
Going to School Together and Making a Debut

"Amane, wake up please."

There was a gentle voice calling his name.

In the midst of a comfortable slumber, he answered the

soft whispering voice with a short "Mm," raised his heavy

eyelids, and slowly opened his eyes.

The blurry figure of a lovely girl appeared before him,

faintly illuminated by the sunlight streaming in through the


She seemed to have put one knee up on the bed to shake

him awake and was leaning forward, her hemp-colored hair

cascading around her like wisteria vines that swayed with

her every movement.


"Yes. Good morning."

When he called out her name to confirm it was her, she

nodded and answered in a familiar voice.

Amane didn't think he'd overslept, so he was having a

little trouble figuring out why Mahiru was in his bedroom.

She was there as if it was the most natural thing in the

world, further deepening his confusion. "…Morning. Why are you here?"

"Don't you remember what we talked about yesterday?"

Mahiru frowned slightly.

"Yesterday?" he replied, then recalled their exchange from

the previous evening.

"Beginning this Monday, could we start walking to school


Mahiru had brought up the question as they were parting

on Sunday night.

She'd looked up at him uneasily, fidgeting as if she

couldn't settle down, which made him a little nervous, too.

Mahiru had probably spoken cautiously in order to see

whether Amane was planning to conceal their relationship.

They had already talked it over and decided to go public, but

she still seemed worried about it.

As far as Amane was concerned, they had basically

confessed their love to the world already, so he hadn't even

considered keeping it a secret. Rather, he fully intended to

tell people they were dating now.

"Yeah, sure."


"What would I get out of lying?"

When she had heard Amane's answer, the tinge of anxiety

in Mahiru's eyes disappeared, replaced by shades of delight. Amane's heart fluttered when he'd heard her whisper

bashfully, "I've always wanted to walk to school together,"

but she hadn't seemed to notice his agitation.

"All right, then, I'll come over to your place in the

morning," she'd said brightly. "While we're at it, we may as

well eat breakfast together."

"Oh, sweet. I get to eat Mahiru's cooking first thing in the


"It's just going to be leftovers… Is it all right if I make you

a lunch box, too?"

"I would like nothing better."

Amane would have been perfectly content with the

breakfasts that Mahiru made, so he couldn't help but feel

delighted for a chance to eat her cooking at lunch, too.

The thought that she wouldn't have to restrain herself in

front of other people anymore had Mahiru beaming with

happiness, and Amane was glad to see that whenever she'd

looked at him. At the same time, it made him feel a bit


We'll start going together tomorrow, huh?

Up to that point, he had been staggering his commutes in

order to avoid giving anyone clues about his relationship

with Mahiru.

But going forward, that would no longer be necessary.

Being open about their relationship at school was sure to

make others jealous of him, which was worrying, but the most important thing was that it would make Mahiru happy.

Being by her side was enough for him.

Amane gazed at Mahiru, who was smiling happily, and

mumbled quietly, "I guess I've got my work cut out for me."


As his brain fog started to clear, Amane groaned a little

when he remembered their conversation from the previous


He wasn't opposed to the idea, but seeing Mahiru first

thing in the morning surprised him and made him forget.

Mahiru watched Amane's reaction with an exasperated


But she didn't seem that irritated, rather she looked

amused to be chiding Amane for his hopelessness, so Amane

pouted his lips in apology.

"Good grief, you're so forgetful… Well, go on—get dressed

and wash your face."


Mahiru was probably going to prepare their meals while

he did that.

Suppressing a yawn, Amane got up out of bed and took off

the shirt he was wearing. He heard a sudden shriek from

right beside him. "Hyah!"

He tossed his shirt on the bed, then looked at Mahiru,

who had her eyes firmly closed and was trembling. Her cheeks were red.

"L-listen, I told you this before, but please don't change in

front of me," she said, clearly agitated from seeing him take

off his shirt.

Amane couldn't help but smile wryly.

"I'm a guy, so I don't really mind if you see me."

"Well, I do…"

"Look, I'm not trying to show off or anything, and I'm not

going to tell you that you have to get used to it or whatever,

but we won't be able to go to a lot of summer staples like the

pool if you let this bother you."

Amane wondered how Mahiru had gotten by up until

now, since she was apparently not accustomed to seeing

boys' bodies… But since she didn't know how to swim, she

had probably always come up with some reason or another

to sit out of swim classes at school.

Amane couldn't imagine Mahiru, who was so serious by

nature, skipping a class, but since she really didn't know

how to swim, and had purposely chosen a high school where

swimming wasn't a required subject, she must have

managed somehow.

They had talked about possibly visiting the pool over the

summer, which would be difficult if she was overly

conscious. Actually, at the pool, all the boys would be half

naked. Amane was starting to worry if she would be able to

take it.

"Uh… I—I can handle it…," Mahiru responded, almost groaning, in a feeble voice. She must have also been selfconscious about her reaction. Then she timidly opened her

eyes and looked at Amane's body.

Almost on the verge of tears and shaking, with a brightred face, Mahiru groaned after peering at his upper half.

Frankly, Amane didn't think he made for a particularly

salacious tableau. He'd been exercising more and adding to

his training regimen in an effort to become a better match

for Mahiru. Compared to when they'd first met, his figure

was much more robust. Faint bulges of muscle were just

starting to show on his body. But it wasn't something so

impressive as to force Mahiru to avert her eyes.

…If she can't get used to this, it's going to mean trouble

when we go all the way.

Amane figured that was probably a long way off, but it

would still pose some difficulty if their relationship was

going to develop past a certain point.

But Amane was positive that he would also freeze in his

tracks if he ever saw Mahiru similarly exposed, so it was

probably going to be an issue for both of them.

Amane's own face was now red, as he imagined

impossible scenarios, so he spoke to Mahiru, whose face was

just as flushed. "…Uh, so, um… Would you please go make


"Yeah, I think I'll do that," she replied, scampering out of

the room as fast as she could.

After Mahiru was gone, Amane banged his head on the

nearest wall and let out a small groan. "What was she thinking, so early in the morning?"

Amane stared into the mirror. The person staring back

seemed unfamiliar somehow.

Even though he was dressed in his school uniform as

usual, Amane looked like a different person from the neck

up. Or rather, he looked like a version of himself that he only

ever showed Mahiru—a version that seemed out of place in

his uniform.

Sweeping back his black bangs, Amane teased and

adjusted his hair with his fingertips. He knew he had it easy

compared to girls his age, since he didn't have to apply

makeup or anything, but even so, he wasn't used to carefully

arranging his hair like this.


A voice called out to him from behind.

Reflected in the mirror was Mahiru, who had finished

getting ready to leave for school and had come to summon

Amane from the sink.

When he turned around and looked straight at her, he saw

that she had a slightly clouded expression.

"What's the matter?" he asked.

"…Don't you hate that?"

"Hate what?"

"…That hairstyle?" "Oh, that."

She broached the topic with some hesitation, and her

words made Amane worry.

Mahiru seemed anxious about Amane admitting to being

her "mystery man." He'd always rejected the idea of styling

his hair this way before going to school.

As far as Amane was concerned, however, he'd taken the

time to dress himself up because he'd wanted to. It would

have been a lie to say he didn't feel at least a little nervous,

but since he had resolved to stand confidently by Mahiru's

side, he wanted to go with a look that wouldn't make her

embarrassed to be seen with him.

He wasn't necessarily going to stand out as some hunk,

but this look had gotten the seal of approval from Itsuki and

Yuuta. For now, Amane was just hoping nobody would

question Mahiru's tastes in men.

"Not really; I don't hate it. Do you?" he asked.

"…I don't hate it, but…I'm just feeling a bit conflicted."


"…I might have a hard time keeping you all to myself."

Mahiru looked undeniably sweet as she bashfully

mumbled those charming words. Amane gave a little smile

and gently stroked her head, being careful not to muss her


"Well, why not enjoy having me to yourself while you still

can?" "…I think I will."

Honestly, he had meant it as a joke, but Mahiru nodded

obediently and pressed herself against Amane's chest.

He had never expected her to agree, and he cringed a little

when he realized he had said something that sounded

presumptuous, but his lips curled naturally into a smile as

he felt her forehead against his body.

There was nothing strange about his hand moving on its

own to stroke her hair, in response to her overwhelming


Mahiru was about one head shorter than him and had her

face buried in his chest, clutching the fabric of his shirt so he

couldn't pull away.

But when she glanced up at him, she looked somehow


"…You're really cool, so I feel like lots of other girls are

going to talk to you. I'm happy they'll see you for what you

really are, but…"

"Leaving aside whether I'm actually cool or not, do you

think I have eyes for anyone other than you?"

"No, I don't, but it's an emotional issue."


When Amane asked this without thinking, Mahiru's

cheeks instantly flushed, but she affirmed his guess with a

meek yes before rubbing her forehead into his chest again. She must have been really embarrassed. Even her ears,

peeking out from her flaxen hair, were a deep red.

"It's all right. Even if another girl does talk to me, I'm not

interested in anyone but you, Mahiru."

He knew that probably wasn't enough to quell her anxiety,

but Amane really didn't think about other girls in a romantic

way. His attention would not be diverted so long as he had

this beloved girlfriend who was burning with adorable


Amane was naturally apathetic toward unfamiliar people

anyway, so he was confident he wouldn't even take notice of

any other girls. And the type of girl who would suddenly

show interest in him because of his new appearance was the

kind he didn't want to get to know in the first place.

"…I know that. That's why I'm reminding you of my

feelings, so there's no opening for someone to take

advantage of."

"Just don't get carried away… I don't want to let other

people see too many of your cute faces."

"…You're so quick to say things like that!"

Flustered by Mahiru's sudden burst of inexplicable anger,

Amane tried to soothe her by stroking her hair, but she beat

playfully at his chest.

"When you say things like that so casually, I just can't take

it," she exclaimed.

"What does that mean?" "It's bad for my heart."

"Hey, that's my line… And anyway, you're one to talk.

Sometimes I feel like I might die, because you fawn all over

me so naturally."

It was actually Mahiru who, along with her propensity for

touching him, had the highest destructive power.

The feeling of her soft body, the way her scent hung in the

air, and how she always gently smiled at him meant that

Amane's heart was always beating fast, like he was

constantly sprinting.

He could feel his heart thumping loudly from Mahiru's

loveliness. She must have noticed it, too, with her face

buried in his chest.

"…I always suspected that a surprise attack would be

more effective," Mahiru mumbled quietly as she pressed her

cheek tightly against his chest. "…But your heart is really

pounding hard, so as of today, I'm convinced of it," she

whispered, seeming very satisfied to know she had made his

heart race, and brushed her cheek against him.

The action was so sweet that Amane nearly groaned again.

He told himself to get a grip and stroked Mahiru's hair as a

way of redirecting the urges that arose inside of him.

After about five minutes, Mahiru seemed to be energized.

Seeing her flushed cheeks and watery eyes made Amane's

heart ache, but Mahiru appeared content, so he sequestered

his impatient feelings down deep in his chest.

"Well, should we get going?" Despite the morning distractions, they would be on time

for school, as they had given themselves plenty of time to

prepare. Even so, Amane wanted to leave soon, and when he

said so, Mahiru put on a smile and answered, "Yes." Her

skin was glowing.

It's only morning, and I'm already exhausted…

Amane didn't dislike the show of affection—actually, it

was just the opposite; he was so pleased by it that he was

wearing himself out by exercising all his self-restraint. If it

had been the weekend, he would have indulged Mahiru

further, but they had school, so he was unable to do as he


Mahiru didn't appear to have noticed Amane's

exhaustion. She seemed to be bursting with energy.

Even though he was a little tired from the morning's

various tribulations, it wasn't a bad sort of tiredness. Amane

smiled wryly, picked up his school bag, and he and Mahiru

stepped out the door together.

Feeling some strangely deep emotions about leaving the

house in school uniforms together for the first time, Amane

locked the door and looked over at Mahiru. She was

fidgeting nervously.

Her hand was still gripping the hem of his shirt.

"…Want to hold hands?"


He had apparently guessed correctly. Looking at the

bashful Mahiru, he grumbled quietly, "You're so cute, damn," then casually took her backpack and slung it over his

own shoulder. With the opposite hand, he intertwined his

own fingers with Mahiru's.

She immediately looked up at him with eyes that said she

hadn't meant to make him carry her bag, but he whispered,

"I'm your boyfriend now, so you should let me do things like

this for you."

Mahiru pressed her lips tightly together in an adorable

expression of acceptance.

"You know, it feels kind of embarrassing to hold hands

like this again," Amane said.

They were leaving the apartment building and walking

their normal route to school, but they hadn't held hands like

this since their Golden Week outing, so there was a slight

awkwardness to it.

Rather than simply being her escort, Amane entwined his

fingers with Mahiru's, holding her hand in a gesture of

loving intimacy. They had held hands many times before,

but never like this, so he was naturally quite nervous.

He was worried about whether he was squeezing her hand

too tightly, or if his sweaty palms were making her

uncomfortable, but when he glanced over at Mahiru, she was

smiling cheerfully.

"It feels a little embarrassing, but I'm happy," she said.


"I've been wanting to go to school like this for a long time.

And finally being able to do that… I'm just…so happy." Walking to school side by side was such a trivial thing. But

apparently it was something Mahiru had been eagerly

anticipating, and her expression looked brighter than usual.

"And does that have much to do with me?"

Mahiru relaxed into a smile and mumbled timidly, "S-sure

it does… Because being with you is the reason why I'm


"…I see."

Amane felt his chest growing gradually hot as he realized

just how much she liked him.

He had been trying his best not to let his timidness show

on his face, but Mahiru seemed to notice, and her happy

smile broadened.

"So from now on, I'm going to be happy every day… I'm a

lucky girl."

"I feel like I should be the one saying that sort of thing."

"Well then, we're both happy, and that's cause for

celebration, don't you agree? We can finally enjoy it."

Mahiru giggled and leaned in close.

Taking care not to disturb Mahiru, Amane subtly shifted

so that there was still some room between them. With his

free hand, he gave her a pat on the head.

Although he had gotten used to walking while holding

hands, Amane was still uncomfortable getting too close in

public. Of course, he was glad to be near his girlfriend, but

he was worried about how it must look to other people if the two of them were too affectionate so early in the morning.

Trying not to let his uncertainty show on his face, Amane

squeezed Mahiru's dainty hand tightly, and they walked to

school with their arms pressed against each other.

It was the time of day where people would be commuting

to work or school, so there were a lot of students and people

in suits around. Amane was bothered by the thought that

they were all looking at them.

The closer they got to school, the more he felt like people

were staring.

"I can feel their eyes on us," Amane grumbled exhaustedly

in spite of himself.

They received a lot of different looks. Some people must

have been wondering who the boy walking hand in hand

with Mahiru was. Others were looking at the couple with

jealousy or envy in their eyes.

And while Amane had expected as much, actually

experiencing it was more uncomfortable than he had

imagined. At least not everybody who looked their way

seemed to disapprove, but as someone who had been

perfectly happy living a quiet, inconspicuous life, he was

certainly feeling unsettled.

"There's no helping it," Mahiru said. "At a glance, you

look like a changed man."

He and Mahiru, pressed close, were walking alongside

each other holding hands. Of course, calling attention to the

fact that they really were a couple was going to earn them

some stares from the other students on their way to school.But it was obvious that something had changed with Amane

since Sports Day, and although no one was asking who he

was out loud, they were watching with curious eyes.

"Do I really look that different?"

"Yes. How can I put it? You changed your hair, obviously,

but you're also standing up nice and straight, and you have a

confident expression, so the impression you make is

completely different."

"Sorry, I've always been a loser."

"Please don't put yourself down… You've always been

different. I like both versions of you, but I hate the Amane

who belittles himself."

"I'll be careful from now on; I don't like hearing that you

hate me."

"Very good."

Mahiru gave Amane a satisfied smile, and even more

stares came their way.

This time, some of them gave more menacing looks,

which made Amane's cheek twitch slightly, but they

disappeared as soon as Mahiru flashed a first-rate angelic

smile at the onlookers.

In some senses, the angel, unfazed by the attention of the

crowds, was the stronger of the two of them.

Amane adjusted his grip on Mahiru's hand and looked

straight ahead. He could still feel the prickle of staring eyes.

They would arrive at school very soon, which meant even more people would be looking. Amane's shoulders began to

ache a little.

"If this is how people are staring now, it's gonna be really

annoying once we're in the classroom."

"Better come to terms with it… Or are you saying you hate


"I don't hate it. After all, I decided to change."

When Mahiru had confessed her feelings, Amane had

known he was going to have to change his life for the better.

He'd already made up his mind to improve himself so he

could be the kind of guy who was good enough to be

Mahiru's boyfriend—and a version of himself that he

wouldn't be ashamed of.

Amane readied himself, feeling a slight stomachache

coming on. He couldn't let himself slack off; he had to

become someone worthy of her.

"…Is that so?" Mahiru murmured, squeezing his fingers


"Huh? Mahiru?"

Amane noticed Mahiru's ears had gone slightly red, and

he was about to point that out when a familiar, cutesy voice

called out from behind. They turned around and saw

Chitose, blinking dramatically in surprise.

Wearing an expression that could best be described as

dazed, Chitose looked Mahiru over, then shifted her gaze to

examine Amane. Chitose noticed their interlocked hands and smiled in

satisfaction, "Aha!" She trotted up to them and slapped

Amane on the back enthusiastically. "Good morning! So you

finally decided to make an appearance, mystery man?"

"Shut up."

"Morning, Mahiru! I see everything went well!"

Chitose looked like she was in a great mood as she

slapped him again, fairly hard, with a wide smile.

So far they had only gotten looks of curiosity and jealousy,

so Amane's chest warmed just a little at this expression of

pure goodwill.

"Congratulations, Mahiru! I guess there was some use in

me always looking out for you!"

"I used your advice for all sorts of things."

"Sure did! Like what to do when Amane was being so

obtuse, and so on."


"W-well, you were really slow to realize…"

He wasn't able to make much of a counterargument.

It was his own fault for stubbornly failing to pick up on

the signals she had been sending out the whole time, so it

was no wonder she had consulted with Chitose.

"Well, it is Amane we're talking about, after all," Chitose

said as she looked him over again. He wasn't too happy about that appraisal. Chitose examined him closely,

probably because it was the first time she had ever seen him

style his hair properly."Wow, even so, I think this is the first time I've ever seen

Amane all dressed up like Mahiru's mystery man!"

"…What did you call me?"

"That's what Itsuki and Yuuta called it. Mm-hmm, you

know, you're not at Itsuki's level, but you still look pretty


Chitose smiled again and whacked him on the back. It was

her way of showing that she cared. Amane took this as

encouragement—and reassurance that he was the same as

always even if his outward appearance had changed—and his

lips curled slightly upward.

"So as far as you're concerned, Itsuki's number one,


"Of course he is! And you're Mahiru's number one, so no

complaints, right?"

"All right, as long as I'm in that position, I'm happy."

Amane had no interest in becoming Chitose's number

one. He was perfectly satisfied so long as Mahiru said he was

the most important person to her.

He glanced over at Mahiru, who was still holding his

hand. She put her face close to his arm and whispered

quietly, "…Amane is my number one." Maybe she was

slightly embarrassed to announce it in front of Chitose—her

cheeks flushed a bit.

"The blushing maiden! You're so cute, Mahiru. If Amane

wasn't here, I'd give you a big hug and shower you with love."

"Yeah, yeah. That's not something to do on the way to

school; you can hug her all you want once we get to the


"Huh? Yay! Mahiru, I got permission from your

boyfriend! I'm gonna squeeze you tight later!"

"Ah, o-okay, sure, just—be gentle…?"

Mahiru nodded with bewilderment once it was somehow

decided that she was going to get hugged, and Chitose

started walking along beside her, grinning from ear to ear.

She was probably eager to congratulate Mahiru.

Satisfied that the two of them were getting along

harmoniously, Amane turned away and started to look


There were more eyes on them than ever before.

…Bet we're going to be hit with a barrage of questions

when we get to the classroom.

Amane smiled bitterly but made sure the two girls

wouldn't see it, as he imagined what would be coming soon

in several minutes under a deluge of stares.

Once they made it to the school building, they were met

with even more looks, and even though Chitose was by their

side, the sight of Amane and Mahiru holding hands and

walking down the hall naturally attracted a lot of attention.

Chitose reacted nonchalantly, "Whoa, you're really the

center of attention." But Amane wasn't accustomed to all the staring.

Mahiru strolled along confidently, accustomed to drawing

people's gazes. Their tightly clasped hands were in full view

—and the walk to the classroom was something like a public


As they proceeded down the hallway, Amane could hear


"The angel is with a guy…"

"Shiina looks different than usual…"

"Was there always a guy like that here?! That's a different

guy from the one at Sports Day, isn't it…?"

Of course, Amane was actually the same boy who Mahiru

had pointed out as her important person on Sports Day.

Mahiru didn't respond to any of their comments, but she

did show her sweet, angelic smile to everyone around them.



"We'll arrive soon. Are you doing all right?"

Mahiru posed the question as they approached their


"We're already showing off that we're dating, and I've

prepared myself. I'll be fine."

"…Is that so?" "Everyone's gonna be so surprised!" Chitose interrupted.

"Imagine, Amane showing up all handsome the Monday

after Mahiru made that huge declaration. I was surprised,

too!" Chitose gave an easygoing smile.

Amane realized that he probably should have contacted

her and told her, as well as Itsuki and Yuuta, and felt slightly


He had put it off because he'd felt awkward about

announcing that he and Mahiru had started dating, but

looking back, he was sure he ought to have informed the

friends who had been looking out for them first.



"Sorry, um, for not letting you know."

"Nah, you got together after Sports Day was over, right? I

figured the two of you were busy making out, plus you're the

type who would rather tell us face-to-face and not over text

messages, so don't worry about it!"

Amane had mixed feelings about Chitose's certainty that

they had been "busy making out," but it was true that the

two of them had spent the previous day snuggled up

together, thinking of nothing else.

Besides, as Chitose had said, Amane had wanted to

personally share the news with his friends who had looked

out for them in various ways rather than over the phone.

And Chitose had figured it out before he'd said anything and

run up to tease them, so it was less of an announcement and

more like she was just confirming it was real. "…Thank you."

"My pleasure! Heh-heh, you should have a little more

respect for me; it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that I

was a central figure in hooking you two up!"

"Ha-ha. Allow me to repay the great Chitose with a crepe

from that place you like in front of the station sometime."

"I accept your offer!"

As Amane engaged in some banter with Chitose, he and

Mahiru arrived at the door to their classroom.

"Ah, good morning, Shii…na?"

The first to notice them were some girls who were

hanging out nearby.

They were sitting on their desks, talking excitedly about

something, but they looked up when they realized Mahiru

had entered the room…then noticed Amane holding her


Their eyes traveled from the clasped hands to Amane's


The looks on the girls' faces showed that they were

wondering who he was.

That wasn't surprising, Amane had never dressed up in

front of his classmates before. Some of the girls in class had

probably seen him around town, but the Amane Fujimiya

they knew from school had never looked like that, so in their

eyes, he must have seemed like a stranger. However, the incident at Sports Day the week before,

where Mahiru made it public that Amane was her

"important person," was still fresh in everybody's minds.

And Amane had also admitted to being the guy they'd seen

with Mahiru during Golden Week.

If they put a little thought into it, they should have been

able to make the connection that the young man currently

holding hands with Mahiru was indeed Amane.

Before they had completed the mental calculus needed to

reach that conclusion, Amane let go of Mahiru's hand and

put his bag down on his desk.

He did it to show everyone very clearly who he was.

Once they realized, the classroom became quieter than

usual. Even the classmates who were usually bursting with

conversation had their eyes trained on Amane.

"Good morning, Fujimiya."

Just as the silence was starting to feel awkward, Yuuta

and Itsuki approached Amane, wearing their usual smiles.

He was suddenly extremely grateful for his two friends,

who not only recognized him but greeted him like they

always did.

"Mornin', guys."

"What's going on, Amane? Did you finally accept your


"Come on, Yuuta, that's no way to put it… It's more like,

he caught her, but he got caught as well." Amane had consulted with the two of them many times.

And Itsuki had been the first one to recognize that he had

feelings for Mahiru. The two boys had been able to tell what

was going on the instant Amane and Mahiru had walked into

the classroom holding hands, especially with Amane having

styled his hair in what they had named his "mystery man"


"Congratulations, Fujimiya. We've only become friends

recently, so I can't say it's actually been that long, but I was

starting to get impatient. I'm excited that it's finally


"You don't know the half of it, Yuuta! I've been looking

out for him for like half a year. There's a limit to how much a

guy can take, waitin' on this coward!"

"Oh, well, I'm sooo sorry to make you two wait," Amane

answered sarcastically.

Itsuki nodded seriously and mumbled, "It took you long

enough." It seemed like his friend might have actually gotten

rather emotional after watching Amane and Mahiru dance

around each other for the past six months.

For better or worse, Itsuki had helped Amane and pushed

him along—more accurately, kicked him forward—so Amane

was grateful. Itsuki had been a little too meddlesome

sometimes, but even so, he had always been there to

encourage Amane whenever he was at a standstill. Among

all their friends, Itsuki was probably the one who was most

invested in their new relationship.

"So you made up your mind to go with that look, huh?"

"Yeah." "Man, it seems weird; I'm not used to seeing you done up

like that."

"You're right. I only got to see it the other day."

Yuuta had seen Amane dressed up for Golden Week

almost a month ago. But that had been the only time, so

Amane wasn't surprised that his friends weren't used to it

yet. The only one who was used to it was Mahiru.

Speaking of Mahiru, Chitose was hanging all over her,

rubbing her head teasingly as their other classmates shuffled

over to swarm around them. Amane was some distance

away, but the classroom was so quiet that he could hear

what they were asking her. Even if he hadn't, though, he

could have guessed what they were discussing.

"Hey, Fujimiya!"

As Amane was staring sympathetically in Mahiru's

direction, someone else called his name.

When he turned toward the voice, several girls had

surrounded him. They were looking him over, not even

attempting to hide the immense curiosity in their eyes.

Amane wasn't very good at dealing with the opposite sex,

so situations like this had always been bad for his stomach.

However, he had been steeling himself for something like

this to happen, so he answered without letting his inner

thoughts show.

"…What is it?"

"Wow, it really is Fujimiya! You look a bit different, so we

were surprised!" "Yeah, this is a totally new look!"

"It really is! Before, you were pretty plain!"

"Whoa, it's rude to call him plain."

"Ah, sorry, Fujimiya."

"It's fine; you're not wrong," Amane said with a wry smile.

He was almost overwhelmed by the energy of the girls but

tried his best not to get swept away.

What they were saying was the truth, so he didn't argue

back or get angry about it. He was the one who chose to be

plain, and personality-wise, he had never wanted to stand

out, so in class, he had remained the quiet person who was

always just kind of there.

Anyone in this class would have viewed him as reserved

and unremarkable.

That had suddenly changed, so it was understandable

there was some confusion.

"You really committed to a new style, huh?" one of the

girls asked.

"Guess so," he answered. "Is it weird?"

"Not at all! I think you look much better."

"Actually, you're hot now; I was surprised!"

"Well, if you think so, then it must have been worth the


All their compliments made Amane feel pretty embarrassed, but it wouldn't do him any good to disagree—

he had learned that being too humble could become a toxic

habit over time, so he gratefully accepted the compliments.

He nodded, trying his best to maintain a gentle

expression, and the girls laughed like they were enjoying


"Hey, hey, can I ask you one thing?"

"As long as it's something I can answer, go ahead," he


Finally, here it comes.

It was a question someone was bound to ask sooner or

later, so he planned to answer now, to make the situation


The rest of their classmates seemed to be straining their

ears to hear, so if he made the announcement here, it was

sure to circulate throughout the school.

"Are you and Mahiru dating? I heard you came to school

holding hands today…"

"Yes, we started dating last week. Thanks for asking."

When he clearly affirmed their suspicions, a chorus of

shrill shrieks filled the room. He thought he could also hear

the boys behind him making noises of despair and

resentment, but he ignored them.

At any rate, he was sure the boys would have their own

questions later, so Amane decided he would deal with them

then."Wha—? How did you get with Shiina…?"

"We've shared a connection since last year. We just

naturally became close. Right, Mahiru?"


Mahiru approached with a smile. That didn't mean that

the barrage of questions was over, but maybe she had

concluded that it would speed things along if the girls saw

her conversing with Amane.

She moved over next to him and stood close enough that

it was hard to tell if they were touching, then flashed a lovely

smile at the girls who had been interrogating him.

"It's difficult to explain, but all sorts of things happened

between us, and we became a couple. My feelings had been

unrequited for a long time, so I'm very, very happy… So I

was sort of bragging. That's why we came in holding hands."

Just like when they were walking to school, Mahiru placed

her hand on Amane's, and he smiled slightly and squeezed

her hand.

"Actually, I think I was the one who fell for you first,"

Amane said.

"Oh, I'm sure I was first," Mahiru teased. "Well, in either

case, you took forever to confess."

"I do regret that; I feel sorry about it. But I've made my

intentions clear, so please forgive me."

"…I believe I was the one who took the first step, though." "Next time, I'll be sure to do it right."

"Do what, exactly?"

"…I…uh…guess we'll see."

If Mahiru was thinking about what the next step in their

relationship might be, she didn't show it… She just acted like

it was a mystery.

Amane had something in mind, but it wasn't the kind of

thing he was going to say out loud. He didn't even feel like

he was old enough for something so serious just yet, so he

tucked the thought away in a far corner of his mind. Amane

was certain his feelings for Mahiru would never fade or

change, no matter how many years went by. He intended to

be the one to ask her, when the time was right, so he decided

that the whole matter could wait.

Mahiru gave Amane a dissatisfied look when he dodged

her question, but he stroked her hair, and she seemed to be


"…You're avoiding the issue again."

"I'll say it someday; be patient."

"Always making me wait."

She sounded disappointed, but her expression was one of

pure delight.

But then she seemed to realize something, and she quickly

covered her face with her hands as she flushed bright red.

Amane wondered what had caused her to do that, but when

he looked around the room, he saw their classmates staring,


They were all staring at Amane and Mahiru.


Sure, he had been meaning to show off his relationship

with Mahiru and cement his standing as her boyfriend, but

he hadn't meant for them to have the kind of conversation

they usually had at home in front of everybody.

Out of habit, he patted her head without thinking, and it

was easy to see what their classmates thought of him

touching her like that.

"…Watch out, Amane—you're flirting, and you don't even

realize it."

Even Itsuki was telling him to dial it back—and he was

one half of the original "cringe couple."

Flustered, Amane removed his hand from Mahiru's head

and bit down on his lip in an attempt to keep his cheeks

from heating up.

In the blink of an eye, news that Amane and Mahiru had

started dating spread throughout the school. For better or

worse, thanks to some gossipy classmates and their display

of affection on the way to school, the rumors were


Whenever Amane walked down the hall, he would hear

people whispering, so he felt extremely uncomfortable.

"Well, I'm sure it'll die down in a few days," Makoto said,

gazing at the uproar, one step back from the crowd. "I'm sure it will." Kazuya nodded. "Ultimately, people get

bored of talking about the same thing over and over. And

something else will come along, and everyone will forget all

about it."

"I sure hope you're right," Amane groaned. "It's gonna be

awful if every day is like this."

Even during break times, people were whispering things

at a distance, and it really bothered him.

"Well, I'm sure the questions will stop eventually, but you

might find yourself getting swarmed for another reason soon

enough," Makoto said.

"Another reason?" Amane asked.

"I think you might be considered a hot commodity now."

"But I'm already taken."

He was already thinking about his future with Mahiru, so

even if another girl tried to catch his eye, he was sure

nothing would happen. Nobody could compete with Mahiru

for his attention. He couldn't imagine choosing anyone over


What Amane didn't want was for people to think he might

be insincere. The thought really bothered him.

"Well, there are times when love isn't logical."

"Hmm, it's rare to hear you say something like that,

Makoto," Kazuya remarked.

"How rude. You know, I bet it's impossible to ignore your feelings, if you really, really like someone, even if you know

they're already taken. Love is like a reflex, or something. Of

course, sometimes you can't act on that impulsiveness,

though," Makoto continued as he looked over at a group of

girls who were huddled together chatting, then sighed.

"Well, I don't think the two of you have anything to worry

about," he added.

"I agree," said Kazuya. "Flaunting it in front of everybody

the way that you two did will probably discourage anyone

else from trying. But you know, Amane, I never would have

thought you'd act like that in public."

"Please forget about that…!"

Amane was struck with embarrassment thinking about his

exchange with Mahiru that morning. They had been trying

to make it clear that they were together, but Amane had

certainly not meant to pat Mahiru's head or come as close as

he had to letting on that he was already thinking about


Mahiru had done her best to deflect the attention, but

Itsuki and Makoto had apparently noticed anyway. They'd

made some astonished remarks about how in love the couple

must be.

"Well, Amane, now everyone knows you're the only one

who gets to see that side of Shiina. That counts as a win, at


"…You're probably right, but even so, it's still pretty


"Says the guy who came to school holding her hand." "That's different," Amane insisted. That kind of thing was

a lot more mortifying when it was unintentional.

"Aw, you shouldn't feel down. Actually, I bet there are

some people who are grateful you made such a scene."


"Sure, the rest of the girls will be happy that all the boys

who had their eyes on Shiina will finally start looking


The thought had actually crossed Amane's mind already.

Not every girl in their class looked up to Mahiru. Amane

knew some of them had complicated feelings toward her, at

least in part because she monopolized the attention of the

boys in their class. Mahiru had always been single,

unattainable, and had shown no one any affection, but now

that she told everyone she had a special relationship with

Amane and made it clear that she didn't have eyes for

anyone else, some of the animosity the girls held toward her

seemed to have subsided.

"It must be hard for girls to deal with all that stuff,"

Amane remarked. "Well, now that that's settled, I hope

Mahiru can be just one of the girls. She felt so embarrassed

being called an angel; she honestly hated it."

"She really did hate that, huh?"

"Yeah, no surprise there. Even Yuuta makes a face when

you call him a prince."

In his heart, Amane said a little prayer for Yuuta, who

probably had the same problems as Mahiru. "…What are you guys talking about?" Mahiru was headed

their way. She must have finished her conversation with


Although it seemed like she hadn't heard what the boys

had been discussing, Mahiru saw that Amane was blushing

and realized someone must have reminded him of their

interaction that morning. She gave the three of them, Amane

included, a suspicious look.

"Oh, Shiina? We weren't discussing anything particularly

important. We were talking about how you're just one of the

girls now."

"And how on earth did you arrive at that topic…?" Mahiru


"Ah, well, um…," Amane stammered, "…we were just

talking about how everyone seems to have finally realized

that you're not some angel; you're just an ordinary girl."

Amane and the other boys explained their conversation to

Mahiru, putting aside what had happened that morning.

Mahiru nodded. "I see. You know, I was always aware that

some people…idolized me. So I'm sure what you said is

probably true," she said, keeping her voice down.

Makoto and Kazuya both made faces that said they

understood perfectly.

They had been friends with Yuuta for a long time, so they

most likely had seen all sorts of things along the way. They

probably had been concerned about Mahiru as well, who had

been going through almost the same sort of problems. "But I'm not really worried about what other people say

about me anymore," Mahiru added.

"Oh, really?"

"Nope… As long as I'm the only girl for Amane, nothing

else matters," she replied quietly.

Only Amane, Makoto, and Kazuya were close enough to

hear her.

But her words had been imbued with a great deal of

destructive power.

Amane wasn't the only one who was enchanted by

Mahiru's wide and bashful smile, with her slightly flushed


Makoto and Kazuya made noises of surprise, and the

other students who had been glancing at them occasionally

also stared at Mahiru with their mouths hanging open.

"Fujimiya, do something about your girlfriend…," his

friends groaned.

Amane knew they were right, but even so, he couldn't do

anything about the collateral damage, and anyway, he was

the one suffering the worst of it, so he was busy desperately

trying to calm down his pounding heart.

"…You're really in deep, huh?" Makoto murmured in


Her cheeks still bright red, Mahiru smiled even wider and


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