
Come to me Celebi!!

This chapter begins a while back way before I even came to this world....

Celebi was running from The people in the white hood.

Being scared it went to the past, the grunts managed to chase after it using a weird device they got.

Celebi didn't know what else to do at this point; she was getting too tired to keep on running.

Until it bumped into another Celebi ...It's past self.

Confused for a while the Celebis interacted with each other trying to see if the other was real or not.

"I think it's over here!" hearing the sound of the grunts coming closer, Celebi from the future decided to keep running leaving the past Celebi behind and it ultimately being captured.

The Celebi from the future kept flying as fast as it could until it started to fade slowly.

Weakened and desperate for help, Celebi went into the past one last time.


"How could he!" a professor with black hair and blue eyes started to throw a tantrum tossing all of the papers on his desk to the floor.

"That damned backstabber! I swear if i see bill again I'll-" Before he got to finish his sentence a portal opened and Celebi fell to the ground fading slowly.

"Could it be…" The professor was in shock.

Immediately he picked up the tiny creature and stuck it inside of a pokeball preserving it for as long as he needed.

"Don't worry- i'll help you-"


It's a new day on Granite island. The tropical sun was shining like no other!

We all sat at the table eating breakfast- well only the three of us Misty went to the base early this morning and Bill is doing pokemon research.

We were talking about whatever came to our minds. It was fun. I wish everyday could be like this.

"Hey…i just realized something-" Both Jeffery and Chloe turned to me.

"What?" they both said.

"I never battled you before-" I said, stuffing my face with food.

"Let's battle right after breakfast!"

Chloe smiled.

"Ok you got it."

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