
Traitorous Monsters

Some distance away from the formation wall of the B rank zone, around ten B+ rank orcs were standing in a circle, surrounding a single black coloured humanoid figure.

Just now these orcs noticed this black coloured monster is actually killing her own brothers and sisters instead of those humans.

Seeing what this black coloured monster was doing they surrounded it in order to avenge their fallen brothers and sisters.

The black coloured figure was obviously Elysia who was killing monsters to collect cores.

But unfortunately, she was caught red handed by these ten orcs.

She tried to act innocent after being caught, but the blood of the last orc she killed was still fresh on the red spear she was holding.

Seeing all the orcs were looking at the spear in her hand Elysia knew she is busted!

If someone looks from a distance they will think that these ten orcs are some thugs bullying an innocent girl.


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