
Chapter 129: Coma


Throughout the sky, thousands of pieces of debris floated into the air, as millions of slices rained down onto Shibuya, on lookers outside of Shibuya, stared at the debris in shock, including Mute who looked at the debris with an impressed look on his face.

"So, this is the extent of his domain," Mute whispered, his voice filled with a mix of admiration and excitement.

The light poles, started to flicker, as Mute stood in the middle of a street, in a trance staring at the debris, he knew. The time for him to battle Sukuna was rapidly approaching, but before that, he had a plan to execute. A plan that he and Kenjaku had meticulously crafted prior to their arrival in Shibuya.

Mute needs to steer clear of any conflicts until he replenishes his curse energy and can unleash his domain expansion once more. Just a minute or two of rest, and he would be ready. However, avoiding conflict will be harder than it seems. Unbeknownst to Mute, an unknown figure was swiftly approaching him, gracefully jumping from roof to roof...

As this was happening, Mahoraga rose to his feet, enduring a relentless onslaught of slashes that scarred his sturdy white skin. Sukuna watched Mahoraga's rapid healing, realizing that the creature had become accustomed to his slices. Sukuna let out an inaudible chuckle, as a wicked grin spread across Sukuna's face while his hands began to emit a vibrant orange glow.

" Fuga. "

A torrent of elegant flames spewed from Sukuna's palms, the scorching heat causing nearby structures and metal rails to melt. Mahoraga gazed at the fiery display, his pale body bathed in an orange glow. Before Mahoraga could fully adapt, a colossal wave of fire crashed into him, causing a massive explosion that brought down nearby skyscrapers with thunderous crashes.

The explosion lasted several seconds, until the fire finally faded away, leaving a empty, crater. Sukuna stood at the edge, with a grin on his face. Until his eyes suddenly widened and he murmured to himself.

"Looks like the brat is about to wake up. "...


Beep Beep Beep

Inside a hospital. The sorcerer Nanami, could be seen peacefully lying on a pure white bed. Nanami has been in a deep coma, with no signs of waking up. But recently, Nanami has been making expressions of pain mixed with annoyance. Nanami's face was shrouded in pain until suddenly he balled his fists and snapped his eyes open. 

Nanami gritted his teeth in pain, as he gingerly raised up in the bed while holding onto his forehead, he glanced to his right and saw flowers on a wooden dresser, left by Shoko. He stared at the flowers confused, until the pain rippling through his mind, sharpened, and he spoke in a painful stricken voice.

" Why are you crying Yu Haibara? "...

As Nanami heard the sound of crying, back in Shibuya, Yuji Itadori, could be seen scratching the ground, while crying, questioning why he existed. Yuji's soul was close to broken until suddenly he stopped crying and rose to his feet, with a face filled with hatred. He stared at the massive crater in front of him. Until he spoke, in a low-pitched voice. 

" I need to fight... If I don't, I will just be a murderer. ". 

Right after Yuji said this, he started to walk, aimlessly trying to find a curse to battle. Only a few minutes away from Yuji. Mute could be seen, walking through a street. He had just seen the massive explosion stemming from Sukuna's flame arrow and figured that the battle was finally over. 

Mute was now heading towards Kenjaku, his footsteps echoing out as he passed a vibrant red car. As he took a few more steps, a sudden figure leapt down from a rooftop, crashing onto the roof of the car behind him. A thick purple aura covered the figure, catching Mute's attention, who quickly snapped his head back, crossing his arms. Blocking a powerful kick.

The impact of the kick reverberated through Mute's arms, launching him off his feet and causing his body to collide with the road. Mute rolled to a stop under a dimly lit streetlight, while Hakari stared at him lying under a streetlight until suddenly, the light flickered and Mute's body vanished with the light. Hakari's eyes widened in surprise, but before he could fully comprehend what had happened, a sudden punch struck his jaw, distorting his face. The force of the blow propelled him off the car, causing him to crash into a nearby convenience store.

Mute stood atop the car its windows destroyed and its roof bent. Mute stared at the store, as Hakari laughed and spoke while rising to his feet. 

" What's wrong? The force of that punch was quite weak. " 

" Tsk, and here I thought, I was done killing special grades. How annoying. " Mute responded, his eyes emanating a killing aura. Hakari simply grinned in response to Mute's bloodlust, his confidence unwavering.

" What are you annoyed about? Isn't this the fair fight you wanted? It's just you and me," said Hakari stretching his right arm, with a smirk on his face. Mute just scoffed, before he leapt down from the car roof gently landing on the glass-covered road. Mute and Hakari locked eyes before they dashed at each other...


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