
Monas Arrives in Orsvald

"Argh!" A bulky man screamed as his arms got broken while his own blood flowed out before coiling around his neck and turning hard. The blood rope started constricting, slowly cutting off the blood and oxygen supply as the man's face became red. Slowly, he lost strength and fell down to his knees before finally falling down to the ground, dead.

All the blood that had flown out, as well as the blood that had gotten out of the bodies of his men, started levitating before going inside many bottles that had been prepared in the abandoned house the men used as a hideout.

'This should be enough for a while.' Lyle thought as he stared at the blood that was going inside the bottles. He spent a couple of more minutes inside the house, collecting all the blood that left the bodies before taking out a barrel and using his blood manipulation to control the blood that was inside.

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