
Pink and Diana's fight

Jacy nodded. "You've been killing Doyenne's girls for a while now… you killed two of her important girls recently and she's not pleased. Because you're Diana's friend, Doyenne believed that you can't hurt me because I'm Diana's person. I'm sure she thinks that you still have a soft spot for Diana." 

Pink flattened her lips, "What is Diana's state in the organization?" She asked. 

"I'm not sure I can tell you everything. Just know that she's losing her authority because she can't give the sisterhood a child–"


"I just said I can't –"

"Why?!!!" Pink thundered with anger radiating from her. 

Jacy flinched and stuttered, "O– oh, c– calm down," she swallowed her saliva and immediately started to confess. 

"Diana removed her womb after what you did to her–"

Pink's eyes dimmed and she swayed. She slowly lowered her gun as she stared at Jacy, lost for words for a long time before she gathered herself to ask, still, her voice broke. 

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