
Street fight in Silph co.

"I would like to have a chat with miss.Adams here-"

When the man said this the Galvantula formed a ball of electric energy sending it at Kenzo.

Blue, seeing this, quickly reacted by sending out his Rhydon to take the hit.

The recoil of the blast was so strong it blasted the windows but Rhydon came out unscathed.


We see the explosion from the outside and our concern only grows as we stare on.

Without saying a word I started to run in the direction of the explosion.

"Hey where are you going!?" Chloe shouted after me.

"People are in trouble and Blue might be there!" I shouted back, still running to the building.

Chloe tried to catch up to me.


"Impressive." The man applauded.

"As expected of the former champion."

"What are you doing here?" Blue said his voice was serious and his eyes glaring at the man.

"I'm just here to talk with miss. Adams, and you're in the way."

Aridos shot a spider web at Rhydon covering him completely soon after started to bounce in the air lunging in his direction.

Blue seeing this needed to quickly think of a way to retaliate.

"Rhydon, use horn drill." Rhydon, listening to his trainer's command, started to turn his horn so fast it could act like a drill and Aridos was heading straight for it.

Aridos was unable to dodge the attack and was caught.

The drill worked its way through the Aridos making a pile of legs and other parts fall to the floor.

Blood trickled down Rhydon's head as he switched his focus on his next opponent.

"Rhydon, use horn drill again!" Blue commanded and Rhydon charged at the Galvantula.

"Galvantula use Energyball." Galvantula without hesitation made a ball full of green energy and sent it flying at Rhydon who was in the middle of his attack and couldn't dodge.

The attack hit Rhydon sending him back a few steps and seemed to hurt alot.

"Rhydon use Icebeam!" Before Rhydon carried out the attack Blue turned to Kenzo and Prof. Adams.

"Get out of here!"

Prof.Adams looked confused because the only exit was being blocked by that guy.

"And how are we doing that??"

When she asked this question Blue threw out his pokeball and Alakazam came out ready for its command.

"Take these people out of here!" Blue commanded.

Alakazam nodded and teleported to another section of the building with Kenzo and Prof.Adams

"What the-, Why didn't you just teleport us out of the building??" Prof.Adams asked in a panic.

"Escape wont be that easy. Hehe"

Both Kenzo and Prof. Adams quickly looked at who said that and saw a man with long yellow hair did up in a bun and a bright smile. He wasn't wearing the same white robe as the others.

His robe was black and was short enough to count as a hoodie he had on cargo pants and dark blue eyes.

He playfully tossed a weird device up and down.

"You.." Prof.Adams said backing up.

The man just laughed and sent his pokeball out to the field.

A Crobat flew out of the ball and started attacking immediately.

"Alakazam do something!"

Alakazam tried teleporting again but they were sent to the same spot.

"I told you..escape won't be that easy…"

Before Alakazam got a chance to respond his head got cut off with a wing attack from the Crobat.

Alakazam's lifeless body fell to the floor and bled out while Kenzo and Prof.Adams stared in horror and fear.

"Crobat use wing attack again!" The Crobat used its wings to try and attack Kenzo and prof.Adams but Kenzo's pokeball opened and Oshawott came out and blocked the attack with a razor shell.

"Oshawott…" Kenzo said in disbelief.

Oshawott turned around and gave Kenzo a look that said "Tell me what to do." Kenzo picked up on this and walked up to Oshawott.

"Oshawott, use water pulse!"

Oshawott listened to his commands and sent a ball of water at Crobat.

The Crobat didn't have time to respond from how fast the ball was moving and was hit by the water pulse puncturing its wing and making it fall to the ground.

"Come on Crobat get up!" The man shouted at his battle partner.

Crobat slowly got up from the ground still unable to fly.

"Use sludge bomb!" the man commanded.

The Crobat followed through somehow and spat a mouth full of acid at Oshawott.

"Oshawott dodge it!" Kenzo commanded and he did just that.


Blue popped the collar of his leather jacket and continued to attack.

"Rhydon, use ice beam again!"

"Galvantula dodge it." The man calmly said.

Galvantula climbed on the wall to the top of the ceiling to dodge the attack in the enclosed space.

"Now Energy ball."

Galvantually did just what he was told, charging a ball of green energy before shooting it at Rhydon.

"Rhydon, use Ice Beam again!"

Rhydon shot a beam of ice straight at the Galvantula.

The Icebeam pierced through the energy ball so precisely it was split in half and the ice beam was still going after the Galvantula.

The attack landed knocking Galvantula off of the ceiling and slowly freezing him.

"Galvantula return." The man said.

"Heh- so, we're done here?" Blue said with a forced smile.

"No no no…we just got started." He threw his pokeball out onto the field and a Gengar appeared.

Blue sighed to himself, getting ready for the hardest battle he might have to face.


The Crobat struggled to complete its moves without its wing.

"Crobat use venoshock.." The guy said, his voice growing cold and monotone.

"You might want to help your pokemon, it's hurt!" Kenzo said as he watched the Crobat struggle to complete its move and land it.

"Don't give him advice!" Prof.Adams said in the background.

"Your right…" The man said.

He pulled out what looked to be his pokeball but..that wasn't it.


Gunshots fired and Kenzo watches on in horror.

The Crobat fell to the ground dead with bullet wounds in his skull.

The man said nothing, he just looked at the Crobat with a dead and cold glare.

"Useless…" He muttered.

Everyone in the room was speechless at what they just witnessed and the man did nothing but wiped the blood off his face and then put on that goofy smile once again.

"Now …how about we try that again?" He chuckled to himself.

"You're crazy…." Kenzo muttered, eyes still wide from shock.

He couldn't take his eyes off of Crobat's body….

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