
A Question Too Difficult To Answer


"I left it on the train!" the young man announced in disbelief once he remembered when he last saw it.

It was when the announcement to switch the train came. "I was so focused on getting to the pregnant woman that I... arghhhhh...!!!"

Ryan watched Aiden go frantic with a touch of amazement.

If he did not know better, he would assume that this pot of begonia was worth its weight in gold.

"If it's just a pot of begonia, I will buy you a new one."

A pot of begonia was a pot of begonia, right? But of course, human beings did not understand the logic. They just had to place illogical importance on the most trivial item.

"Jerry and I took care of it for weeks," Aiden emphasized the words "for weeks".

"It is irreplaceable."

Irreplaceable, eh?

A muscle at Ryan's temple twitched from irritation as sour feelings grew in his heart.

What exactly was irreplaceable, again?

Was it the flower, or was it the time they spent together tending to the flowers?

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