ecstatic voice ran through the cave.

"Wait! This? This loudmouth is the famous 'Shadow of death'. How does that even make any sense? And Arsh? You already knew about it?"

Leo dashed towards Arsh, grasping his shoulder tightly. He then proceeded to hit him with a barrage of questions, in just a single breath.

Arsh looked at him baffled, for some moments. Before raising his hands, exasperated.

'Wait! This guy is also here.'

Arsh already forgot about his existence. Even his future plans didn't include him. He just needed Alan and the adventurers.

But, Arsh still didn't really want him to die. He was one of the reasons. Why he was still alive, even after Alan's training.

"I will explain everything, Leo. You should calm yourself down, for now.

Alan then turned to other adventurers. They needed to capture the daily necessities to survive. Followed by a shelter and a plan for tomorrow.

"First, we should rest in this cave for today. The sun is going to set, in an hour at most. And I really don't recommend, going through the forest at night"

Going into an uncharted territory, where monsters who have lived for millennia exist, was obviously not a very good plan. More so, when they already have secured a safe spot. Arsh also needed some time of rest, for his essence to rejuvenate.

"Oh yeah! By the way, do any of you have a fire attribute? We are going to need fire, to survive the night. As you guys should already know. It gets very cold at the night"

Arsh knew about the basics of camping, from his old days with Edward. He wasn't really a master at it. But, he knew what was the absolute necessity to survive.

"Yes, I have fire attribute "

Adam timidly raised his hand in the air, answering in a low tone. Arsh nodded at him silently.

Now the fire was out of the way. The next most mundane necessity was of course food and water.

They didn't have much water with them. But, it rarely mattered for veteran adventurers. They were more used to the harsh conditions of the northern continent. But, they did have plenty of food, though.

"....Okay. Ethan and ...Joey, you two will take care of cutting the monster. Leo, you are in charge of cooking the food. Amanda and Elsa help others with their task. ....Adam, you are in charge of fire."

"You guys get to work quickly. I will be back in a few moments."

He assigned them roles according to their capabilities and personality, which he had seen in them. Even though they gave Arsh a few sullen looks, for not helping out in anything. They eventually bear it.

Arsh slowly whistled through the giant cave. Which was strange in its own right somehow.

Leaving the carcass of the monster, and a thousand skulls and bones scattered around the monumental cave. It was still a spooky yet beautiful sight.

Primarily due to the walls of the cavern. The white tile-like large walls with patches of gray here and there. Scattering the striking orange light of the setting sun, throughout the whole cavern.

".....There are things left in this accursed world that still look beautiful."

Arsh hummed to himself. He saw plenty of sides of the world in the last year. But, it was often disappointing. Nor humans were the kind of creatures he hoped them to be, back when he was inside the secluded village.

In truth, the world was nothing like he imagined it. After spending some time in it like an outsider. Arsh concluded It was still a place of varied emotions through and through.

Even though the whole world was filled with brimming excitement and joy. There also were sad stories attached to the same joyful human.

Like a parasite, it sapped them of their life. Never letting them feel truly happy. There was always at least a scar present, for every human to remember, even on their most happy days.

But, It didn't make life meaningless at all. Rather, it was what made it much more meaningful.

Arsh didn't know how much of that was created by the gods. But, he still agreed in the corner of his heart.

The world truly was a beautiful place.

Arsh reached the entrance of the cave, following the silhouette of his mentor's back.

Alan made it look like before, he was so annoyed that he ran away from there.

But, the truth can be anything but that. He was at the entrance by his own choice, to deter the horrors that can come their way, in the veil of the night.

He just didn't want to admit it due to his ego. Arsh slowly stepped toward him, letting his footsteps ring around the silent entrance.

But, Alan never looked back. Instead, he looked like he was staring far away at the orange horizon. Arsh gradually took a seat beside Alan. Looking at the setting sun in the distance with him.

"....What are you planning, kid?"

Alan asked suddenly amid the beautiful view. As the wind rustled through the forest, before brushing through his face. Arsh looked at his mentor, who was still staring at the faraway horizon.

Arsh was already anticipating Alan to see through him. In validity, he wanted him to know that.

Taking a deep breath, Arsh followed his line of the eye. Before, adding in a resonant voice.

"...Alan, I need your help."

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