
An Eventful Night Out Part 3

"There's a shadow here." Dax whispered, not wanting the shadow to learn that he knew of its presence.

"Do you think it will attack?" Fey asked.

"I doubt it would attack you in a crowded place like this." Helen said.

"That's true." Dax replied. "Still, we can't leave it there, we need to get rid of it."

"We can't attack it either without drawing attention to ourselves." Helen said. "Remember we don't want anyone to know who you really are."

"Well, actually, I can kill it from afar." Dax explained. "No one would know it was me."

"You can?" Helen asked.

"Yeah, I have seen Daxy do it." Fey said. "That's how he took out the last two shadows that were after us."

"I wish they would just leave us alone for a while." Dax said. "Why are they increasing their attacks, you think they would retreat and replan their approach."

"Maybe it's just trying to follow us." Fey said.

"Maybe." Dax said.

"Which table is it at?" Helen asked, as she looked around. She wanted to get a visual on it.

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